-- Logs begin at Thu 2019-02-14 18:11:59 CST, end at Sat 2024-07-06 00:23:05 CST. -- Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Preload queue cleared Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioReplaceandPlayItems Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::ClearQueue Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::stop Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::setConsumeUpdateService undefined Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::stPlaybackTimer Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::updateTrackBlock Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrackBlock Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 2 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::serviceStop Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 2 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreCommandRouter::serviceStop Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: ControllerMpd::stop Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand stop Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: CorePlayQueue::clearPlayQueue Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: CorePlayQueue::saveQueue Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushQueue Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::addQueueItems Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: CorePlayQueue::addQueueItems Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Preload queue cleared Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/0 对唱情歌 余生牵手走一走 7.29 合成.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/0 对唱情歌 余生牵手走一走 7.29 合成.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/008丽达之歌.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/008丽达之歌.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/01.黄英 - 映山红 - K4v1 - Dj 版.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/01.黄英 - 映山红 - K4v1 - Dj 版.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/014两步爱的苦酒[男声版]!.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/014两步爱的苦酒[男声版]!.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/02 【并四】 红尘情歌 .mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/02 【并四】 红尘情歌 .mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/02 靠步 雕花的马鞍 发烧男声.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/02 靠步 雕花的马鞍 发烧男声.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/02.一段情歌一段伤,靠步.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/02.一段情歌一段伤,靠步.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/026 K4 最美最美[DJ版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/026 K4 最美最美[DJ版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/03. 老头 疯狂爱爱爱 二步.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/03. 老头 疯狂爱爱爱 二步.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/036二步 (3).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/036二步 (3).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/05.(LH0089)受伤的羔羊 (DJ版).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/05.(LH0089)受伤的羔羊 (DJ版).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/05【吉特巴】最美最美的歌曲.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/05【吉特巴】最美最美的歌曲.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/051 两步DSG[0036]舞厅专用迪高.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/051 两步DSG[0036]舞厅专用迪高.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/056 两步Mk46787.泪人人(王莎莎)[DJ版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/056 两步Mk46787.泪人人(王莎莎)[DJ版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/059Mk46692.故乡情(胡蜜丹)[DJ版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/059Mk46692.故乡情(胡蜜丹)[DJ版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/07.赵真 - 爱情小镇 - 靠步.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/07.赵真 - 爱情小镇 - 靠步.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/072 张真 - 我被青春撞了一下腰 - 吉特巴.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/072 张真 - 我被青春撞了一下腰 - 吉特巴.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/08 你是我最美的传奇 - ah1981 对唱版.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/08 你是我最美的传奇 - ah1981 对唱版.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/08 生死相爱[靠步].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/08 生死相爱[靠步].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/09 丽达之歌 .mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/09 丽达之歌 .mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/090Z30973.lgp哈萨克姑娘再比拉(山东阿清)[华尔兹快中三]hhh(男)111.MP3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/090Z30973.lgp哈萨克姑娘再比拉(山东阿清)[华尔兹快中三]hhh(男)111.MP3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/1030.中三步Z3v1我爱祖国的蓝天[范琳琳].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/1030.中三步Z3v1我爱祖国的蓝天[范琳琳].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/1046.Kb8312.独自买醉(钰柃)喝下的不知是酒还是泪.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/1046.Kb8312.独自买醉(钰柃)喝下的不知是酒还是泪.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/12 玛尼情歌 六步.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/12 玛尼情歌 六步.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/13. CD Track 08.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/13. CD Track 08.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/14 高安 - 叹情歌 - 靠步.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/14 高安 - 叹情歌 - 靠步.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/140 中三Z31974.爱如雪花(红蔷薇&望海高歌)[情歌对唱].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/140 中三Z31974.爱如雪花(红蔷薇&望海高歌)[情歌对唱].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/148靠步YP久别的草原.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/148靠步YP久别的草原.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/16.桂花开(三步).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/16.桂花开(三步).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/169 .(靠步)变了心的人.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/169 .(靠步)变了心的人.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/170靠步-小花-崔伟立【小海舞曲】_06分27秒.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/170靠步-小花-崔伟立【小海舞曲】_06分27秒.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/172.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/172.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/191靠步-别在梦里相见-郭欢【景制作】_06分17秒.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/191靠步-别在梦里相见-郭欢【景制作】_06分17秒.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/194音轨 靠步.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/194音轨 靠步.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/198.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/198.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/21 春风吹啊吹(靠步).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/21 春风吹啊吹(靠步).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/227-老虎不发威你当我病猫-小琢(拉六步)【景舞曲】_07分55秒.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/227-老虎不发威你当我病猫-小琢(拉六步)【景舞曲】_07分55秒.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/25 拉网小调[六步].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/25 拉网小调[六步].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/28 拉萨之恋(中三).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/28 拉萨之恋(中三).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/31 雪中泪痕(靠步).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/31 雪中泪痕(靠步).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/35 天边的骆驼(新版靠步).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/35 天边的骆驼(新版靠步).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/37 唱首情歌给草原(靠步).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/37 唱首情歌给草原(靠步).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/377靠步Kb3424.生命之恋(姚贝娜&亚东)阳光送来了灿烂.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/377靠步Kb3424.生命之恋(姚贝娜&亚东)阳光送来了灿烂.