-- Logs begin at Mon 2024-07-22 02:11:33 CEST, end at Mon 2024-07-22 02:42:11 CEST. -- Jul 22 02:41:01 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: plexamp , handleBrowseUri Jul 22 02:41:01 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: plexamp/artistsnewest/160760/161827 Jul 22 02:41:04 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: plexamp , handleBrowseUri Jul 22 02:41:04 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: plexamp/artistsnewest/160760/160828 Jul 22 02:41:09 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: plexamp , handleBrowseUri Jul 22 02:41:09 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: plexamp/artistsnewest/160760/160828 Jul 22 02:41:09 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: plexamp , handleBrowseUri Jul 22 02:41:09 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: plexamp/artistsnewest/160760/160828 Jul 22 02:41:12 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: plexamp , handleBrowseUri Jul 22 02:41:12 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: plexamp/artistsnewest/160760/160791 Jul 22 02:41:12 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: plexamp , handleBrowseUri Jul 22 02:41:12 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: plexamp/artistsnewest/160760/160791 Jul 22 02:41:15 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: plexamp , handleBrowseUri Jul 22 02:41:15 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: plexamp/artistsnewest/160760/160791 Jul 22 02:41:15 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: plexamp , handleBrowseUri Jul 22 02:41:15 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: plexamp/artistsnewest/160760/160791 Jul 22 02:41:16 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: plexamp , handleBrowseUri Jul 22 02:41:16 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: plexamp/artistsnewest/160760/160791 Jul 22 02:41:17 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: plexamp , handleBrowseUri Jul 22 02:41:17 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: plexamp/artistsnewest/160760/160791 Jul 22 02:41:19 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: plexamp , handleBrowseUri Jul 22 02:41:19 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: plexamp/artistsnewest/160760/160791 Jul 22 02:41:21 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: plexamp , handleBrowseUri Jul 22 02:41:21 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: plexamp/artistsnewest/160760/160791 Jul 22 02:41:22 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: plexamp , handleBrowseUri Jul 22 02:41:22 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: plexamp/artistsnewest/160760/160791 Jul 22 02:41:28 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: plexamp , handleBrowseUri Jul 22 02:41:28 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: plexamp/artistsnewest/160760/160828 Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: Preload queue cleared Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioReplaceandPlayItems Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CoreStateMachine::ClearQueue Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CoreStateMachine::stop Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CoreStateMachine::setConsumeUpdateService undefined Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CoreStateMachine::stPlaybackTimer Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CoreStateMachine::updateTrackBlock Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrackBlock Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 2 Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: MRS: Pushing multiroomSync output update for this device Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: MRS: Pushing multiroomSync output Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CoreStateMachine::serviceStop Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 2 Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CoreCommandRouter::serviceStop Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: [1721608891345] ControllerPlexAmp::stop Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: ControllerMpd::stop Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand stop Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CorePlayQueue::clearPlayQueue Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CorePlayQueue::saveQueue Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushQueue Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CoreStateMachine::addQueueItems Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CorePlayQueue::addQueueItems Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: Preload queue cleared Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: Adding Item to queue: plexamp/artistsnewest/160760/160791 Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: Exploding uri plexamp/artistsnewest/160760/160791 in service plexamp Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushQueue Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CorePlayQueue::saveQueue Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CoreStateMachine::updateTrackBlock Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrackBlock Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPlay Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CoreStateMachine::play index 0 Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CoreStateMachine::setConsumeUpdateService undefined Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CoreStateMachine::stop Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CoreStateMachine::setConsumeUpdateService undefined Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CoreStateMachine::play index undefined Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CoreStateMachine::setConsumeUpdateService undefined Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0 Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CoreStateMachine::startPlaybackTimer Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0 Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: [1721608891357] ControllerPlexAmp::clearAddPlayTrack Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: {"service":"plexamp","name":"Hey Now","title":"Hey Now","duration":207.516,"artist":"London Grammar","artistId":"160760","album":"If You Wait","albumId":"160791","genre":"Metal & Dust Recordings Ltd.","type":"song","albumart":"","uri":"","samplerate":"2615 kbps","trackType":"flac","streaming":true} Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand stop Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: [1721608891373] ControllerPlexAmp: MPD player state update Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: ControllerMpd::getState Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand status Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: ---------------------------- MPD announces state update: player Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: sendMpdCommand stop took 29 milliseconds Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: ControllerMpd::getState Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand status Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: sendMpdCommand stop took 17 milliseconds Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: ControllerMpd::getState Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand status Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand clear Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: ---------------------------- MPD announces system playlist update Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: Ignoring MPD Status Update Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: sendMpdCommand status took 5 milliseconds Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: sendMpdCommand status took 4 milliseconds Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: sendMpdCommand status took 4 milliseconds Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: sendMpdCommand clear took 3 milliseconds Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseState Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand playlistinfo Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseState Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand playlistinfo Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseState Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand playlistinfo Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand load "" Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: error: updateQueue error: null Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: ------------------------------ 17ms Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: sendMpdCommand playlistinfo took 16 milliseconds Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: sendMpdCommand playlistinfo took 16 milliseconds Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: sendMpdCommand playlistinfo took 16 milliseconds Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseTrackInfo Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseTrackInfo Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseTrackInfo Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: error: ControllerMpd::pushError: TypeError: Cannot read property 'split' of undefined Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: ------------------------------ 24ms Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: touch_display: Setting screensaver timeout to 0 seconds. Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand add "" Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: ---------------------------- MPD announces system playlist update Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: Ignoring MPD Status Update Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: sendMpdCommand add "" took 1 milliseconds Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand play Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: ------------------------------ 2ms Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: sendMpdCommand play took 1 milliseconds Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: ControllerMpd::getState Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand status Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: sendMpdCommand status took 2 milliseconds Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseState Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand playlistinfo Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: sendMpdCommand playlistinfo took 1 milliseconds Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseTrackInfo Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: [1721608891466] ControllerPlexAmp::pushState Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0 Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: verbose: STATE SERVICE {"status":"play","position":0,"seek":0,"duration":0,"samplerate":null,"bitdepth":null,"channels":null,"random":false,"updatedb":false,"repeat":false,"bitrate":null,"isStreaming":false,"title":"file.flac?X-Plex-Token=T9Nw-t7uZUq_zh2Y3kC6","artist":null,"album":null,"uri":"","trackType":""} Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: verbose: CURRENT POSITION 0 Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CoreStateMachine::syncState stateService play Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CoreStateMachine::syncState currentStatus stop Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: [1721608891473] ControllerPlexAmp: MPD player state update Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: ControllerMpd::getState Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand status Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: ---------------------------- MPD announces state update: player Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: ControllerMpd::getState Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand status Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: ---------------------------- MPD announces state update: player Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: sendMpdCommand status took 2 milliseconds Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: ControllerMpd::getState Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand status Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: sendMpdCommand status took 1 milliseconds Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseState Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand playlistinfo Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseState Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand playlistinfo Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: sendMpdCommand status took 2 milliseconds Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: sendMpdCommand playlistinfo took 1 milliseconds Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: sendMpdCommand playlistinfo took 1 milliseconds Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseState Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand playlistinfo Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseTrackInfo Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseTrackInfo Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0 Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: [1721608891478] ControllerPlexAmp::pushState Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0 Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: verbose: STATE SERVICE {"status":"play","position":0,"seek":0,"duration":208,"samplerate":"192 kHz","bitdepth":"24 bit","channels":2,"random":false,"updatedb":false,"repeat":false,"bitrate":null,"isStreaming":false,"title":"file.flac?X-Plex-Token=T9Nw-t7uZUq_zh2Y3kC6","artist":null,"album":null,"uri":"","trackType":""} Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: verbose: CURRENT POSITION 0 Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CoreStateMachine::syncState stateService play Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CoreStateMachine::syncState currentStatus play Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: Received an update from plugin. extracting info from payload Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0 Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: MRS: Pushing multiroomSync output update for this device Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: MRS: Pushing multiroomSync output Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0 Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: MRS: Pushing multiroomSync output update for this device Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: MRS: Pushing multiroomSync output Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: ControllerMpd::pushState Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0 Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: Received update from a service different from the one supposed to be playing music. Skipping notification.Current plexamp Received mpd Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: ------------------------------ 14ms Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: sendMpdCommand playlistinfo took 11 milliseconds Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseTrackInfo Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: ControllerMpd::pushState Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0 Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: Received update from a service different from the one supposed to be playing music. Skipping notification.Current plexamp Received mpd Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: ------------------------------ 14ms Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetQueue Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CoreStateMachine::getQueue Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CorePlayQueue::getQueue Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: ---------------------------- MPD announces system playlist update Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: Ignoring MPD Status Update Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: [1721608891525] ControllerPlexAmp: MPD player state update Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: ControllerMpd::getState Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand status Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: ---------------------------- MPD announces state update: player Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: ControllerMpd::getState Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand status Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: sendMpdCommand status took 4 milliseconds Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: ------------------------------ 6ms Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: sendMpdCommand status took 3 milliseconds Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseState Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand playlistinfo Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseState Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand playlistinfo Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: sendMpdCommand playlistinfo took 5 milliseconds Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: sendMpdCommand playlistinfo took 5 milliseconds Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseTrackInfo Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseTrackInfo Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0 Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: [1721608891538] ControllerPlexAmp::pushState Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0 Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: verbose: STATE SERVICE {"status":"play","position":0,"seek":763,"duration":208,"samplerate":"192 