-- Logs begin at Thu 2024-07-25 21:22:17 CEST, end at Fri 2024-07-26 09:50:18 CEST. -- Jul 26 09:49:00 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MyVolumio MQTT error: Error: Cannot parse topic Jul 26 09:49:00 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: webradio , handleBrowseUri Jul 26 09:49:00 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: TuneIn handleBrowseUri: tunein/location Jul 26 09:49:01 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MyVolumio MQTT error: Error: Cannot parse topic Jul 26 09:49:01 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: Preload queue cleared Jul 26 09:49:02 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MyVolumio MQTT error: Error: Cannot parse topic Jul 26 09:49:03 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MyVolumio MQTT error: Error: Cannot parse topic Jul 26 09:49:04 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MyVolumio MQTT error: Error: Cannot parse topic Jul 26 09:49:05 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MyVolumio MQTT error: Error: Cannot parse topic Jul 26 09:49:05 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: webradio , handleBrowseUri Jul 26 09:49:05 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: TuneIn handleBrowseUri: tunein/location Jul 26 09:49:05 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: Preload queue cleared Jul 26 09:49:06 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MyVolumio MQTT error: Error: Cannot parse topic Jul 26 09:49:07 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: webradio , handleBrowseUri Jul 26 09:49:07 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: TuneIn handleBrowseUri: tunein/browse/?id=r101217 Jul 26 09:49:07 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: [TuneIn] Fetching (browse) results For tunein/browse/?id=r101217 Jul 26 09:49:07 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MyVolumio MQTT error: Error: Cannot parse topic Jul 26 09:49:07 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: Preload queue cleared Jul 26 09:49:08 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MyVolumio MQTT error: Error: Cannot parse topic Jul 26 09:49:09 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MyVolumio MQTT error: Error: Cannot parse topic Jul 26 09:49:09 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: system , getPrivacySettings Jul 26 09:49:09 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CALLMETHOD: system_controller my_volumio retreiveBackendEventStates undefined Jul 26 09:49:09 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: my_volumio , retreiveBackendEventStates Jul 26 09:49:09 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: Received Get System Version Jul 26 09:49:09 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: system , getSystemVersion Jul 26 09:49:09 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: Received Get System Info Jul 26 09:49:09 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: system , getSystemInfo Jul 26 09:49:09 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , getThisDevice Jul 26 09:49:09 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: Discovery: Getting this device information Jul 26 09:49:09 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetState Jul 26 09:49:09 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0 Jul 26 09:49:09 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: network , getCachedIPAddresses Jul 26 09:49:10 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MyVolumio MQTT error: Error: Cannot parse topic Jul 26 09:49:10 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: webradio , handleBrowseUri Jul 26 09:49:10 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: TuneIn handleBrowseUri: tunein/browse/?id=r100359 Jul 26 09:49:10 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: [TuneIn] Fetching (browse) results For tunein/browse/?id=r100359 Jul 26 09:49:10 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: Preload queue cleared Jul 26 09:49:10 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: Preload queue cleared Jul 26 09:49:11 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MyVolumio MQTT error: Error: Cannot parse topic Jul 26 09:49:12 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MyVolumio MQTT error: Error: Cannot parse topic Jul 26 09:49:13 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MyVolumio MQTT error: Error: Cannot parse topic Jul 26 09:49:14 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: webradio , handleBrowseUri Jul 26 09:49:14 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: TuneIn handleBrowseUri: tunein/browse/?id=r100359&filter=s:popular Jul 26 09:49:14 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: [TuneIn] Fetching (browse) results For tunein/browse/?id=r100359&filter=s:popular Jul 26 09:49:14 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MyVolumio MQTT error: Error: Cannot parse topic Jul 26 09:49:14 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: Preload queue cleared Jul 26 09:49:15 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MyVolumio MQTT error: Error: Cannot parse topic Jul 26 09:49:16 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MyVolumio MQTT error: Error: Cannot parse topic Jul 26 09:49:17 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MyVolumio MQTT error: Error: Cannot parse topic Jul 26 09:49:18 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MyVolumio MQTT error: Error: Cannot parse topic Jul 26 09:49:19 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MyVolumio MQTT error: Error: Cannot parse topic Jul 26 09:49:24 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: webradio , handleBrowseUri Jul 26 09:49:25 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: Preload queue cleared Jul 26 09:49:25 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MyVolumio MQTT error: Error: Cannot parse topic Jul 26 09:49:26 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: webradio , handleBrowseUri Jul 26 09:49:26 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MyVolumio MQTT error: Error: Cannot parse topic Jul 26 09:49:27 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: Preload queue cleared Jul 26 09:49:27 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MyVolumio MQTT error: Error: Cannot parse topic Jul 26 09:49:29 