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/39 情伤[乐队靠步 a.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/39 情伤[乐队靠步 a.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/4 放手你的爱.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/4 放手你的爱.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/404YP(A35547)来生不再遇见你.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/404YP(A35547)来生不再遇见你.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/409 事曾爱过(靠步)Track.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/409 事曾爱过(靠步)Track.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/412 YP(A47155)为你等了几个秋 对唱 .mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/412 YP(A47155)为你等了几个秋 对唱 .mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/417YP(A39006)暗里着迷 [胡琳]女声 2020-07-13.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/417YP(A39006)暗里着迷 [胡琳]女声 2020-07-13.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/422 YP(A42509)人生如歌[对唱].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/422 YP(A42509)人生如歌[对唱].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/434YP(A47893)好兄弟好姑娘.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/434YP(A47893)好兄弟好姑娘.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/445中三Z3请你走草原--天骏.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/445中三Z3请你走草原--天骏.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/453六步P4爱的天堂[格桑达娃.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/453六步P4爱的天堂[格桑达娃.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/454靠步YP美丽的佩枯措[泽旺多吉] .mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/454靠步YP美丽的佩枯措[泽旺多吉] .mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/462 YP(A47462)风雨旅途.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/462 YP(A47462)风雨旅途.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/47 姑娘你真美(靠步).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/47 姑娘你真美(靠步).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/473 六步 45847 扶我起来还能喝.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/473 六步 45847 扶我起来还能喝.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/49 [靠步]吐鲁番的葡萄熟了..mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/49 [靠步]吐鲁番的葡萄熟了..mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/53.靠四 - 哥哥亲哥哥傻 温柔港湾.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/53.靠四 - 哥哥亲哥哥傻 温柔港湾.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/572YP(A47935)心上的罗加[电吹管].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/572YP(A47935)心上的罗加[电吹管].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/573 Z3(A33500)忧伤华尔兹 [男声]乐队版 中快三 1907-20.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/573 Z3(A33500)忧伤华尔兹 [男声]乐队版 中快三 1907-20.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/576醉酒以后你会想起谁(寒风).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/576醉酒以后你会想起谁(寒风).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/579三步五寸钢刀Track...mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/579三步五寸钢刀Track...mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/588 让我想起爱的歌,[女声版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/588 让我想起爱的歌,[女声版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/59. 心上人 泪的小花 女.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/59. 心上人 泪的小花 女.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/592那又如何【炼制作】.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/592那又如何【炼制作】.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/596YP(A49000)始终觉得你最好[对唱].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/596YP(A49000)始终觉得你最好[对唱].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/602泪水换不回你情意(李英).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/602泪水换不回你情意(李英).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/610靠步苦涩的爱.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/610靠步苦涩的爱.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/613念草原[[飞歌MZ]6.20.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/613念草原[[飞歌MZ]6.20.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/646 靠步放手你的爱1.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/646 靠步放手你的爱1.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/656靠步丨没有你陪我好累[男声版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/656靠步丨没有你陪我好累[男声版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/686 YP(HK751)高原蓝 [乌兰托娅]06’31.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/686 YP(HK751)高原蓝 [乌兰托娅]06’31.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/699靠步 惜别夜港边.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/699靠步 惜别夜港边.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/701中三步月儿悄悄..mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/701中三步月儿悄悄..mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/751Kb5923.曲中人(王建荣)有些歌我们曾经听不懂.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/751Kb5923.曲中人(王建荣)有些歌我们曾经听不懂.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/791-靠-YP(A10667)爱过了今生就没遗憾.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/791-靠-YP(A10667)爱过了今生就没遗憾.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/815 YPAH0331说声对不起男下.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/815 YPAH0331说声对不起男下.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/818 P4(AH4190)深情的眷恋3★12.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/818 P4(AH4190)深情的眷恋3★12.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/825P4(A11515)八月桂花遍地开[青燕子演唱组].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/825P4(A11515)八月桂花遍地开[青燕子演唱组].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/839P4(AH2829)老板的心声.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/839P4(AH2829)老板的心声.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/920.Kb5923.曲中人(王建荣)有些歌我们曾经听不懂.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/920.Kb5923.曲中人(王建荣)有些歌我们曾经听不懂.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/94--靠步草原情哥哥.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/94--靠步草原情哥哥.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/b016四步阿桑古卡 - 男人的心.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/b016四步阿桑古卡 - 男人的心.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/B43356.冬天到呼伦贝尔来看雪(乌兰齐齐格)[草原新歌].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/B43356.冬天到呼伦贝尔来看雪(乌兰齐齐格)[草原新歌].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/达坡玛吉 - 阿妹的情歌 (恰恰版) (0).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/达坡玛吉 - 阿妹的情歌 (恰恰版) (0).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/06 红色娘子军 快3.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/06 红色娘子军 快3.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/42 【靠步】你让我感动.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/42 【靠步】你让我感动.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/04.图桠格 - 神奇的布达拉 - 靠步 草原舞曲.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/04.图桠格 - 神奇的布达拉 - 靠步 草原舞曲.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/234靠步.我们好好爱.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/234靠步.我们好好爱.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/053拉六步丨0谎言[女声版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/053拉六步丨0谎言[女声版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/06,中三步丨梓花儿[男声版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/06,中三步丨梓花儿[男声版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/凤凰传奇 - 等爱的玫瑰 (并四版)(1).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/凤凰传奇 - 等爱的玫瑰 (并四版)(1).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/华语群星 - 草原牧歌 (吉特巴版)(1).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/华语群星 - 草原牧歌 (吉特巴版)(1).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/快三 - 哈萨克姑娘再比拉男声舞厅专用.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/快三 - 哈萨克姑娘再比拉男声舞厅专用.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/未知歌手 - 杜鹃圆舞曲 (快三版).