-- Logs begin at Sun 2024-05-12 07:38:00 CST, end at Tue 2024-05-14 17:27:25 CST. --
May 14 17:26:01 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetState
May 14 17:26:03 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: mpd , handleBrowseUri
May 14 17:26:03 localhost volumio[851]: info: CURURI: albums://
May 14 17:26:03 localhost volumio[851]: info: listAlbums - loading Albums from cache
May 14 17:26:04 localhost volumio[851]: info: Preload queue cleared
May 14 17:26:05 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: mpd , handleBrowseUri
May 14 17:26:05 localhost volumio[851]: info: CURURI: music-library
May 14 17:26:05 localhost volumio[851]: error: Failed LSINFO: null
May 14 17:26:06 localhost volumio[851]: info: Preload queue cleared
May 14 17:26:09 localhost volumio[851]: info:
May 14 17:26:09 localhost volumio[851]: ---------------------------- MPD announces system playlist update
May 14 17:26:09 localhost volumio[851]: info: Ignoring MPD Status Update
May 14 17:26:09 localhost volumio[851]: info:
May 14 17:26:09 localhost volumio[851]: ---------------------------- MPD announces state update: player
May 14 17:26:09 localhost volumio[851]: info: ControllerMpd::getState
May 14 17:26:09 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand status
May 14 17:26:09 localhost volumio[851]: info:
May 14 17:26:09 localhost volumio[851]: ---------------------------- MPD announces system playlist update
May 14 17:26:09 localhost volumio[851]: info: Ignoring MPD Status Update
May 14 17:26:09 localhost volumio[851]: info:
May 14 17:26:09 localhost volumio[851]: ---------------------------- MPD announces state update: player
May 14 17:26:09 localhost volumio[851]: info: ControllerMpd::getState
May 14 17:26:09 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand status
May 14 17:26:09 localhost volumio[851]: info:
May 14 17:26:09 localhost volumio[851]: ---------------------------- MPD announces system playlist update
May 14 17:26:09 localhost volumio[851]: info: Ignoring MPD Status Update
May 14 17:26:09 localhost volumio[851]: info:
May 14 17:26:09 localhost volumio[851]: ---------------------------- MPD announces state update: player
May 14 17:26:09 localhost volumio[851]: info: ControllerMpd::getState
May 14 17:26:09 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand status
May 14 17:26:09 localhost volumio[851]: info: ------------------------------ 4ms
May 14 17:26:09 localhost volumio[851]: info: sendMpdCommand status took 3 milliseconds
May 14 17:26:09 localhost volumio[851]: info: ------------------------------ 3ms
May 14 17:26:09 localhost volumio[851]: info: sendMpdCommand status took 2 milliseconds
May 14 17:26:09 localhost volumio[851]: info: ------------------------------ 2ms
May 14 17:26:09 localhost volumio[851]: info: sendMpdCommand status took 1 milliseconds
May 14 17:26:09 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseState
May 14 17:26:09 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand playlistinfo
May 14 17:26:09 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseState
May 14 17:26:09 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand playlistinfo
May 14 17:26:09 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseState
May 14 17:26:09 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand playlistinfo
May 14 17:26:09 localhost volumio[851]: info: sendMpdCommand playlistinfo took 1 milliseconds
May 14 17:26:09 localhost volumio[851]: info: sendMpdCommand playlistinfo took 1 milliseconds
May 14 17:26:09 localhost volumio[851]: info: sendMpdCommand playlistinfo took 1 milliseconds
May 14 17:26:09 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseTrackInfo
May 14 17:26:09 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseTrackInfo
May 14 17:26:09 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseTrackInfo
May 14 17:26:09 localhost volumio[851]: info: ControllerMpd::pushState
May 14 17:26:09 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState
May 14 17:26:09 localhost volumio[851]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0
May 14 17:26:09 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: STATE SERVICE {"status":"play","position":0,"seek":28733,"duration":0,"samplerate":"44.1 kHz","bitdepth":"24 bit","channels":2,"random":false,"updatedb":false,"repeat":false,"bitrate":"128 Kbps","isStreaming":false,"title":"Motorcycle - As The Rush Comes","artist":"CHILLOUT ANTENNE","album":null,"uri":"http://stream.antenne.de:80/chillout","trackType":""}
May 14 17:26:09 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: CURRENT POSITION 0
May 14 17:26:09 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::syncState stateService play
May 14 17:26:09 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::syncState currentStatus play
May 14 17:26:09 localhost volumio[851]: info: Received an update from plugin. extracting info from payload
May 14 17:26:09 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: albumart , getAlbumArt
May 14 17:26:09 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
May 14 17:26:09 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo
May 14 17:26:09 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
May 14 17:26:09 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
May 14 17:26:09 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
May 14 17:26:09 localhost volumio[851]: info: ControllerMpd::pushState
May 14 17:26:09 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState
May 14 17:26:09 localhost volumio[851]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0
May 14 17:26:09 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: STATE SERVICE {"status":"play","position":0,"seek":28733,"duration":0,"samplerate":"44.1 kHz","bitdepth":"24 bit","channels":2,"random":false,"updatedb":false,"repeat":false,"bitrate":"128 Kbps","isStreaming":false,"title":"Motorcycle - As The Rush Comes","artist":"CHILLOUT ANTENNE","album":null,"uri":"http://stream.antenne.de:80/chillout","trackType":""}
May 14 17:26:09 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: CURRENT POSITION 0
May 14 17:26:09 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::syncState stateService play
May 14 17:26:09 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::syncState currentStatus play
May 14 17:26:09 localhost volumio[851]: info: Received an update from plugin. extracting info from payload
May 14 17:26:09 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: albumart , getAlbumArt
May 14 17:26:09 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
May 14 17:26:09 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
May 14 17:26:09 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
May 14 17:26:09 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
May 14 17:26:09 localhost volumio[851]: info: ControllerMpd::pushState
May 14 17:26:09 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState
May 14 17:26:09 localhost volumio[851]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0
May 14 17:26:09 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: STATE SERVICE {"status":"play","position":0,"seek":28733,"duration":0,"samplerate":"44.1 kHz","bitdepth":"24 bit","channels":2,"random":false,"updatedb":false,"repeat":false,"bitrate":"128 Kbps","isStreaming":false,"title":"Motorcycle - As The Rush Comes","artist":"CHILLOUT ANTENNE","album":null,"uri":"http://stream.antenne.de:80/chillout","trackType":""}
May 14 17:26:09 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: CURRENT POSITION 0
May 14 17:26:09 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::syncState stateService play
May 14 17:26:09 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::syncState currentStatus play