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: Preload queue cleared Jul 26 09:49:29 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioReplaceandPlayItems Jul 26 09:49:29 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::ClearQueue Jul 26 09:49:29 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::stop Jul 26 09:49:29 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::setConsumeUpdateService undefined Jul 26 09:49:29 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CorePlayQueue::clearPlayQueue Jul 26 09:49:29 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CorePlayQueue::saveQueue Jul 26 09:49:29 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushQueue Jul 26 09:49:29 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::addQueueItems Jul 26 09:49:29 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CorePlayQueue::addQueueItems Jul 26 09:49:29 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: Preload queue cleared Jul 26 09:49:29 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: Adding Item to queue: http://yp.shoutcast.com/sbin/tunein-station.m3u?id=99519473 Jul 26 09:49:29 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: webradio , explodeUri Jul 26 09:49:29 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushQueue Jul 26 09:49:29 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CorePlayQueue::saveQueue Jul 26 09:49:29 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::updateTrackBlock Jul 26 09:49:29 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrackBlock Jul 26 09:49:29 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPlay Jul 26 09:49:29 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::play index 0 Jul 26 09:49:29 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::setConsumeUpdateService undefined Jul 26 09:49:29 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::stop Jul 26 09:49:29 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::setConsumeUpdateService undefined Jul 26 09:49:29 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::play index undefined Jul 26 09:49:29 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::setConsumeUpdateService undefined Jul 26 09:49:29 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0 Jul 26 09:49:29 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::startPlaybackTimer Jul 26 09:49:29 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0 Jul 26 09:49:29 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetVisibleSources Jul 26 09:49:29 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: my_music , getDisabledSources Jul 26 09:49:29 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: mpd , getMyCollectionStatsObject Jul 26 09:49:29 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: [1721980169456] ControllerWebradio::clearAddPlayTrack Jul 26 09:49:29 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand stop Jul 26 09:49:29 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MPD error: Error: This socket has been ended by the other party Jul 26 09:49:29 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: This socket has been ended by the other party {"code":"EPIPE"} Jul 26 09:49:29 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MPD error: Error: This socket has been ended by the other party Jul 26 09:49:29 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: This socket has been ended by the other party {"code":"EPIPE"} Jul 26 09:49:29 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MPD error: Error: This socket has been ended by the other party Jul 26 09:49:29 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: This socket has been ended by the other party {"code":"EPIPE"} Jul 26 09:49:33 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: Preload queue cleared Jul 26 09:49:33 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioReplaceandPlayItems Jul 26 09:49:33 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::ClearQueue Jul 26 09:49:33 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::stop Jul 26 09:49:33 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::setConsumeUpdateService undefined Jul 26 09:49:33 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CorePlayQueue::clearPlayQueue Jul 26 09:49:33 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CorePlayQueue::saveQueue Jul 26 09:49:33 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushQueue Jul 26 09:49:33 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::addQueueItems Jul 26 09:49:33 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CorePlayQueue::addQueueItems Jul 26 09:49:33 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: Preload queue cleared Jul 26 09:49:33 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: Adding Item to queue: http://yp.shoutcast.com/sbin/tunein-station.m3u?id=99519473 Jul 26 09:49:33 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: webradio , explodeUri Jul 26 09:49:33 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushQueue Jul 26 09:49:33 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CorePlayQueue::saveQueue Jul 26 09:49:33 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::updateTrackBlock Jul 26 09:49:33 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrackBlock Jul 26 09:49:33 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPlay Jul 26 09:49:33 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::play index 0 Jul 26 09:49:33 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::setConsumeUpdateService undefined Jul 26 09:49:33 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::stop Jul 26 09:49:33 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::setConsumeUpdateService undefined Jul 26 09:49:33 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::play index undefined Jul 26 09:49:33 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::setConsumeUpdateService undefined Jul 26 09:49:33 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0 Jul 26 09:49:33 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::startPlaybackTimer Jul 26 09:49:33 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0 Jul 26 09:49:33 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetVisibleSources Jul 26 09:49:33 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: my_music , getDisabledSources Jul 26 09:49:33 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: mpd , getMyCollectionStatsObject Jul 26 09:49:33 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: [1721980173363] ControllerWebradio::clearAddPlayTrack Jul 26 09:49:33 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand stop Jul 26 09:49:33 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MPD error: Error: This socket has been ended by the other party Jul 26 09:49:33 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: This socket has been ended by the other party {"code":"EPIPE"} Jul 26 09:49:33 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MPD error: Error: This socket has been ended by the other party Jul 26 09:49:33 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: This socket has been ended by the other party {"code":"EPIPE"} Jul 26 09:49:33 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MPD error: Error: This socket has been ended by the other party Jul 26 09:49:33 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: This socket has been ended by the other party {"code":"EPIPE"} Jul 26 09:49:33 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MyVolumio MQTT error: Error: Cannot parse topic Jul 26 09:49:34 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MyVolumio MQTT error: Error: Cannot parse topic Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: Preload queue cleared Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioReplaceandPlayItems Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::ClearQueue Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::stop Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::setConsumeUpdateService undefined Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CorePlayQueue::clearPlayQueue Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CorePlayQueue::saveQueue Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushQueue Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::addQueueItems Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CorePlayQueue::addQueueItems Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: Preload queue cleared Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: Adding Item to queue: http://yp.shoutcast.com/sbin/tunein-station.m3u?id=99519473 Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: webradio , explodeUri Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushQueue Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CorePlayQueue::saveQueue Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::updateTrackBlock Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrackBlock Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPlay Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::play index 0 Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::setConsumeUpdateService undefined Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::stop Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::setConsumeUpdateService undefined Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::play index undefined Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::setConsumeUpdateService undefined Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0 Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::startPlaybackTimer Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0 Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetVisibleSources Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: my_music , getDisabledSources Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: mpd , getMyCollectionStatsObject Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: [1721980175270] ControllerWebradio::clearAddPlayTrack Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand stop Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MPD error: Error: This socket has been ended by the other party Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: This socket has been ended by the other party {"code":"EPIPE"} Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MPD error: Error: This socket has been ended by the other party Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: This socket has been ended by the other party {"code":"EPIPE"} Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MPD error: Error: This socket has been ended by the other party Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: This socket has been ended by the other party {"code":"EPIPE"} Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: Preload queue cleared Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioReplaceandPlayItems Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::ClearQueue Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::stop Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::setConsumeUpdateService undefined Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CorePlayQueue::clearPlayQueue Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CorePlayQueue::saveQueue Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushQueue Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::addQueueItems Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CorePlayQueue::addQueueItems Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: Preload queue cleared Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: Adding Item to queue: http://yp.shoutcast.com/sbin/tunein-station.m3u?id=99519473 Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: webradio , explodeUri Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushQueue Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CorePlayQueue::saveQueue Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::updateTrackBlock Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrackBlock Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPlay Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::play index 0 Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::setConsumeUpdateService undefined Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::stop Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::setConsumeUpdateService undefined Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::play index undefined Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::setConsumeUpdateService undefined Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0 Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::startPlaybackTimer Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0 Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetVisibleSources Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: my_music , getDisabledSources Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: mpd , getMyCollectionStatsObject Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: [1721980175446] ControllerWebradio::clearAddPlayTrack Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand stop Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MPD error: Error: This socket has been ended by the other party Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: This socket has been ended by the other party {"code":"EPIPE"} Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MPD error: Error: This socket has been ended by the other party Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: This socket has been ended by the other party {"code":"EPIPE"} Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MPD error: Error: This socket has been ended by the other party Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: This socket has been ended by the other party {"code":"EPIPE"} Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: Preload queue cleared Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioReplaceandPlayItems Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::ClearQueue Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::stop Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::setConsumeUpdateService undefined Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CorePlayQueue::clearPlayQueue Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CorePlayQueue::saveQueue Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushQueue Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::addQueueItems Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CorePlayQueue::addQueueItems Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: Preload queue cleared Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: Adding Item to queue: http://yp.shoutcast.com/sbin/tunein-station.m3u?id=99519473 Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: webradio , explodeUri Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushQueue Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CorePlayQueue::saveQueue Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::updateTrackBlock Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrackBlock Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPlay Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::play index 0 Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::setConsumeUpdateService undefined Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::stop Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::setConsumeUpdateService undefined Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::play index undefined Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::setConsumeUpdateService undefined Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0 Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::startPlaybackTimer Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0 Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetVisibleSources Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: my_music , getDisabledSources Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: mpd , getMyCollectionStatsObject Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: [1721980175665] ControllerWebradio::clearAddPlayTrack Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand stop Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MPD error: Error: This socket has been ended by the other party Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: This socket has been ended by the other party {"code":"EPIPE"} Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MPD error: Error: This socket has been ended by the other party Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: This socket has been ended by the other party {"code":"EPIPE"} Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MPD error: Error: This socket has been ended by the other party Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: This socket has been ended by the other party {"code":"EPIPE"} Jul 26 09:49:35 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MyVolumio MQTT error: Error: Cannot parse topic Jul 26 09:49:36 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPlay Jul 26 09:49:36 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::play index undefined Jul 26 09:49:36 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::setConsumeUpdateService undefined Jul 26 09:49:36 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0 Jul 26 09:49:36 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::startPlaybackTimer Jul 26 09:49:36 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0 Jul 26 09:49:36 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetVisibleSources Jul 26 09:49:36 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: my_music , getDisabledSources Jul 26 09:49:36 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: mpd , getMyCollectionStatsObject Jul 26 09:49:36 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: [1721980176545] ControllerWebradio::clearAddPlayTrack Jul 26 09:49:36 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand stop Jul 26 09:49:36 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MPD error: Error: This socket has been ended by the other party Jul 26 09:49:36 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: This socket has been ended by the other party {"code":"EPIPE"} Jul 26 09:49:36 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MPD error: Error: This socket has been ended by the other party Jul 26 09:49:36 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: This socket has been ended by the other party {"code":"EPIPE"} Jul 26 09:49:36 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MPD error: Error: This socket has been ended by the other party Jul 26 09:49:36 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: This socket has been ended by the other party {"code":"EPIPE"} Jul 26 09:49:36 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MyVolumio MQTT error: Error: Cannot parse topic Jul 26 09:49:37 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MyVolumio MQTT error: Error: Cannot parse topic Jul 26 09:49:39 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MyVolumio MQTT error: Error: Cannot parse topic Jul 26 09:49:40 