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/未知歌手 - 杜鹃圆舞曲 (快三版).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/184靠步雪山云彩.MP3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/184靠步雪山云彩.MP3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/066 K4 蝴蝶翩翩飞[DJ版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/066 K4 蝴蝶翩翩飞[DJ版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/88--靠步,醉月亮.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/88--靠步,醉月亮.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/310 中三Z31750-中三、世间真情美[阿琳].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/310 中三Z31750-中三、世间真情美[阿琳].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/320中三Z31595-中三、芦花[雷佳].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/320中三Z31595-中三、芦花[雷佳].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/10. 闯码头 二.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/10. 闯码头 二.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/35. 三步冰山上的雪莲.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/35. 三步冰山上的雪莲.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/074 曲目 两步.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/074 曲目 两步.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/199靠步山水知音[四郎曲珍].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/199靠步山水知音[四郎曲珍].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/170中三 - 郁金香的故乡 Adtg 草原舞曲.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/170中三 - 郁金香的故乡 Adtg 草原舞曲.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/11 别叫我宝贝 - DJ快四版.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/11 别叫我宝贝 - DJ快四版.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/蓝颜追雪 - 你抱着别人说爱我 - 吉特巴版.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/蓝颜追雪 - 你抱着别人说爱我 - 吉特巴版.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/54 [KB] 恋[托娅&索朗扎西][靠步]_38144.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/54 [KB] 恋[托娅&索朗扎西][靠步]_38144.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/010B46746.月缺月圆都想你(小琢&望海高歌)[对唱DJ版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/010B46746.月缺月圆都想你(小琢&望海高歌)[对唱DJ版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/202Kb8650.红颜知己(王峰vs安静)[对唱版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/202Kb8650.红颜知己(王峰vs安静)[对唱版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/569Mk47661.旧梦(刘晓超)[DJ版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/569Mk47661.旧梦(刘晓超)[DJ版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/771.Kb8929.爱有多美心有多累(月下思故人&红蔷薇).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/771.Kb8929.爱有多美心有多累(月下思故人&红蔷薇).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/807中三Z32153.跑马山上那朵云(LIN)[快中三].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/807中三Z32153.跑马山上那朵云(LIN)[快中三].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/909.B46982.我怎么潇洒怎么活(文静).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/909.B46982.我怎么潇洒怎么活(文静).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/003 Kb4731.拉萨夜雨(苏勒亚其其格)天空洒落着雨.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/003 Kb4731.拉萨夜雨(苏勒亚其其格)天空洒落着雨.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/004 两步Mk45739.万爱千恩(王琪)[DJ版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/004 两步Mk45739.万爱千恩(王琪)[DJ版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/008 月下情缘(蓝琪儿&姚大)爱情呀缠缠绵如同花蝴蝶.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/008 月下情缘(蓝琪儿&姚大)爱情呀缠缠绵如同花蝴蝶.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/011 中三Z31681.深情的恋歌(扎西尼玛&阿斯满)[快中三].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/011 中三Z31681.深情的恋歌(扎西尼玛&阿斯满)[快中三].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/012 想你一遍又一遍(望海高歌).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/012 想你一遍又一遍(望海高歌).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/013 两步Mk45684.山那边(镐天)[DJ版]哥哥心里实在想念.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/013 两步Mk45684.山那边(镐天)[DJ版]哥哥心里实在想念.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/013Kb6403.最亲的人(陆海涛)花开山岗那个红艳艳.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/013Kb6403.最亲的人(陆海涛)花开山岗那个红艳艳.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/014 男人女人都没错(红袖)女人变坏就有钱.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/014 男人女人都没错(红袖)女人变坏就有钱.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/014 两步Mk46018.亲爱的老婆是朵花(何鹏&芳子)[对唱DJ版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/014 两步Mk46018.亲爱的老婆是朵花(何鹏&芳子)[对唱DJ版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/015 我怎么哭了(夏冰)为了家人幸福我要顶天立地.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/015 我怎么哭了(夏冰)为了家人幸福我要顶天立地.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/017-Kb6677.梁祝(黑鸭子组合)[女声合唱].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/017-Kb6677.梁祝(黑鸭子组合)[女声合唱].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/023Kb7121.送亲(王琪)你还是那头乌黑的头发.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/023Kb7121.送亲(王琪)你还是那头乌黑的头发.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/031 Mk46339.缘分相遇(瞿龙&清清婉儿)[对唱DJ版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/031 Mk46339.缘分相遇(瞿龙&清清婉儿)[对唱DJ版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/039.Mk45844.伤心的酒别喝的太醉(大欢)[DJ版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/039.Mk45844.伤心的酒别喝的太醉(大欢)[DJ版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/040一曲红尘(郭少杰)[人生这杯酒].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/040一曲红尘(郭少杰)[人生这杯酒].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/042-Z31715.桃花湖(薛丽娜)[快中三][女声].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/042-Z31715.桃花湖(薛丽娜)[快中三][女声].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/048 Kb6161.来生再去拥抱你(一只舟)永永远远我们也不分离.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/048 Kb6161.来生再去拥抱你(一只舟)永永远远我们也不分离.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/049 Mk43687.红尘有缘(安东阳&慕容晓晓)[DJ版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/049 Mk43687.红尘有缘(安东阳&慕容晓晓)[DJ版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/04靠步毡房里的悄悄话.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/04靠步毡房里的悄悄话.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/05 B45004.拥有(格桑卓玛)那一天错过了要等多少年 (1) (1).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/05 B45004.拥有(格桑卓玛)那一天错过了要等多少年 (1) (1).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/05 马背上的姑娘(六步).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/05 马背上的姑娘(六步).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/057B 再叫一声亲爱的真的好想你(小芳).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/057B 再叫一声亲爱的真的好想你(小芳).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/058 Kb5950.想你的时候问月亮(雨中百合).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/058 Kb5950.想你的时候问月亮(雨中百合).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/058-靠步美丽的九寨姑娘.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/058-靠步美丽的九寨姑娘.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/06- 中三Z31129.只要你幸福就好(王馨)[快中三].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/06- 中三Z31129.只要你幸福就好(王馨)[快中三].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/07 Z31594中三.遇见你真好(正月十五组合刘小乐)[快中三].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/07 Z31594中三.遇见你真好(正月十五组合刘小乐)[快中三].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/073 靠步b3250.大雁的故乡在哪里(苏亚)【特约制作】.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/073 靠步b3250.大雁的故乡在哪里(苏亚)【特约制作】.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/09 Mk44583.两步 油城大庆等你来(鲍勃)[DJ版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/09 Mk44583.两步 油城大庆等你来(鲍勃)[DJ版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/09 两步Mk45503.红尘醉红尘累(杨耀阳)[DJ版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/09 两步Mk45503.红尘醉红尘累(杨耀阳)[DJ版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/099靠步Kb美人谷(泽旺多吉).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/099靠步Kb美人谷(泽旺多吉).