May 14 17:26:09 localhost volumio[851]: info: Received an update from plugin. extracting info from payload
May 14 17:26:09 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: albumart , getAlbumArt
May 14 17:26:09 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
May 14 17:26:09 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
May 14 17:26:09 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
May 14 17:26:09 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
May 14 17:26:09 localhost volumio[851]: info: ------------------------------ 20ms
May 14 17:26:09 localhost volumio[851]: info: ------------------------------ 19ms
May 14 17:26:09 localhost volumio[851]: info: ------------------------------ 18ms
May 14 17:26:10 localhost volumio[851]: info: VolumeController::SetAlsaVolume58
May 14 17:26:10 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
May 14 17:26:10 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo
May 14 17:26:10 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
May 14 17:26:11 localhost volumio[851]: info: VolumeController::SetAlsaVolume48
May 14 17:26:11 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
May 14 17:26:11 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo
May 14 17:26:11 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
May 14 17:26:11 localhost volumio[851]: info: VolumeController::SetAlsaVolume48
May 14 17:26:11 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
May 14 17:26:11 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo
May 14 17:26:11 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
May 14 17:26:11 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetState
May 14 17:26:11 localhost volumio[851]: info: Listing playlists
May 14 17:26:11 localhost volumio[851]: info: Listing playlists
May 14 17:26:11 localhost volumio[851]: info: VolumeController::SetAlsaVolume38
May 14 17:26:11 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
May 14 17:26:11 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo
May 14 17:26:11 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
May 14 17:26:11 localhost volumio[851]: info: VolumeController::SetAlsaVolume38
May 14 17:26:11 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
May 14 17:26:11 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
May 14 17:26:12 localhost volumio[851]: info:
May 14 17:26:12 localhost volumio[851]: ---------------------------- MPD announces system playlist update
May 14 17:26:12 localhost volumio[851]: info: Ignoring MPD Status Update
May 14 17:26:12 localhost volumio[851]: info:
May 14 17:26:12 localhost volumio[851]: ---------------------------- MPD announces state update: player
May 14 17:26:12 localhost volumio[851]: info: ControllerMpd::getState
May 14 17:26:12 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand status
May 14 17:26:12 localhost volumio[851]: info:
May 14 17:26:12 localhost volumio[851]: ---------------------------- MPD announces system playlist update
May 14 17:26:12 localhost volumio[851]: info: Ignoring MPD Status Update
May 14 17:26:12 localhost volumio[851]: info:
May 14 17:26:12 localhost volumio[851]: ---------------------------- MPD announces state update: player
May 14 17:26:12 localhost volumio[851]: info: ControllerMpd::getState
May 14 17:26:12 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand status
May 14 17:26:12 localhost volumio[851]: info:
May 14 17:26:12 localhost volumio[851]: ---------------------------- MPD announces system playlist update
May 14 17:26:12 localhost volumio[851]: info: Ignoring MPD Status Update
May 14 17:26:12 localhost volumio[851]: info:
May 14 17:26:12 localhost volumio[851]: ---------------------------- MPD announces state update: player
May 14 17:26:12 localhost volumio[851]: info: ControllerMpd::getState
May 14 17:26:12 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand status
May 14 17:26:12 localhost volumio[851]: info: ------------------------------ 5ms
May 14 17:26:12 localhost volumio[851]: info: sendMpdCommand status took 4 milliseconds
May 14 17:26:12 localhost volumio[851]: info: ------------------------------ 4ms
May 14 17:26:12 localhost volumio[851]: info: sendMpdCommand status took 3 milliseconds
May 14 17:26:12 localhost volumio[851]: info: ------------------------------ 3ms
May 14 17:26:12 localhost volumio[851]: info: sendMpdCommand status took 2 milliseconds
May 14 17:26:12 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseState
May 14 17:26:12 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand playlistinfo
May 14 17:26:12 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseState
May 14 17:26:12 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand playlistinfo
May 14 17:26:12 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseState
May 14 17:26:12 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand playlistinfo
May 14 17:26:12 localhost volumio[851]: info: sendMpdCommand playlistinfo took 2 milliseconds
May 14 17:26:12 localhost volumio[851]: info: sendMpdCommand playlistinfo took 2 milliseconds
May 14 17:26:12 localhost volumio[851]: info: sendMpdCommand playlistinfo took 2 milliseconds
May 14 17:26:12 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseTrackInfo
May 14 17:26:12 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseTrackInfo
May 14 17:26:12 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseTrackInfo
May 14 17:26:12 localhost volumio[851]: info: ControllerMpd::pushState
May 14 17:26:12 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState
May 14 17:26:12 localhost volumio[851]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0
May 14 17:26:12 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: STATE SERVICE {"status":"play","position":0,"seek":30733,"duration":0,"samplerate":"44.1 kHz","bitdepth":"24 bit","channels":2,"random":false,"updatedb":false,"repeat":false,"bitrate":"128 Kbps","isStreaming":false,"title":"Motorcycle - As The Rush Comes","artist":"CHILLOUT ANTENNE","album":null,"uri":"http://stream.antenne.de:80/chillout","trackType":""}
May 14 17:26:12 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: CURRENT POSITION 0
May 14 17:26:12 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::syncState stateService play
May 14 17:26:12 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::syncState currentStatus play
May 14 17:26:12 localhost volumio[851]: info: Received an update from plugin. extracting info from payload
May 14 17:26:12 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: albumart , getAlbumArt
May 14 17:26:12 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
May 14 17:26:12 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
May 14 17:26:12 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
May 14 17:26:12 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
May 14 17:26:12 localhost volumio[851]: info: ControllerMpd::pushState
May 14 17:26:12 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState
May 14 17:26:12 localhost volumio[851]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0
May 14 17:26:12 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: STATE SERVICE {"status":"play","position":0,"seek":30733,"duration":0,"samplerate":"44.1 kHz","bitdepth":"24 bit","channels":2,"random":false,"updatedb":false,"repeat":false,"bitrate":"128 Kbps","isStreaming":false,"title":"Motorcycle - As The Rush Comes","artist":"CHILLOUT ANTENNE","album":null,"uri":"http://stream.antenne.de:80/chillout","trackType":""}
May 14 17:26:12 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: CURRENT POSITION 0
May 14 17:26:12 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::syncState stateService play