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MyVolumio MQTT error: Error: Cannot parse topic Jul 26 09:49:41 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MyVolumio MQTT error: Error: Cannot parse topic Jul 26 09:49:42 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MyVolumio MQTT error: Error: Cannot parse topic Jul 26 09:49:43 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MyVolumio MQTT error: Error: Cannot parse topic Jul 26 09:49:43 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: Preload queue cleared Jul 26 09:49:43 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioReplaceandPlayItems Jul 26 09:49:43 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::ClearQueue Jul 26 09:49:43 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::stop Jul 26 09:49:43 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::setConsumeUpdateService undefined Jul 26 09:49:43 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CorePlayQueue::clearPlayQueue Jul 26 09:49:43 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CorePlayQueue::saveQueue Jul 26 09:49:43 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushQueue Jul 26 09:49:43 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::addQueueItems Jul 26 09:49:43 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CorePlayQueue::addQueueItems Jul 26 09:49:43 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: Preload queue cleared Jul 26 09:49:43 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: Adding Item to queue: http://yp.shoutcast.com/sbin/tunein-station.m3u?id=99519473 Jul 26 09:49:43 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: webradio , explodeUri Jul 26 09:49:43 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushQueue Jul 26 09:49:43 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CorePlayQueue::saveQueue Jul 26 09:49:43 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::updateTrackBlock Jul 26 09:49:43 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrackBlock Jul 26 09:49:43 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPlay Jul 26 09:49:43 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::play index 0 Jul 26 09:49:43 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::setConsumeUpdateService undefined Jul 26 09:49:43 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::stop Jul 26 09:49:43 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::setConsumeUpdateService undefined Jul 26 09:49:43 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::play index undefined Jul 26 09:49:43 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::setConsumeUpdateService undefined Jul 26 09:49:43 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0 Jul 26 09:49:43 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::startPlaybackTimer Jul 26 09:49:43 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0 Jul 26 09:49:43 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetVisibleSources Jul 26 09:49:43 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: my_music , getDisabledSources Jul 26 09:49:43 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: mpd , getMyCollectionStatsObject Jul 26 09:49:43 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: [1721980183384] ControllerWebradio::clearAddPlayTrack Jul 26 09:49:43 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand stop Jul 26 09:49:43 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MPD error: Error: This socket has been ended by the other party Jul 26 09:49:43 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: This socket has been ended by the other party {"code":"EPIPE"} Jul 26 09:49:43 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MPD error: Error: This socket has been ended by the other party Jul 26 09:49:43 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: This socket has been ended by the other party {"code":"EPIPE"} Jul 26 09:49:43 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MPD error: Error: This socket has been ended by the other party Jul 26 09:49:43 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: This socket has been ended by the other party {"code":"EPIPE"} Jul 26 09:49:44 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MyVolumio MQTT error: Error: Cannot parse topic Jul 26 09:49:44 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: VolumeController::SetAlsaVolume95 Jul 26 09:49:44 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState Jul 26 09:49:44 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0 Jul 26 09:49:44 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo Jul 26 09:49:44 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState Jul 26 09:49:44 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: MRS: Pushing multiroomSync output update for this device Jul 26 09:49:44 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: MRS: Pushing multiroomSync output Jul 26 09:49:44 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: SPOTIFY: RECEIVED VOLUMIO VOLUME 95 Jul 26 09:49:44 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: SPOTIFY: SPOTIFY VOLUME 100 Jul 26 09:49:44 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: SPOTIFY: VOLUMIO VOLUME 95 Jul 26 09:49:44 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: SPOTIFY: DELTA VOLUME ENOUGH: true Jul 26 09:49:44 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: Setting Spotify Volume from Volumio: 95 Jul 26 09:49:45 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: Cannot set ALSA Volume: Error: Alsa Mixer Error: No protocol specified Jul 26 09:49:45 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: xcb_connection_has_error() returned true Jul 26 09:49:45 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: amixer: Mixer hw:0 load error: No such device or address Jul 26 09:49:45 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: VolumeController::SetAlsaVolume85 Jul 26 09:49:45 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState Jul 26 09:49:45 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0 Jul 26 09:49:45 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo Jul 26 09:49:45 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState Jul 26 09:49:45 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: MRS: Pushing multiroomSync output update for this device Jul 26 09:49:45 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: MRS: Pushing