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/102靠步Kb海滨之恋(云丹久美)一轮明月升起在仙女湾.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/102靠步Kb海滨之恋(云丹久美)一轮明月升起在仙女湾.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/1031.Kb7984.情歌轻轻唱(龙江辉&翟晶晶)让我亲吻着他的脸庞.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/1031.Kb7984.情歌轻轻唱(龙江辉&翟晶晶)让我亲吻着他的脸庞.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/1081Mk45019.无情的世界有情的你(王建荣)[DJ版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/1081Mk45019.无情的世界有情的你(王建荣)[DJ版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/1084Mk45038.恨我爱太深(田美琪)[DJ版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/1084Mk45038.恨我爱太深(田美琪)[DJ版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/11 Z31038.寂寞的过客(晓依&枫舞)[快中三].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/11 Z31038.寂寞的过客(晓依&枫舞)[快中三].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/1109中三Z31062.回来吧阿妈(嘉布洛绒)[快中三].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/1109中三Z31062.回来吧阿妈(嘉布洛绒)[快中三].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/112 神奇秀美的梵净山[靠步].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/112 神奇秀美的梵净山[靠步].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/120 中三Z31542.一生好朋友(泽旺多吉)出门靠朋友.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/120 中三Z31542.一生好朋友(泽旺多吉)出门靠朋友.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/138靠步Kb相约在开花的草原(扎西拉姆).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/138靠步Kb相约在开花的草原(扎西拉姆).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/14 中三Z31639.今夜无眠(梦之旅合唱组合)[快中三].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/14 中三Z31639.今夜无眠(梦之旅合唱组合)[快中三].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/156 两步Mk44975.情话(红袖)我要对你说出心里的话.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/156 两步Mk44975.情话(红袖)我要对你说出心里的话.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/182靠步秋天的思念.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/182靠步秋天的思念.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/212靠步Kb幸福爱河(郭玲&陈咏)谁知道姑娘她羞红了脸.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/212靠步Kb幸福爱河(郭玲&陈咏)谁知道姑娘她羞红了脸.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/242靠步Kb草原之恋(泽旺多吉)你说每一片草原都多情.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/242靠步Kb草原之恋(泽旺多吉)你说每一片草原都多情.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/29中三Z3浪漫的草原(赵曦鹏)我生命的摇篮.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/29中三Z3浪漫的草原(赵曦鹏)我生命的摇篮.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/310.今生陪你一起走(惠子&冷漠)【特约制作】.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/310.今生陪你一起走(惠子&冷漠)【特约制作】.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/32 B44554.向往拉萨(乌兰托娅)青稞酒醉了天边的彩霞.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/32 B44554.向往拉萨(乌兰托娅)青稞酒醉了天边的彩霞.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/32 B44686.江南姑娘(索朗扎西)我在江南遇见你.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/32 B44686.江南姑娘(索朗扎西)我在江南遇见你.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/33 B44687.网络之恋(容儿vs阿军)只好把你放在心里.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/33 B44687.网络之恋(容儿vs阿军)只好把你放在心里.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/4.放手你的爱(望海高歌).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/4.放手你的爱(望海高歌).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/452靠步Kb乌苏里船歌(降央卓玛).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/452靠步Kb乌苏里船歌(降央卓玛).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/46靠步Kb在那东山顶上(曲旦卓玛)[草原舞曲].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/46靠步Kb在那东山顶上(曲旦卓玛)[草原舞曲].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/47--中三.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/47--中三.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/49 蝴蝶绕着花儿飞(蔡吉亭&红蔷薇)[情歌对唱].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/49 蝴蝶绕着花儿飞(蔡吉亭&红蔷薇)[情歌对唱].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/524Kb6847.亲子电话(李知遥&遥遥爸).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/524Kb6847.亲子电话(李知遥&遥遥爸).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/53--中三.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/53--中三.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/58靠步Kb叫我怎能不歌唱(泽旺多吉)幸福的歌声传四方.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/58靠步Kb叫我怎能不歌唱(泽旺多吉)幸福的歌声传四方.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/60靠步Kb草原我的初恋(米问天).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/60靠步Kb草原我的初恋(米问天).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/700Mk45116.一生最牵挂的人(赵真)[DJ版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/700Mk45116.一生最牵挂的人(赵真)[DJ版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/737Kb5370.雨中的回忆(陈思安)有风雨总是想到你.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/737Kb5370.雨中的回忆(陈思安)有风雨总是想到你.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/78靠步Kb草原我的初恋(米问天).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/78靠步Kb草原我的初恋(米问天).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/805 Kb2553.蝶恋花(优美合唱版).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/805 Kb2553.蝶恋花(优美合唱版).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/848Mk44223.你算什么兄弟(晶迪&杨志)[DJ版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/848Mk44223.你算什么兄弟(晶迪&杨志)[DJ版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/950B44945.爱情美了你醉了我(靖哥哥)你的开心就是我的快乐.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/950B44945.爱情美了你醉了我(靖哥哥)你的开心就是我的快乐.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/957B44951.舍(张津涤)不为功名利禄去争.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/957B44951.舍(张津涤)不为功名利禄去争.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/983Mk45063.被爱暖过的人(贺一航)[DJ版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/983Mk45063.被爱暖过的人(贺一航)[DJ版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/985B44961.一个月亮一个你(张二嫂&杨妹儿).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/985B44961.一个月亮一个你(张二嫂&杨妹儿).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/B45122.最炫黄土坡(井闪闪).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/B45122.最炫黄土坡(井闪闪).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/Kb6520.一曲相思红尘恋(紫雨飘香&刘洪杰)[情歌对唱].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/Kb6520.一曲相思红尘恋(紫雨飘香&刘洪杰)[情歌对唱].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/179.TRAK 1.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/179.TRAK 1.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/52爱你一生不变(靠步).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/52爱你一生不变(靠步).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/669 欢乐的海洋.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/669 欢乐的海洋.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/4.二步.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/4.二步.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/478哥哥妹妹要安,六.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/478哥哥妹妹要安,六.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/26 [两步].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/26 [两步].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/19快四K4南风轻轻吹精典老.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/19快四K4南风轻轻吹精典老.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/085多杰邓珠 - 扎曲河之恋(中三).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/085多杰邓珠 - 扎曲河之恋(中三).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/09,靠四 - 爱的迷雾[陈瑞].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/09,靠四 - 爱的迷雾[陈瑞].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/029 .两步.苗乡侗寨请你来.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/029 .两步.苗乡侗寨请你来.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/18 草原歌曲 - 中三 - 阿妈的呼唤.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/18 草原歌曲 - 中三 - 阿妈的呼唤.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/01 爱在亚丁 高原歌曲 快四.