May 14 17:26:12 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::syncState currentStatus play
May 14 17:26:12 localhost volumio[851]: info: Received an update from plugin. extracting info from payload
May 14 17:26:12 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: albumart , getAlbumArt
May 14 17:26:12 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
May 14 17:26:12 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
May 14 17:26:12 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
May 14 17:26:12 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
May 14 17:26:12 localhost volumio[851]: info: ControllerMpd::pushState
May 14 17:26:12 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState
May 14 17:26:12 localhost volumio[851]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0
May 14 17:26:12 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: STATE SERVICE {"status":"play","position":0,"seek":30733,"duration":0,"samplerate":"44.1 kHz","bitdepth":"24 bit","channels":2,"random":false,"updatedb":false,"repeat":false,"bitrate":"128 Kbps","isStreaming":false,"title":"Motorcycle - As The Rush Comes","artist":"CHILLOUT ANTENNE","album":null,"uri":"http://stream.antenne.de:80/chillout","trackType":""}
May 14 17:26:12 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: CURRENT POSITION 0
May 14 17:26:12 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::syncState stateService play
May 14 17:26:12 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::syncState currentStatus play
May 14 17:26:12 localhost volumio[851]: info: Received an update from plugin. extracting info from payload
May 14 17:26:12 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: albumart , getAlbumArt
May 14 17:26:12 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
May 14 17:26:12 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
May 14 17:26:12 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
May 14 17:26:12 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
May 14 17:26:12 localhost volumio[851]: info: ------------------------------ 22ms
May 14 17:26:12 localhost volumio[851]: info: ------------------------------ 21ms
May 14 17:26:12 localhost volumio[851]: info: ------------------------------ 19ms
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: info:
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: ---------------------------- MPD announces system playlist update
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: info: Ignoring MPD Status Update
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: info:
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: ---------------------------- MPD announces state update: player
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: info: ControllerMpd::getState
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand status
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: info:
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: ---------------------------- MPD announces system playlist update
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: info: Ignoring MPD Status Update
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: info:
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: ---------------------------- MPD announces state update: player
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: info: ControllerMpd::getState
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand status
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: info:
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: ---------------------------- MPD announces system playlist update
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: info: Ignoring MPD Status Update
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: info:
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: ---------------------------- MPD announces state update: player
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: info: ControllerMpd::getState
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand status
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: info: ------------------------------ 3ms
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: info: sendMpdCommand status took 4 milliseconds
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: info: ------------------------------ 3ms
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: info: sendMpdCommand status took 3 milliseconds
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: info: ------------------------------ 2ms
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: info: sendMpdCommand status took 2 milliseconds
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseState
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand playlistinfo
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseState
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand playlistinfo
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseState
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand playlistinfo
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: info: sendMpdCommand playlistinfo took 2 milliseconds
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: info: sendMpdCommand playlistinfo took 2 milliseconds
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: info: sendMpdCommand playlistinfo took 1 milliseconds
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseTrackInfo
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseTrackInfo
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseTrackInfo
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: info: ControllerMpd::pushState
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: STATE SERVICE {"status":"play","position":0,"seek":32478,"duration":0,"samplerate":"44.1 kHz","bitdepth":"24 bit","channels":2,"random":false,"updatedb":false,"repeat":false,"bitrate":"128 Kbps","isStreaming":false,"title":"Motorcycle - As The Rush Comes","artist":"CHILLOUT ANTENNE","album":null,"uri":"http://stream.antenne.de:80/chillout","trackType":""}
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: CURRENT POSITION 0
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::syncState stateService play
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::syncState currentStatus play
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: info: Received an update from plugin. extracting info from payload
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: albumart , getAlbumArt
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: info: ControllerMpd::pushState
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: STATE SERVICE {"status":"play","position":0,"seek":32478,"duration":0,"samplerate":"44.1 kHz","bitdepth":"24 bit","channels":2,"random":false,"updatedb":false,"repeat":false,"bitrate":"128 Kbps","isStreaming":false,"title":"Motorcycle - As The Rush Comes","artist":"CHILLOUT ANTENNE","album":null,"uri":"http://stream.antenne.de:80/chillout","trackType":""}
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: CURRENT POSITION 0
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::syncState stateService play
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::syncState currentStatus play
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: info: Received an update from plugin. extracting info from payload
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: albumart , getAlbumArt
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: info: ControllerMpd::pushState
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: STATE SERVICE {"status":"play","position":0,"seek":32478,"duration":0,"samplerate":"44.1 kHz","bitdepth":"24 bit","channels":2,"random":false,"updatedb":false,"repeat":false,"bitrate":"128 Kbps","isStreaming":false,"title":"Motorcycle - As The Rush Comes","artist":"CHILLOUT ANTENNE","album":null,"uri":"http://stream.antenne.de:80/chillout","trackType":""}