kHz","bitdepth":"24 bit","channels":2,"random":false,"updatedb":false,"repeat":false,"bitrate":"1604 Kbps","isStreaming":false,"title":"Hey Now","artist":"London Grammar","album":"If You Wait","uri":"","trackType":""} Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: verbose: CURRENT POSITION 0 Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CoreStateMachine::syncState stateService play Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CoreStateMachine::syncState currentStatus play Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: Received an update from plugin. extracting info from payload Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0 Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: MRS: Pushing multiroomSync output update for this device Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: MRS: Pushing multiroomSync output Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0 Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: MRS: Pushing multiroomSync output update for this device Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: MRS: Pushing multiroomSync output Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: ControllerMpd::pushState Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0 Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: Received update from a service different from the one supposed to be playing music. Skipping notification.Current plexamp Received mpd Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: ------------------------------ 30ms Jul 22 02:41:31 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: touch_display: Setting screensaver timeout to 0 seconds. Jul 22 02:41:50 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPause Jul 22 02:41:50 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CoreStateMachine::pause Jul 22 02:41:50 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CoreStateMachine::stPlaybackTimer Jul 22 02:41:50 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CoreStateMachine::servicePause Jul 22 02:41:50 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0 Jul 22 02:41:50 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePause Jul 22 02:41:50 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: [1721608910793] ControllerPlexAmp::pause Jul 22 02:41:50 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: ControllerMpd::pause Jul 22 02:41:50 cuisine volumio[1285]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand pause Jul 22 02:41:50 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: [1721608910795] ControllerPlexAmp: MPD player state update Jul 22 02:41:50 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: ControllerMpd::getState Jul 22 02:41:50 cuisine volumio[1285]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand status Jul 22 02:41:50 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: Jul 22 02:41:50 cuisine volumio[1285]: ---------------------------- MPD announces state update: player Jul 22 02:41:50 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: sendMpdCommand pause took 2 milliseconds Jul 22 02:41:50 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: ControllerMpd::getState Jul 22 02:41:50 cuisine volumio[1285]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand status Jul 22 02:41:50 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: ControllerMpd::getState Jul 22 02:41:50 cuisine volumio[1285]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand status Jul 22 02:41:50 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: sendMpdCommand status took 1 milliseconds Jul 22 02:41:50 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: sendMpdCommand status took 1 milliseconds Jul 22 02:41:50 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: sendMpdCommand status took 0 milliseconds Jul 22 02:41:50 cuisine volumio[1285]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseState Jul 22 02:41:50 cuisine volumio[1285]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand playlistinfo Jul 22 02:41:50 cuisine volumio[1285]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseState Jul 22 02:41:50 cuisine volumio[1285]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand playlistinfo Jul 22 02:41:50 cuisine volumio[1285]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseState Jul 22 02:41:50 cuisine volumio[1285]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand playlistinfo Jul 22 02:41:50 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: sendMpdCommand playlistinfo took 1 milliseconds Jul 22 02:41:50 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: sendMpdCommand playlistinfo took 1 milliseconds Jul 22 02:41:50 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: sendMpdCommand playlistinfo took 1 milliseconds Jul 22 02:41:50 cuisine volumio[1285]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseTrackInfo Jul 22 02:41:50 cuisine volumio[1285]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseTrackInfo Jul 22 02:41:50 cuisine volumio[1285]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseTrackInfo Jul 22 02:41:50 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0 Jul 22 02:41:50 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: [1721608910798] ControllerPlexAmp::pushState Jul 22 02:41:50 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState Jul 22 02:41:50 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0 Jul 22 02:41:50 cuisine volumio[1285]: verbose: STATE SERVICE {"status":"pause","position":0,"seek":20388,"duration":208,"samplerate":"192 kHz","bitdepth":"24 bit","channels":2,"random":false,"updatedb":false,"repeat":false,"bitrate":"2306 Kbps","isStreaming":false,"title":"Hey Now","artist":"London Grammar","album":"If You Wait","uri":"","trackType":""} Jul 22 02:41:50 cuisine volumio[1285]: verbose: CURRENT POSITION 0 Jul 22 02:41:50 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CoreStateMachine::syncState stateService pause Jul 