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/01 爱在亚丁 高原歌曲 快四.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/复制 复制(2) 阿孟 - 水兵舞-下辈子早点联系我-钰柃-阿孟制作.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/复制 复制(2) 阿孟 - 水兵舞-下辈子早点联系我-钰柃-阿孟制作.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/048-姐不拽 - 陪你牵手闯天涯.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/048-姐不拽 - 陪你牵手闯天涯.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushQueue Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: CorePlayQueue::saveQueue Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::updateTrackBlock Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrackBlock Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPlay Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::play index 24 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::setConsumeUpdateService undefined Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::stop Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::setConsumeUpdateService undefined Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::play index undefined Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::setConsumeUpdateService undefined Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 24 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::startPlaybackTimer Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 24 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::clearAddPlayTracks USB/KINGSTON/13. CD Track 08.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand stop Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: ---------------------------- MPD announces state update: player Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: sendMpdCommand stop took 153 milliseconds Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: ControllerMpd::getState Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand status Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: sendMpdCommand stop took 9 milliseconds Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand clear Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: ---------------------------- MPD announces system playlist update Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Ignoring MPD Status Update Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: sendMpdCommand status took 3 milliseconds Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: sendMpdCommand clear took 3 milliseconds Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseState Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand playlistinfo Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand add "USB/KINGSTON/13. CD Track 08.mp3" Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: error: updateQueue error: null Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: ---------------------------- MPD announces system playlist update Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Ignoring MPD Status Update Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: ------------------------------ 5ms Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: sendMpdCommand playlistinfo took 4 milliseconds Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: sendMpdCommand add "USB/KINGSTON/13. CD Track 08.mp3" took 5 milliseconds Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseTrackInfo Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand play Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: error: ControllerMpd::pushError: TypeError: Cannot read property 'split' of undefined Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: ------------------------------ 12ms Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: ------------------------------ 5ms Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: sendMpdCommand play took 3 milliseconds Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: ---------------------------- MPD announces state update: player Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: ControllerMpd::getState Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand status Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: ---------------------------- MPD announces state update: player Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: ControllerMpd::getState Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand status Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: sendMpdCommand status took 4 milliseconds Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseState Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand playlistinfo Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: sendMpdCommand status took 3 milliseconds Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: sendMpdCommand playlistinfo took 2 milliseconds Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseState Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand playlistinfo Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseTrackInfo Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: ControllerMpd::pushState Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 24 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: verbose: STATE SERVICE {"status":"play","position":0,"seek":160,"duration":422,"samplerate":"44.1 kHz","bitdepth":"24 bit","channels":2,"random":false,"updatedb":false,"repeat":false,"bitrate":"320 Kbps","isStreaming":false,"title":"13. CD Track 08.mp3","artist":null,"album":null,"uri":"USB/KINGSTON/13. CD Track 08.mp3","trackType":"mp3"} Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: verbose: CURRENT POSITION 24 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::syncState stateService play Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::syncState currentStatus stop Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: ------------------------------ 12ms Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: sendMpdCommand playlistinfo took 4 milliseconds Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseTrackInfo Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: ControllerMpd::pushState Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 24 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: verbose: STATE SERVICE {"status":"play","position":0,"seek":880,"duration":422,"samplerate":"44.1 kHz","bitdepth":"24 bit","channels":2,"random":false,"updatedb":false,"repeat":false,"bitrate":"320 Kbps","isStreaming":false,"title":"13. CD Track 08.mp3","artist":null,"album":null,"uri":"USB/KINGSTON/13. CD Track 08.mp3","trackType":"mp3"} Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: verbose: CURRENT POSITION 24 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::syncState stateService play Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::syncState currentStatus play Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: Received an update from plugin. extracting info from payload Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 24 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 24 Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState Jul 06 00:22:18 tan volumio[878]: info: ------------------------------ 31ms Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Preload queue cleared Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioReplaceandPlayItems Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::ClearQueue Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::stop Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::setConsumeUpdateService undefined Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::stPlaybackTimer Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::updateTrackBlock Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrackBlock Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 24 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::serviceStop Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 24 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreCommandRouter::serviceStop Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: ControllerMpd::stop Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand stop Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: CorePlayQueue::clearPlayQueue Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: CorePlayQueue::saveQueue Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushQueue Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::addQueueItems Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: CorePlayQueue::addQueueItems Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Preload queue cleared Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/0 对唱情歌 余生牵手走一走 7.29 合成.