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: CURRENT POSITION 0
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::syncState stateService play
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::syncState currentStatus play
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: info: Received an update from plugin. extracting info from payload
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: albumart , getAlbumArt
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: info: ------------------------------ 24ms
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: info: ------------------------------ 24ms
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: info: ------------------------------ 23ms
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: info: VolumeController::SetAlsaVolume28
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: info: VolumeController::SetAlsaVolume38
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo
May 14 17:26:13 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
May 14 17:26:15 localhost volumio[851]: info: VolumeController::SetAlsaVolume28
May 14 17:26:15 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
May 14 17:26:15 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo
May 14 17:26:15 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
May 14 17:26:15 localhost volumio[851]: info: VolumeController::SetAlsaVolume28
May 14 17:26:16 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
May 14 17:26:16 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo
May 14 17:26:16 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
May 14 17:26:21 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetState
May 14 17:26:27 localhost volumio[851]: info: Preload queue cleared
May 14 17:26:29 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: mpd , handleBrowseUri
May 14 17:26:29 localhost volumio[851]: info: CURURI: playlists
May 14 17:26:29 localhost volumio[851]: info: Listing playlists
May 14 17:26:29 localhost volumio[851]: info: Preload queue cleared
May 14 17:26:30 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: mpd , handleBrowseUri
May 14 17:26:30 localhost volumio[851]: info: CURURI: music-library
May 14 17:26:30 localhost volumio[851]: error: Failed LSINFO: null
May 14 17:26:31 localhost volumio[851]: info: Preload queue cleared
May 14 17:26:31 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetState
May 14 17:26:31 localhost volumio[851]: info: Listing playlists
May 14 17:26:31 localhost volumio[851]: info: Listing playlists
May 14 17:26:33 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: mpd , handleBrowseUri
May 14 17:26:33 localhost volumio[851]: info: CURURI: artists://
May 14 17:26:33 localhost volumio[851]: info: Preload queue cleared
May 14 17:26:38 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::getUIConfigOnPlugin
May 14 17:26:38 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: i2s_dacs , getI2sOptions
May 14 17:26:38 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: system , getConfigParam
May 14 17:26:38 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: i2s_dacs , getI2sStatus
May 14 17:26:38 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: mpd , getConfigParam
May 14 17:26:38 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: mpd , getConfigParam
May 14 17:26:38 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: mpd , getConfigParam
May 14 17:26:38 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: mpd , getConfigParam
May 14 17:26:38 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: mpd , getConfigParam
May 14 17:26:38 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: mpd , getConfigParam
May 14 17:26:38 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: mpd , getConfigParam
May 14 17:26:38 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: mpd , getPlaybackMode
May 14 17:26:38 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: system , getAdvancedSettingsStatus
May 14 17:26:41 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::getUIConfigOnPlugin
May 14 17:26:41 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: system , getAdvancedSettingsStatus
May 14 17:26:41 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetState
May 14 17:26:42 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: network , getInfoNetwork
May 14 17:26:42 localhost sudo[369]: volumio : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ethtool eth0
May 14 17:26:42 localhost sudo[369]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0)
May 14 17:26:42 localhost sudo[369]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
May 14 17:26:42 localhost sudo[375]: volumio : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/iwconfig wlan0
May 14 17:26:42 localhost sudo[375]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0)
May 14 17:26:42 localhost sudo[375]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
May 14 17:26:42 localhost sudo[383]: volumio : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/iwconfig wlan0
May 14 17:26:42 localhost sudo[383]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0)
May 14 17:26:42 localhost sudo[383]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
May 14 17:26:42 localhost sudo[392]: volumio : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/iwconfig wlan0
May 14 17:26:42 localhost sudo[392]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0)
May 14 17:26:42 localhost sudo[392]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
May 14 17:26:42 localhost sudo[398]: volumio : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ifconfig eth0
May 14 17:26:42 localhost sudo[398]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0)
May 14 17:26:42 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: network , getWirelessNetworksScanCache
May 14 17:26:42 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: network , getWirelessNetworks
May 14 17:26:42 localhost sudo[398]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
May 14 17:26:42 localhost sudo[401]: volumio : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/ifconfig wlan0
May 14 17:26:42 localhost sudo[401]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0)
May 14 17:26:42 localhost sudo[401]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
May 14 17:26:42 localhost sudo[404]: volumio : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/iwlist wlan0 scan
May 14 17:26:42 localhost sudo[404]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0)
May 14 17:26:44 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::getUIConfigOnPlugin
May 14 17:26:44 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::getUIConfigOnPlugin
May 14 17:26:44 localhost volumio[851]: info: Retrieving Cloud Streaming UI
May 14 17:26:44 localhost volumio[851]: info: Getting Tidal Cloud Configuration
May 14 17:26:44 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::getUIConfigOnPlugin
May 14 17:26:44 localhost volumio[851]: info: Getting Qobuz Cloud Configuration
May 14 17:26:44 localhost volumio[851]: info: Asking plugin for UI Config
May 14 17:26:44 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::getUIConfigOnPlugin
May 14 17:26:44 localhost volumio[851]: info: Getting Spotify Cloud Configuration
May 14 17:26:44 localhost volumio[851]: info: Asking plugin for UI Config
May 14 17:26:44 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::getUIConfigOnPlugin
May 14 17:26:44 localhost volumio[851]: info: Saving Spotify Acccount