multiroomSync output Jul 26 09:49:45 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: SPOTIFY: RECEIVED VOLUMIO VOLUME 85 Jul 26 09:49:45 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: SPOTIFY: SPOTIFY VOLUME 95 Jul 26 09:49:45 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: SPOTIFY: VOLUMIO VOLUME 85 Jul 26 09:49:45 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: SPOTIFY: DELTA VOLUME ENOUGH: true Jul 26 09:49:45 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: Setting Spotify Volume from Volumio: 85 Jul 26 09:49:45 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: Cannot set ALSA Volume: Error: Alsa Mixer Error: No protocol specified Jul 26 09:49:45 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: xcb_connection_has_error() returned true Jul 26 09:49:45 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: amixer: Mixer hw:0 load error: No such device or address Jul 26 09:49:45 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MyVolumio MQTT error: Error: Cannot parse topic Jul 26 09:49:45 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: VolumeController::SetAlsaVolume90 Jul 26 09:49:45 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState Jul 26 09:49:45 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0 Jul 26 09:49:45 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo Jul 26 09:49:45 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState Jul 26 09:49:45 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: MRS: Pushing multiroomSync output update for this device Jul 26 09:49:45 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: MRS: Pushing multiroomSync output Jul 26 09:49:45 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: SPOTIFY: RECEIVED VOLUMIO VOLUME 90 Jul 26 09:49:45 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: SPOTIFY: SPOTIFY VOLUME 85 Jul 26 09:49:45 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: SPOTIFY: VOLUMIO VOLUME 90 Jul 26 09:49:45 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: SPOTIFY: DELTA VOLUME ENOUGH: true Jul 26 09:49:45 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: Setting Spotify Volume from Volumio: 90 Jul 26 09:49:45 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: Cannot set ALSA Volume: Error: Alsa Mixer Error: No protocol specified Jul 26 09:49:45 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: xcb_connection_has_error() returned true Jul 26 09:49:45 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: amixer: Mixer hw:0 load error: No such device or address Jul 26 09:49:45 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: VolumeController::SetAlsaVolume100 Jul 26 09:49:45 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState Jul 26 09:49:45 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0 Jul 26 09:49:45 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo Jul 26 09:49:45 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState Jul 26 09:49:45 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: MRS: Pushing multiroomSync output update for this device Jul 26 09:49:45 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: MRS: Pushing multiroomSync output Jul 26 09:49:45 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: SPOTIFY: RECEIVED VOLUMIO VOLUME 100 Jul 26 09:49:45 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: SPOTIFY: SPOTIFY VOLUME 90 Jul 26 09:49:45 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: SPOTIFY: VOLUMIO VOLUME 100 Jul 26 09:49:45 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: SPOTIFY: DELTA VOLUME ENOUGH: true Jul 26 09:49:45 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: Setting Spotify Volume from Volumio: 100 Jul 26 09:49:45 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: Cannot set ALSA Volume: Error: Alsa Mixer Error: amixer: Mixer hw:0 load error: No such device or address Jul 26 09:49:46 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MyVolumio MQTT error: Error: Cannot parse topic Jul 26 09:49:47 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MyVolumio MQTT error: Error: Cannot parse topic Jul 26 09:49:47 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: SPOTIFY: SETTING SPOTIFY VOLUME 100 Jul 26 09:49:47 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: Sending Spotify command with payload to local API: /player/volume Jul 26 09:49:47 ysfirenze go-librespot[28600]: time="2024-07-26T09:49:47+02:00" level=debug msg="update volume to 65535/65535" Jul 26 09:49:47 ysfirenze go-librespot[28600]: time="2024-07-26T09:49:47+02:00" level=debug msg="put connect state because VOLUME_CHANGED" Jul 26 09:49:47 ysfirenze go-librespot[28600]: time="2024-07-26T09:49:47+02:00" level=trace msg="emitting websocket event: volume" Jul 26 09:49:47 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: SPOTIFY: received: {"type":"volume","data":{"value":100,"max":100}} Jul 26 09:49:47 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: SPOTIFY: RECEIVED SPOTIFY VOLUME 100 Jul 26 09:49:48 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MyVolumio MQTT error: Error: Cannot parse topic Jul 26 09:49:49 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MyVolumio MQTT error: Error: Cannot parse topic Jul 26 09:49:50 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MyVolumio MQTT error: Error: Cannot parse topic Jul 26 09:49:51 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MyVolumio MQTT error: Error: Cannot parse topic Jul 26 09:49:52 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MyVolumio MQTT error: Error: Cannot parse topic Jul 26 09:49:53 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MyVolumio MQTT error: Error: Cannot parse topic Jul 26 09:49:54 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPlay Jul 26 09:49:54 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::play index undefined Jul 26 09:49:54 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::setConsumeUpdateService undefined Jul 26 09:49:54 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0 Jul 26 09:49:54 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::startPlaybackTimer Jul 26 09:49:54 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0 Jul 26 09:49:54 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetVisibleSources Jul 26 09:49:54 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: my_music , getDisabledSources Jul 26 09:49:54 