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/0 对唱情歌 余生牵手走一走 7.29 合成.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/008丽达之歌.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/008丽达之歌.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/01.黄英 - 映山红 - K4v1 - Dj 版.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/01.黄英 - 映山红 - K4v1 - Dj 版.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/014两步爱的苦酒[男声版]!.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/014两步爱的苦酒[男声版]!.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/02 【并四】 红尘情歌 .mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/02 【并四】 红尘情歌 .mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/02 靠步 雕花的马鞍 发烧男声.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/02 靠步 雕花的马鞍 发烧男声.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/02.一段情歌一段伤,靠步.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/02.一段情歌一段伤,靠步.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/026 K4 最美最美[DJ版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/026 K4 最美最美[DJ版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/03. 老头 疯狂爱爱爱 二步.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/03. 老头 疯狂爱爱爱 二步.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/036二步 (3).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/036二步 (3).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/05.(LH0089)受伤的羔羊 (DJ版).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/05.(LH0089)受伤的羔羊 (DJ版).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/05【吉特巴】最美最美的歌曲.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/05【吉特巴】最美最美的歌曲.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/051 两步DSG[0036]舞厅专用迪高.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/051 两步DSG[0036]舞厅专用迪高.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/056 两步Mk46787.泪人人(王莎莎)[DJ版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/056 两步Mk46787.泪人人(王莎莎)[DJ版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/059Mk46692.故乡情(胡蜜丹)[DJ版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/059Mk46692.故乡情(胡蜜丹)[DJ版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/07.赵真 - 爱情小镇 - 靠步.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/07.赵真 - 爱情小镇 - 靠步.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/072 张真 - 我被青春撞了一下腰 - 吉特巴.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/072 张真 - 我被青春撞了一下腰 - 吉特巴.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/08 你是我最美的传奇 - ah1981 对唱版.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/08 你是我最美的传奇 - ah1981 对唱版.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/08 生死相爱[靠步].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/08 生死相爱[靠步].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/09 丽达之歌 .mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/09 丽达之歌 .mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/090Z30973.lgp哈萨克姑娘再比拉(山东阿清)[华尔兹快中三]hhh(男)111.MP3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/090Z30973.lgp哈萨克姑娘再比拉(山东阿清)[华尔兹快中三]hhh(男)111.MP3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/1030.中三步Z3v1我爱祖国的蓝天[范琳琳].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/1030.中三步Z3v1我爱祖国的蓝天[范琳琳].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/1046.Kb8312.独自买醉(钰柃)喝下的不知是酒还是泪.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/1046.Kb8312.独自买醉(钰柃)喝下的不知是酒还是泪.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/12 玛尼情歌 六步.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/12 玛尼情歌 六步.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/13. CD Track 08.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/13. CD Track 08.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/14 高安 - 叹情歌 - 靠步.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/14 高安 - 叹情歌 - 靠步.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/140 中三Z31974.爱如雪花(红蔷薇&望海高歌)[情歌对唱].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/140 中三Z31974.爱如雪花(红蔷薇&望海高歌)[情歌对唱].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/148靠步YP久别的草原.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/148靠步YP久别的草原.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/16.桂花开(三步).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/16.桂花开(三步).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/169 .(靠步)变了心的人.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/169 .(靠步)变了心的人.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/170靠步-小花-崔伟立【小海舞曲】_06分27秒.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/170靠步-小花-崔伟立【小海舞曲】_06分27秒.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/172.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/172.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/191靠步-别在梦里相见-郭欢【景制作】_06分17秒.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/191靠步-别在梦里相见-郭欢【景制作】_06分17秒.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/194音轨 靠步.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/194音轨 靠步.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/198.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/198.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/21 春风吹啊吹(靠步).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/21 春风吹啊吹(靠步).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/227-老虎不发威你当我病猫-小琢(拉六步)【景舞曲】_07分55秒.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/227-老虎不发威你当我病猫-小琢(拉六步)【景舞曲】_07分55秒.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/25 拉网小调[六步].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/25 拉网小调[六步].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/28 拉萨之恋(中三).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/28 拉萨之恋(中三).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/31 雪中泪痕(靠步).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/31 雪中泪痕(靠步).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/35 天边的骆驼(新版靠步).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/35 天边的骆驼(新版靠步).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/37 唱首情歌给草原(靠步).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/37 唱首情歌给草原(靠步).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/377靠步Kb3424.生命之恋(姚贝娜&亚东)阳光送来了灿烂.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/377靠步Kb3424.生命之恋(姚贝娜&亚东)阳光送来了灿烂.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/39 情伤[乐队靠步 a.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/39 情伤[乐队靠步 a.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/4 放手你的爱.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/4 放手你的爱.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/404YP(A35547)来生不再遇见你.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/404YP(A35547)来生不再遇见你.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/409 事曾爱过(靠步)Track.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/409 事曾爱过(靠步)Track.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/412 YP(A47155)为你等了几个秋 对唱 .mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/412 YP(A47155)为你等了几个秋 对唱 .mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/417YP(A39006)暗里着迷 [胡琳]女声 2020-07-13.