May 14 17:26:44 localhost volumio[851]: info: Got Tidal Cloud Configuration
May 14 17:26:44 localhost volumio[851]: info: Got it
May 14 17:26:44 localhost volumio[851]: info: Got it
May 14 17:26:44 localhost volumio[851]: error: Could not retrieve Spotify Config from plugin Spotify: no section found
May 14 17:26:44 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::getUIConfigOnPlugin
May 14 17:26:44 localhost volumio[851]: error: Error retrieving Highresaudio conf: TypeError: Cannot read property 'onSave' of undefined
May 14 17:26:44 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: system , getAdvancedSettingsStatus
May 14 17:26:44 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: albumart , getConfigParam
May 14 17:26:44 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: albumart , getConfigParam
May 14 17:26:44 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: albumart , getConfigParam
May 14 17:26:44 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: mpd , getConfigParam
May 14 17:26:44 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: mpd , getConfigParam
May 14 17:26:44 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: mpd , getConfigParam
May 14 17:26:44 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: mpd , getConfigParam
May 14 17:26:44 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetBrowseSources
May 14 17:26:44 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetBrowseSources
May 14 17:26:44 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetBrowseSources
May 14 17:26:44 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: mpd , getMyCollectionStats
May 14 17:26:44 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: networkfs , listShares
May 14 17:26:46 localhost sudo[404]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: mpd , updateDb
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand update
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand status
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info:
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: ---------------------------- MPD announces state update: update
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: sendMpdCommand update took 2 milliseconds
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: ControllerMpd::getState
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand status
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand status
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info:
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: ---------------------------- MPD announces state update: update
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: ControllerMpd::getState
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand status
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand status
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info:
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: ---------------------------- MPD announces state update: update
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: ControllerMpd::getState
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand status
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand status
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info:
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: ---------------------------- MPD announces state update: update
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: ControllerMpd::getState
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand status
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: sendMpdCommand status took 6 milliseconds
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: sendMpdCommand status took 5 milliseconds
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: sendMpdCommand status took 4 milliseconds
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: sendMpdCommand status took 3 milliseconds
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: sendMpdCommand status took 3 milliseconds
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: sendMpdCommand status took 2 milliseconds
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseState
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: Command Router : Notfying DB Updatefalse
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::Close All Modals sent
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseState
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand playlistinfo
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseState
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: Command Router : Notfying DB Updatefalse
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::Close All Modals sent
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseState
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand playlistinfo
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseState
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: Command Router : Notfying DB Updatefalse
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::Close All Modals sent
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseState
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand playlistinfo
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand status
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info:
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: ---------------------------- MPD announces state update: update
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: ControllerMpd::getState
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand status
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand status
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info:
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: ---------------------------- MPD announces state update: update
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: ControllerMpd::getState
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand status
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: sendMpdCommand status took 93 milliseconds
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: sendMpdCommand status took 92 milliseconds
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: sendMpdCommand playlistinfo took 57 milliseconds
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: sendMpdCommand playlistinfo took 32 milliseconds
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: sendMpdCommand playlistinfo took 9 milliseconds
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: sendMpdCommand status took 5 milliseconds
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: sendMpdCommand status took 4 milliseconds
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: sendMpdCommand status took 3 milliseconds
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: sendMpdCommand status took 2 milliseconds
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseState
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: Command Router : Notfying DB Updatefalse
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::Close All Modals sent
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseState
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand playlistinfo
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseTrackInfo
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseTrackInfo
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseTrackInfo
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseState
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: Command Router : Notfying DB Updatefalse
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::Close All Modals sent
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseState
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand playlistinfo
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseState
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: Command Router : Notfying DB Updatefalse
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::Close All Modals sent
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseState
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand playlistinfo
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: ControllerMpd::pushState
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: STATE SERVICE {"status":"play","position":0,"seek":65356,"duration":0,"samplerate":"44.1 kHz","bitdepth":"24 bit","channels":2,"random":false,"updatedb":false,"repeat":false,"bitrate":"128 Kbps","isStreaming":false,"title":"Motorcycle - As The Rush Comes","artist":"CHILLOUT ANTENNE","album":null,"uri":"http://stream.antenne.de:80/chillout","trackType":""}
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: CURRENT POSITION 0
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::syncState stateService play
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::syncState currentStatus play
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: Received an update from plugin. extracting info from payload
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: albumart , getAlbumArt
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: ControllerMpd::pushState
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: STATE SERVICE {"status":"play","position":0,"seek":65356,"duration":0,"samplerate":"44.1 kHz","bitdepth":"24 bit","channels":2,"random":false,"updatedb":false,"repeat":false,"bitrate":"128 Kbps","isStreaming":false,"title":"Motorcycle - As The Rush Comes","artist":"CHILLOUT ANTENNE","album":null,"uri":"http://stream.antenne.de:80/chillout","trackType":""}
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: CURRENT POSITION 0
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::syncState stateService play
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::syncState currentStatus play
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: Received an update from plugin. extracting info from payload
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: albumart , getAlbumArt
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: ControllerMpd::pushState
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: STATE SERVICE {"status":"play","position":0,"seek":65356,"duration":0,"samplerate":"44.1 kHz","bitdepth":"24 bit","channels":2,"random":false,"updatedb":false,"repeat":false,"bitrate":"128 Kbps","isStreaming":false,"title":"Motorcycle - As The Rush Comes","artist":"CHILLOUT ANTENNE","album":null,"uri":"http://stream.antenne.de:80/chillout","trackType":""}
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: CURRENT POSITION 0
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::syncState stateService play
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::syncState currentStatus play
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: Received an update from plugin. extracting info from payload
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: albumart , getAlbumArt
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: ------------------------------ 197ms
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: ------------------------------ 196ms
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: ------------------------------ 195ms
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: sendMpdCommand playlistinfo took 77 milliseconds
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: sendMpdCommand playlistinfo took 52 milliseconds
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: sendMpdCommand playlistinfo took 28 milliseconds
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseTrackInfo
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseTrackInfo
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseTrackInfo
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: ControllerMpd::pushState
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: STATE SERVICE {"status":"play","position":0,"seek":65356,"duration":0,"samplerate":"44.1 kHz","bitdepth":"24 bit","channels":2,"random":false,"updatedb":false,"repeat":false,"bitrate":"128 Kbps","isStreaming":false,"title":"Motorcycle - As The Rush Comes","artist":"CHILLOUT ANTENNE","album":null,"uri":"http://stream.antenne.de:80/chillout","trackType":""}
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: CURRENT POSITION 0
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::syncState stateService play
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::syncState currentStatus play
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: Received an update from plugin. extracting info from payload
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: albumart , getAlbumArt
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: ControllerMpd::pushState
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: STATE SERVICE {"status":"play","position":0,"seek":65482,"duration":0,"samplerate":"44.1 kHz","bitdepth":"24 bit","channels":2,"random":false,"updatedb":false,"repeat":false,"bitrate":"128 Kbps","isStreaming":false,"title":"Motorcycle - As The Rush Comes","artist":"CHILLOUT ANTENNE","album":null,"uri":"http://stream.antenne.de:80/chillout","trackType":""}
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: CURRENT POSITION 0
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::syncState stateService play
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::syncState currentStatus play
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: Received an update from plugin. extracting info from payload
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: albumart , getAlbumArt
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: ControllerMpd::pushState
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: STATE SERVICE {"status":"play","position":0,"seek":65482,"duration":0,"samplerate":"44.1 kHz","bitdepth":"24 bit","channels":2,"random":false,"updatedb":false,"repeat":false,"bitrate":"128 Kbps","isStreaming":false,"title":"Motorcycle - As The Rush Comes","artist":"CHILLOUT ANTENNE","album":null,"uri":"http://stream.antenne.de:80/chillout","trackType":""}
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: CURRENT POSITION 0
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::syncState stateService play
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::syncState currentStatus play
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: Received an update from plugin. extracting info from payload
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: albumart , getAlbumArt
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: ------------------------------ 211ms
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: ------------------------------ 123ms
May 14 17:26:46 localhost volumio[851]: info: ------------------------------ 121ms
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: mpd , rescanDb
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand rescan
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand status
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info:
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: ---------------------------- MPD announces state update: update
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: sendMpdCommand rescan took 2 milliseconds
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: ControllerMpd::getState
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand status
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand status