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: mpd , getMyCollectionStatsObject Jul 26 09:49:54 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: [1721980194168] ControllerWebradio::clearAddPlayTrack Jul 26 09:49:54 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand stop Jul 26 09:49:54 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MPD error: Error: This socket has been ended by the other party Jul 26 09:49:54 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: This socket has been ended by the other party {"code":"EPIPE"} Jul 26 09:49:54 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MPD error: Error: This socket has been ended by the other party Jul 26 09:49:54 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: This socket has been ended by the other party {"code":"EPIPE"} Jul 26 09:49:54 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MPD error: Error: This socket has been ended by the other party Jul 26 09:49:54 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: This socket has been ended by the other party {"code":"EPIPE"} Jul 26 09:49:54 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MyVolumio MQTT error: Error: Cannot parse topic Jul 26 09:49:55 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MyVolumio MQTT error: Error: Cannot parse topic Jul 26 09:49:56 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MyVolumio MQTT error: Error: Cannot parse topic Jul 26 09:49:57 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MyVolumio MQTT error: Error: Cannot parse topic Jul 26 09:49:58 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MyVolumio MQTT error: Error: Cannot parse topic Jul 26 09:49:58 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPlay Jul 26 09:49:58 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::play index undefined Jul 26 09:49:58 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::setConsumeUpdateService undefined Jul 26 09:49:58 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0 Jul 26 09:49:58 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::startPlaybackTimer Jul 26 09:49:58 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0 Jul 26 09:49:58 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetVisibleSources Jul 26 09:49:58 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: my_music , getDisabledSources Jul 26 09:49:58 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: mpd , getMyCollectionStatsObject Jul 26 09:49:58 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: [1721980198956] ControllerWebradio::clearAddPlayTrack Jul 26 09:49:58 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand stop Jul 26 09:49:58 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MPD error: Error: This socket has been ended by the other party Jul 26 09:49:58 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: This socket has been ended by the other party {"code":"EPIPE"} Jul 26 09:49:58 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MPD error: Error: This socket has been ended by the other party Jul 26 09:49:58 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: This socket has been ended by the other party {"code":"EPIPE"} Jul 26 09:49:58 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MPD error: Error: This socket has been ended by the other party Jul 26 09:49:58 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: This socket has been ended by the other party {"code":"EPIPE"} Jul 26 09:49:59 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MyVolumio MQTT error: Error: Cannot parse topic Jul 26 09:50:00 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPrevious Jul 26 09:50:00 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::previous Jul 26 09:50:00 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MyVolumio MQTT error: Error: Cannot parse topic Jul 26 09:50:01 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioNext Jul 26 09:50:01 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::next Jul 26 09:50:01 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::stop Jul 26 09:50:01 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::setConsumeUpdateService undefined Jul 26 09:50:01 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::play index undefined Jul 26 09:50:01 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::setConsumeUpdateService undefined Jul 26 09:50:01 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 1 Jul 26 09:50:01 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MyVolumio MQTT error: Error: Cannot parse topic Jul 26 09:50:02 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MyVolumio MQTT error: Error: Cannot parse topic Jul 26 09:50:03 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MyVolumio MQTT error: Error: Cannot parse topic Jul 26 09:50:04 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPlay Jul 26 09:50:04 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::play index undefined Jul 26 09:50:04 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::setConsumeUpdateService undefined Jul 26 09:50:04 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0 Jul 26 09:50:04 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::startPlaybackTimer Jul 26 09:50:04 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0 Jul 26 09:50:04 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetVisibleSources Jul 26 09:50:04 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: my_music , getDisabledSources Jul 26 09:50:04 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: mpd , getMyCollectionStatsObject Jul 26 09:50:04 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: [1721980204672] ControllerWebradio::clearAddPlayTrack Jul 26 09:50:04 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand stop Jul 26 09:50:04 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MPD error: Error: This socket has been ended by the other party Jul 26 09:50:04 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: This socket has been ended by the other party {"code":"EPIPE"} Jul 26 09:50:04 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MPD error: Error: This socket has been ended by the other party Jul 26 09:50:04 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: This socket has been ended by the other party {"code":"EPIPE"} Jul 26 09:50:04 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MPD error: Error: This socket