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/417YP(A39006)暗里着迷 [胡琳]女声 2020-07-13.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/422 YP(A42509)人生如歌[对唱].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/422 YP(A42509)人生如歌[对唱].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/434YP(A47893)好兄弟好姑娘.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/434YP(A47893)好兄弟好姑娘.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/445中三Z3请你走草原--天骏.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/445中三Z3请你走草原--天骏.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/453六步P4爱的天堂[格桑达娃.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/453六步P4爱的天堂[格桑达娃.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/454靠步YP美丽的佩枯措[泽旺多吉] .mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/454靠步YP美丽的佩枯措[泽旺多吉] .mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/462 YP(A47462)风雨旅途.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/462 YP(A47462)风雨旅途.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/47 姑娘你真美(靠步).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/47 姑娘你真美(靠步).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/473 六步 45847 扶我起来还能喝.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/473 六步 45847 扶我起来还能喝.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/49 [靠步]吐鲁番的葡萄熟了..mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/49 [靠步]吐鲁番的葡萄熟了..mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/53.靠四 - 哥哥亲哥哥傻 温柔港湾.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/53.靠四 - 哥哥亲哥哥傻 温柔港湾.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/572YP(A47935)心上的罗加[电吹管].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/572YP(A47935)心上的罗加[电吹管].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/573 Z3(A33500)忧伤华尔兹 [男声]乐队版 中快三 1907-20.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/573 Z3(A33500)忧伤华尔兹 [男声]乐队版 中快三 1907-20.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/576醉酒以后你会想起谁(寒风).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/576醉酒以后你会想起谁(寒风).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/579三步五寸钢刀Track...mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/579三步五寸钢刀Track...mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/588 让我想起爱的歌,[女声版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/588 让我想起爱的歌,[女声版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/59. 心上人 泪的小花 女.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/59. 心上人 泪的小花 女.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/592那又如何【炼制作】.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/592那又如何【炼制作】.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/596YP(A49000)始终觉得你最好[对唱].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/596YP(A49000)始终觉得你最好[对唱].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/602泪水换不回你情意(李英).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/602泪水换不回你情意(李英).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/610靠步苦涩的爱.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/610靠步苦涩的爱.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/613念草原[[飞歌MZ]6.20.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/613念草原[[飞歌MZ]6.20.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/646 靠步放手你的爱1.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/646 靠步放手你的爱1.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/656靠步丨没有你陪我好累[男声版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/656靠步丨没有你陪我好累[男声版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/686 YP(HK751)高原蓝 [乌兰托娅]06’31.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/686 YP(HK751)高原蓝 [乌兰托娅]06’31.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/699靠步 惜别夜港边.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/699靠步 惜别夜港边.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/701中三步月儿悄悄..mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/701中三步月儿悄悄..mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/751Kb5923.曲中人(王建荣)有些歌我们曾经听不懂.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/751Kb5923.曲中人(王建荣)有些歌我们曾经听不懂.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/791-靠-YP(A10667)爱过了今生就没遗憾.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/791-靠-YP(A10667)爱过了今生就没遗憾.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/815 YPAH0331说声对不起男下.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/815 YPAH0331说声对不起男下.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/818 P4(AH4190)深情的眷恋3★12.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/818 P4(AH4190)深情的眷恋3★12.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/825P4(A11515)八月桂花遍地开[青燕子演唱组].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/825P4(A11515)八月桂花遍地开[青燕子演唱组].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/839P4(AH2829)老板的心声.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/839P4(AH2829)老板的心声.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/920.Kb5923.曲中人(王建荣)有些歌我们曾经听不懂.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/920.Kb5923.曲中人(王建荣)有些歌我们曾经听不懂.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/94--靠步草原情哥哥.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/94--靠步草原情哥哥.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/b016四步阿桑古卡 - 男人的心.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/b016四步阿桑古卡 - 男人的心.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/B43356.冬天到呼伦贝尔来看雪(乌兰齐齐格)[草原新歌].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/B43356.冬天到呼伦贝尔来看雪(乌兰齐齐格)[草原新歌].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/达坡玛吉 - 阿妹的情歌 (恰恰版) (0).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/达坡玛吉 - 阿妹的情歌 (恰恰版) (0).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/06 红色娘子军 快3.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/06 红色娘子军 快3.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/42 【靠步】你让我感动.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/42 【靠步】你让我感动.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/04.图桠格 - 神奇的布达拉 - 靠步 草原舞曲.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/04.图桠格 - 神奇的布达拉 - 靠步 草原舞曲.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/234靠步.我们好好爱.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/234靠步.我们好好爱.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/053拉六步丨0谎言[女声版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/053拉六步丨0谎言[女声版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/06,中三步丨梓花儿[男声版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/06,中三步丨梓花儿[男声版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/凤凰传奇 - 等爱的玫瑰 (并四版)(1).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/凤凰传奇 - 等爱的玫瑰 (并四版)(1).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/华语群星 - 草原牧歌 (吉特巴版)(1).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/华语群星 - 草原牧歌 (吉特巴版)(1).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/快三 - 哈萨克姑娘再比拉男声舞厅专用.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/快三 - 哈萨克姑娘再比拉男声舞厅专用.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/未知歌手 - 杜鹃圆舞曲 (快三版).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/未知歌手 - 杜鹃圆舞曲 (快三版).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/184靠步雪山云彩.MP3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/184靠步雪山云彩.MP3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/066 K4 蝴蝶翩翩飞[DJ版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/066 K4 蝴蝶翩翩飞[DJ版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/88--靠步,醉月亮.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/88--靠步,醉月亮.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/310 中三Z31750-中三、世间真情美[阿琳].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/310 中三Z31750-中三、世间真情美[阿琳].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/320中三Z31595-中三、芦花[雷佳].