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info:
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: ---------------------------- MPD announces state update: update
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: ControllerMpd::getState
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand status
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand status
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info:
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: ---------------------------- MPD announces state update: update
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: ControllerMpd::getState
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand status
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand status
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info:
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: ---------------------------- MPD announces state update: update
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: ControllerMpd::getState
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand status
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: sendMpdCommand status took 5 milliseconds
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: sendMpdCommand status took 5 milliseconds
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: sendMpdCommand status took 4 milliseconds
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: sendMpdCommand status took 4 milliseconds
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: sendMpdCommand status took 3 milliseconds
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: sendMpdCommand status took 2 milliseconds
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseState
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: Command Router : Notfying DB Updatefalse
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::Close All Modals sent
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseState
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand playlistinfo
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseState
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: Command Router : Notfying DB Updatefalse
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::Close All Modals sent
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseState
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand playlistinfo
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseState
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: Command Router : Notfying DB Updatefalse
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::Close All Modals sent
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseState
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand playlistinfo
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand status
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info:
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: ---------------------------- MPD announces state update: update
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: ControllerMpd::getState
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand status
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand status
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info:
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: ---------------------------- MPD announces state update: update
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: ControllerMpd::getState
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand status
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: sendMpdCommand status took 89 milliseconds
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: sendMpdCommand status took 89 milliseconds
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: sendMpdCommand playlistinfo took 63 milliseconds
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: sendMpdCommand playlistinfo took 39 milliseconds
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: sendMpdCommand playlistinfo took 14 milliseconds
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: sendMpdCommand status took 4 milliseconds
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: sendMpdCommand status took 3 milliseconds
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: sendMpdCommand status took 3 milliseconds
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: sendMpdCommand status took 4 milliseconds
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseState
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: Command Router : Notfying DB Updatefalse
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::Close All Modals sent
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseState
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand playlistinfo
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseTrackInfo
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseTrackInfo
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseTrackInfo
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseState
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: Command Router : Notfying DB Updatefalse
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::Close All Modals sent
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseState
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand playlistinfo
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseState
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: Command Router : Notfying DB Updatefalse
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::Close All Modals sent
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseState
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand playlistinfo
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: ControllerMpd::pushState
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: STATE SERVICE {"status":"play","position":0,"seek":67356,"duration":0,"samplerate":"44.1 kHz","bitdepth":"24 bit","channels":2,"random":false,"updatedb":false,"repeat":false,"bitrate":"128 Kbps","isStreaming":false,"title":"Motorcycle - As The Rush Comes","artist":"CHILLOUT ANTENNE","album":null,"uri":"http://stream.antenne.de:80/chillout","trackType":""}
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: CURRENT POSITION 0
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::syncState stateService play
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::syncState currentStatus play
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: Received an update from plugin. extracting info from payload
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: albumart , getAlbumArt
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: ControllerMpd::pushState
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: STATE SERVICE {"status":"play","position":0,"seek":67356,"duration":0,"samplerate":"44.1 kHz","bitdepth":"24 bit","channels":2,"random":false,"updatedb":false,"repeat":false,"bitrate":"128 Kbps","isStreaming":false,"title":"Motorcycle - As The Rush Comes","artist":"CHILLOUT ANTENNE","album":null,"uri":"http://stream.antenne.de:80/chillout","trackType":""}
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: CURRENT POSITION 0
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::syncState stateService play
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::syncState currentStatus play
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: Received an update from plugin. extracting info from payload
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: albumart , getAlbumArt
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: ControllerMpd::pushState