has been ended by the other party Jul 26 09:50:04 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: This socket has been ended by the other party {"code":"EPIPE"} Jul 26 09:50:04 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MyVolumio MQTT error: Error: Cannot parse topic Jul 26 09:50:05 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MyVolumio MQTT error: Error: Cannot parse topic Jul 26 09:50:06 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MyVolumio MQTT error: Error: Cannot parse topic Jul 26 09:50:07 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MyVolumio MQTT error: Error: Cannot parse topic Jul 26 09:50:08 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MyVolumio MQTT error: Error: Cannot parse topic Jul 26 09:50:10 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MyVolumio MQTT error: Error: Cannot parse topic Jul 26 09:50:11 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MyVolumio MQTT error: Error: Cannot parse topic Jul 26 09:50:12 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MyVolumio MQTT error: Error: Cannot parse topic Jul 26 09:50:13 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MyVolumio MQTT error: Error: Cannot parse topic Jul 26 09:50:13 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: system , getHwuuid Jul 26 09:50:13 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: Playing Remote Device: Jul 26 09:50:13 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: Jul 26 09:50:13 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: ---------------------------- Client requests Volumio play Jul 26 09:50:13 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPlay Jul 26 09:50:13 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::play index undefined Jul 26 09:50:13 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::setConsumeUpdateService undefined Jul 26 09:50:13 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0 Jul 26 09:50:13 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreStateMachine::startPlaybackTimer Jul 26 09:50:13 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0 Jul 26 09:50:13 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetVisibleSources Jul 26 09:50:13 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: my_music , getDisabledSources Jul 26 09:50:13 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: mpd , getMyCollectionStatsObject Jul 26 09:50:13 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: [1721980213515] ControllerWebradio::clearAddPlayTrack Jul 26 09:50:13 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand stop Jul 26 09:50:13 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MPD error: Error: This socket has been ended by the other party Jul 26 09:50:13 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: This socket has been ended by the other party {"code":"EPIPE"} Jul 26 09:50:13 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MPD error: Error: This socket has been ended by the other party Jul 26 09:50:13 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: This socket has been ended by the other party {"code":"EPIPE"} Jul 26 09:50:13 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MPD error: Error: This socket has been ended by the other party Jul 26 09:50:13 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: This socket has been ended by the other party {"code":"EPIPE"} Jul 26 09:50:13 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: Done playing: Jul 26 09:50:14 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MyVolumio MQTT error: Error: Cannot parse topic Jul 26 09:50:15 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MyVolumio MQTT error: Error: Cannot parse topic Jul 26 09:50:16 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MyVolumio MQTT error: Error: Cannot parse topic Jul 26 09:50:17 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: error: MyVolumio MQTT error: Error: Cannot parse topic Jul 26 09:50:18 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: multiroom , audioOutputPlay Jul 26 09:50:18 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: info: Error : CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: No method [audioOutputPlay] in plugin multiroom Jul 26 09:50:18 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: |||||||||||||||||||||||| WARNING: FATAL ERROR ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Jul 26 09:50:18 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: TypeError: Cannot read property 'then' of undefined Jul 26 09:50:18 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: at outputs.audioOutputPlay (/volumio/app/plugins/audio_interface/outputs/index.js:367:9) Jul 26 09:50:18 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: at CoreCommandRouter.audioOutputPlay (/volumio/app/index.js:2260:30) Jul 26 09:50:18 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: at Socket. (/volumio/app/plugins/user_interface/websocket/index.js:1435:26) Jul 26 09:50:18 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: at Socket.emit (events.js:400:28) Jul 26 09:50:18 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: at /volumio/node_modules/socket.io/lib/socket.js:528:12 Jul 26 09:50:18 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:77:11) Jul 26 09:50:18 ysfirenze volumio[28381]: ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Jul 26 09:50:18 ysfirenze sudo[5016]: volumio : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/journalctl --since=2024-07-26 09:49 Jul 26 09:50:18 ysfirenze sudo[5016]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0) PRETTY_NAME="Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)" NAME="Debian GNU/Linux" VERSION_ID="10" VERSION="10 (buster)" VERSION_CODENAME=buster ID=debian HOME_URL="https://www.debian.org/" SUPPORT_URL="https://www.debian.org/support" BUG_REPORT_URL="https://bugs.debian.org/" VOLUMIO_BUILD_VERSION="4b122b2365bb8c09786cd63b50d1ea6db780eb4e" VOLUMIO_FE_VERSION="e7cae168f9927391640a091813b8a9656b6909b6" VOLUMIO_FE3_VERSION="df82a8f23c90a3617c15c55572c8aaea90d8b32a" VOLUMIO_BE_VERSION="49f98390f2d84c6549f33dc85b694fbd99e4c720" VOLUMIO_ARCH="armv7" VOLUMIO_VARIANT="volumio" VOLUMIO_TEST="FALSE" VOLUMIO_BUILD_DATE="Tue 04 Jun 2024 08:59:47 PM CEST" VOLUMIO_VERSION="3.703" VOLUMIO_HARDWARE="tinkerboard" VOLUMIO_DEVICENAME="Asus Tinkerboard" VOLUMIO_HASH="5afa2cba9d125c5d0103869143516973"