22 02:41:50 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CoreStateMachine::syncState currentStatus pause Jul 22 02:41:50 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState Jul 22 02:41:50 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0 Jul 22 02:41:50 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo Jul 22 02:41:50 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState Jul 22 02:41:50 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: MRS: Pushing multiroomSync output update for this device Jul 22 02:41:50 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: MRS: Pushing multiroomSync output Jul 22 02:41:50 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CoreStateMachine::stPlaybackTimer Jul 22 02:41:50 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: ControllerMpd::pushState Jul 22 02:41:50 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState Jul 22 02:41:50 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0 Jul 22 02:41:50 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: Received update from a service different from the one supposed to be playing music. Skipping notification.Current plexamp Received mpd Jul 22 02:41:50 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: [1721608910802] ControllerPlexAmp::pushState Jul 22 02:41:50 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState Jul 22 02:41:50 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0 Jul 22 02:41:50 cuisine volumio[1285]: verbose: STATE SERVICE {"status":"pause","position":0,"seek":20388,"duration":208,"samplerate":"192 kHz","bitdepth":"24 bit","channels":2,"random":false,"updatedb":false,"repeat":false,"bitrate":"2306 Kbps","isStreaming":false,"title":"Hey Now","artist":"London Grammar","album":"If You Wait","uri":"","trackType":""} Jul 22 02:41:50 cuisine volumio[1285]: verbose: CURRENT POSITION 0 Jul 22 02:41:50 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CoreStateMachine::syncState stateService pause Jul 22 02:41:50 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CoreStateMachine::syncState currentStatus pause Jul 22 02:41:50 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState Jul 22 02:41:50 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0 Jul 22 02:41:50 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState Jul 22 02:41:50 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: MRS: Pushing multiroomSync output update for this device Jul 22 02:41:50 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: MRS: Pushing multiroomSync output Jul 22 02:41:50 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CoreStateMachine::stPlaybackTimer Jul 22 02:41:50 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: ------------------------------ 12ms Jul 22 02:41:50 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: touch_display: Setting screensaver timeout to 0 seconds. Jul 22 02:42:03 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: my_volumio , getMyVolumioStatus Jul 22 02:42:03 cuisine volumio[1285]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: my_volumio , getMyVolumioToken Jul 22 02:42:10 cuisine volumio[1285]: |||||||||||||||||||||||| WARNING: FATAL ERROR ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Jul 22 02:42:11 cuisine volumio[1285]: Error: Type object is not supported Jul 22 02:42:11 cuisine volumio[1285]: at Config.assertSupportedType (/data/plugins/music_service/myb/node_modules/v-conf/index.js:300:15) Jul 22 02:42:11 cuisine volumio[1285]: at Config.addConfigValue (/data/plugins/music_service/myb/node_modules/v-conf/index.js:276:10) Jul 22 02:42:11 cuisine volumio[1285]: at Config.set (/data/plugins/music_service/myb/node_modules/v-conf/index.js:160:14) Jul 22 02:42:11 cuisine volumio[1285]: at ControllerMyb.saveConfigData (/data/plugins/music_service/myb/index.js:399:15) Jul 22 02:42:11 cuisine volumio[1285]: at ControllerMyb.removeAllRadios (/data/plugins/music_service/myb/index.js:259:8) Jul 22 02:42:11 cuisine volumio[1285]: at ControllerMyb.onStop (/data/plugins/music_service/myb/index.js:323:8) Jul 22 02:42:11 cuisine volumio[1285]: at PluginManager.stopPlugin (/volumio/app/pluginmanager.js:460:30) Jul 22 02:42:11 cuisine volumio[1285]: at PluginManager.disableAndStopPlugin (/volumio/app/pluginmanager.js:1883:8) Jul 22 02:42:11 cuisine volumio[1285]: at CoreCommandRouter.disableAndStopPlugin (/volumio/app/index.js:1537:29) Jul 22 02:42:11 cuisine volumio[1285]: at Socket. (/volumio/app/plugins/user_interface/websocket/index.js:1383:47) Jul 22 02:42:11 cuisine volumio[1285]: at Socket.emit (events.js:315:20) Jul 22 02:42:11 cuisine volumio[1285]: at /volumio/node_modules/socket.io/lib/socket.js:528:12 Jul 22 02:42:11 cuisine volumio[1285]: at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:75:11) Jul 22 02:42:11 cuisine volumio[1285]: ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Jul 22 02:42:11 cuisine sudo[3900]: volumio : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/journalctl --since=2024-07-22 02:41 Jul 22 02:42:11 cuisine sudo[3900]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0) PRETTY_NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)" NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux" VERSION_ID="10" VERSION="10 (buster)" VERSION_CODENAME=buster ID=raspbian ID_LIKE=debian HOME_URL="http://www.raspbian.org/" SUPPORT_URL="http://www.raspbian.org/RaspbianForums" BUG_REPORT_URL="http://www.raspbian.org/RaspbianBugs" VOLUMIO_BUILD_VERSION="5fd3886148e72a9cecd88a772d1f6079fb64d11a" VOLUMIO_FE_VERSION="e7cae168f9927391640a091813b8a9656b6909b6" VOLUMIO_FE3_VERSION="df82a8f23c90a3617c15c55572c8aaea90d8b32a" VOLUMIO_BE_VERSION="905ee02fb5387537cfa16b84ebd7f14b7640848e" VOLUMIO_ARCH="arm" VOLUMIO_VARIANT="volumio" VOLUMIO_TEST="FALSE" VOLUMIO_BUILD_DATE="Thu 18 Jul 2024 07:14:40 PM CEST" VOLUMIO_VERSION="3.741" VOLUMIO_HARDWARE="pi" VOLUMIO_DEVICENAME="Raspberry Pi" VOLUMIO_HASH="a68099d1a5f4301106a28f85f8548ae3"