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: STATE SERVICE {"status":"play","position":0,"seek":67356,"duration":0,"samplerate":"44.1 kHz","bitdepth":"24 bit","channels":2,"random":false,"updatedb":false,"repeat":false,"bitrate":"128 Kbps","isStreaming":false,"title":"Motorcycle - As The Rush Comes","artist":"CHILLOUT ANTENNE","album":null,"uri":"http://stream.antenne.de:80/chillout","trackType":""}
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: CURRENT POSITION 0
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::syncState stateService play
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::syncState currentStatus play
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: Received an update from plugin. extracting info from payload
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: albumart , getAlbumArt
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: ------------------------------ 198ms
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: ------------------------------ 197ms
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: ------------------------------ 197ms
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: sendMpdCommand playlistinfo took 82 milliseconds
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: sendMpdCommand playlistinfo took 57 milliseconds
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: sendMpdCommand playlistinfo took 34 milliseconds
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseTrackInfo
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseTrackInfo
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: ControllerMpd::pushState
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: STATE SERVICE {"status":"play","position":0,"seek":67356,"duration":0,"samplerate":"44.1 kHz","bitdepth":"24 bit","channels":2,"random":false,"updatedb":false,"repeat":false,"bitrate":"128 Kbps","isStreaming":false,"title":"Motorcycle - As The Rush Comes","artist":"CHILLOUT ANTENNE","album":null,"uri":"http://stream.antenne.de:80/chillout","trackType":""}
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: CURRENT POSITION 0
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::syncState stateService play
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::syncState currentStatus play
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: Received an update from plugin. extracting info from payload
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: albumart , getAlbumArt
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: ControllerMpd::pushState
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: STATE SERVICE {"status":"play","position":0,"seek":67471,"duration":0,"samplerate":"44.1 kHz","bitdepth":"24 bit","channels":2,"random":false,"updatedb":false,"repeat":false,"bitrate":"128 Kbps","isStreaming":false,"title":"Motorcycle - As The Rush Comes","artist":"CHILLOUT ANTENNE","album":null,"uri":"http://stream.antenne.de:80/chillout","trackType":""}
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: CURRENT POSITION 0
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::syncState stateService play
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::syncState currentStatus play
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: Received an update from plugin. extracting info from payload
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: albumart , getAlbumArt
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: ControllerMpd::pushState
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: STATE SERVICE {"status":"play","position":0,"seek":67471,"duration":0,"samplerate":"44.1 kHz","bitdepth":"24 bit","channels":2,"random":false,"updatedb":false,"repeat":false,"bitrate":"128 Kbps","isStreaming":false,"title":"Motorcycle - As The Rush Comes","artist":"CHILLOUT ANTENNE","album":null,"uri":"http://stream.antenne.de:80/chillout","trackType":""}
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: verbose: CURRENT POSITION 0
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::syncState stateService play
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::syncState currentStatus play
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: Received an update from plugin. extracting info from payload
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: albumart , getAlbumArt
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: ------------------------------ 210ms
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: ------------------------------ 124ms
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: ------------------------------ 124ms
May 14 17:26:48 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: mpd , getMyCollectionStats
May 14 17:26:51 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetState
May 14 17:26:51 localhost volumio[851]: info: Listing playlists
May 14 17:26:51 localhost volumio[851]: info: Listing playlists
May 14 17:26:52 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: mpd , getMyCollectionStats
May 14 17:26:56 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: mpd , getMyCollectionStats
May 14 17:26:58 localhost volumio[851]: info: VolumeController::SetAlsaVolume38
May 14 17:26:58 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
May 14 17:26:58 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo
May 14 17:26:58 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
May 14 17:26:58 localhost volumio[851]: info: VolumeController::SetAlsaVolume38
May 14 17:26:58 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
May 14 17:26:58 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo
May 14 17:26:58 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
May 14 17:27:01 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetState
May 14 17:27:09 localhost volumio[851]: info: VolumeController::SetAlsaVolume28
May 14 17:27:09 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
May 14 17:27:09 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo
May 14 17:27:09 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
May 14 17:27:10 localhost volumio[851]: info: VolumeController::SetAlsaVolume28
May 14 17:27:10 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
May 14 17:27:10 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo
May 14 17:27:10 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
May 14 17:27:11 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetState
May 14 17:27:11 localhost volumio[851]: info: Listing playlists
May 14 17:27:11 localhost volumio[851]: info: Listing playlists
May 14 17:27:21 localhost volumio[851]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetState
May 14 17:27:24 localhost volumio[851]: |||||||||||||||||||||||| WARNING: FATAL ERROR |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
May 14 17:27:24 localhost volumio[851]: Error: connect ETIMEDOUT
May 14 17:27:24 localhost volumio[851]: at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (net.js:1146:16) {
May 14 17:27:24 localhost volumio[851]: errno: -110,
May 14 17:27:24 localhost volumio[851]: code: 'ETIMEDOUT',
May 14 17:27:24 localhost volumio[851]: syscall: 'connect',
May 14 17:27:24 localhost volumio[851]: address: '',
May 14 17:27:24 localhost volumio[851]: port: 443
May 14 17:27:24 localhost volumio[851]: }
May 14 17:27:24 localhost volumio[851]: |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
May 14 17:27:25 localhost sudo[583]: volumio : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/journalctl --since=2024-05-14 17:26
May 14 17:27:25 localhost sudo[583]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0)
PRETTY_NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)"
NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux"
VERSION="10 (buster)"
VOLUMIO_BUILD_DATE="Fri 01 Mar 2024 08:34:31 PM CET"