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/320中三Z31595-中三、芦花[雷佳].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/10. 闯码头 二.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/10. 闯码头 二.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/35. 三步冰山上的雪莲.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/35. 三步冰山上的雪莲.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/074 曲目 两步.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/074 曲目 两步.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/199靠步山水知音[四郎曲珍].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/199靠步山水知音[四郎曲珍].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/170中三 - 郁金香的故乡 Adtg 草原舞曲.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/170中三 - 郁金香的故乡 Adtg 草原舞曲.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/11 别叫我宝贝 - DJ快四版.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/11 别叫我宝贝 - DJ快四版.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/蓝颜追雪 - 你抱着别人说爱我 - 吉特巴版.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/蓝颜追雪 - 你抱着别人说爱我 - 吉特巴版.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/54 [KB] 恋[托娅&索朗扎西][靠步]_38144.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/54 [KB] 恋[托娅&索朗扎西][靠步]_38144.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/010B46746.月缺月圆都想你(小琢&望海高歌)[对唱DJ版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/010B46746.月缺月圆都想你(小琢&望海高歌)[对唱DJ版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/202Kb8650.红颜知己(王峰vs安静)[对唱版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/202Kb8650.红颜知己(王峰vs安静)[对唱版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/569Mk47661.旧梦(刘晓超)[DJ版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/569Mk47661.旧梦(刘晓超)[DJ版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/771.Kb8929.爱有多美心有多累(月下思故人&红蔷薇).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/771.Kb8929.爱有多美心有多累(月下思故人&红蔷薇).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/807中三Z32153.跑马山上那朵云(LIN)[快中三].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/807中三Z32153.跑马山上那朵云(LIN)[快中三].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/909.B46982.我怎么潇洒怎么活(文静).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/909.B46982.我怎么潇洒怎么活(文静).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/003 Kb4731.拉萨夜雨(苏勒亚其其格)天空洒落着雨.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/003 Kb4731.拉萨夜雨(苏勒亚其其格)天空洒落着雨.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/004 两步Mk45739.万爱千恩(王琪)[DJ版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/004 两步Mk45739.万爱千恩(王琪)[DJ版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/008 月下情缘(蓝琪儿&姚大)爱情呀缠缠绵如同花蝴蝶.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/008 月下情缘(蓝琪儿&姚大)爱情呀缠缠绵如同花蝴蝶.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/011 中三Z31681.深情的恋歌(扎西尼玛&阿斯满)[快中三].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/011 中三Z31681.深情的恋歌(扎西尼玛&阿斯满)[快中三].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/012 想你一遍又一遍(望海高歌).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/012 想你一遍又一遍(望海高歌).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/013 两步Mk45684.山那边(镐天)[DJ版]哥哥心里实在想念.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/013 两步Mk45684.山那边(镐天)[DJ版]哥哥心里实在想念.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/013Kb6403.最亲的人(陆海涛)花开山岗那个红艳艳.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/013Kb6403.最亲的人(陆海涛)花开山岗那个红艳艳.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/014 男人女人都没错(红袖)女人变坏就有钱.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/014 男人女人都没错(红袖)女人变坏就有钱.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/014 两步Mk46018.亲爱的老婆是朵花(何鹏&芳子)[对唱DJ版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/014 两步Mk46018.亲爱的老婆是朵花(何鹏&芳子)[对唱DJ版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/015 我怎么哭了(夏冰)为了家人幸福我要顶天立地.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/015 我怎么哭了(夏冰)为了家人幸福我要顶天立地.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/017-Kb6677.梁祝(黑鸭子组合)[女声合唱].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/017-Kb6677.梁祝(黑鸭子组合)[女声合唱].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/023Kb7121.送亲(王琪)你还是那头乌黑的头发.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/023Kb7121.送亲(王琪)你还是那头乌黑的头发.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/031 Mk46339.缘分相遇(瞿龙&清清婉儿)[对唱DJ版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/031 Mk46339.缘分相遇(瞿龙&清清婉儿)[对唱DJ版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/039.Mk45844.伤心的酒别喝的太醉(大欢)[DJ版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/039.Mk45844.伤心的酒别喝的太醉(大欢)[DJ版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/040一曲红尘(郭少杰)[人生这杯酒].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/040一曲红尘(郭少杰)[人生这杯酒].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/042-Z31715.桃花湖(薛丽娜)[快中三][女声].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/042-Z31715.桃花湖(薛丽娜)[快中三][女声].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/048 Kb6161.来生再去拥抱你(一只舟)永永远远我们也不分离.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/048 Kb6161.来生再去拥抱你(一只舟)永永远远我们也不分离.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/049 Mk43687.红尘有缘(安东阳&慕容晓晓)[DJ版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/049 Mk43687.红尘有缘(安东阳&慕容晓晓)[DJ版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/04靠步毡房里的悄悄话.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/04靠步毡房里的悄悄话.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/05 B45004.拥有(格桑卓玛)那一天错过了要等多少年 (1) (1).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/05 B45004.拥有(格桑卓玛)那一天错过了要等多少年 (1) (1).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/05 马背上的姑娘(六步).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/05 马背上的姑娘(六步).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/057B 再叫一声亲爱的真的好想你(小芳).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/057B 再叫一声亲爱的真的好想你(小芳).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/058 Kb5950.想你的时候问月亮(雨中百合).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/058 Kb5950.想你的时候问月亮(雨中百合).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/058-靠步美丽的九寨姑娘.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/058-靠步美丽的九寨姑娘.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/06- 中三Z31129.只要你幸福就好(王馨)[快中三].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/06- 中三Z31129.只要你幸福就好(王馨)[快中三].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/07 Z31594中三.遇见你真好(正月十五组合刘小乐)[快中三].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/07 Z31594中三.遇见你真好(正月十五组合刘小乐)[快中三].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/073 靠步b3250.大雁的故乡在哪里(苏亚)【特约制作】.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/073 靠步b3250.大雁的故乡在哪里(苏亚)【特约制作】.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/09 Mk44583.两步 油城大庆等你来(鲍勃)[DJ版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/09 Mk44583.两步 油城大庆等你来(鲍勃)[DJ版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/09 两步Mk45503.红尘醉红尘累(杨耀阳)[DJ版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/09 两步Mk45503.红尘醉红尘累(杨耀阳)[DJ版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/099靠步Kb美人谷(泽旺多吉).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/099靠步Kb美人谷(泽旺多吉).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/102靠步Kb海滨之恋(云丹久美)一轮明月升起在仙女湾.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/102靠步Kb海滨之恋(云丹久美)一轮明月升起在仙女湾.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/1031.Kb7984.情歌轻轻唱(龙江辉&翟晶晶)让我亲吻着他的脸庞.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/1031.Kb7984.情歌轻轻唱(龙江辉&翟晶晶)让我亲吻着他的脸庞.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/1081Mk45019.无情的世界有情的你(王建荣)[DJ版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/1081Mk45019.无情的世界有情的你(王建荣)[DJ版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/1084Mk45038.恨我爱太深(田美琪)[DJ版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/1084Mk45038.恨我爱太深(田美琪)[DJ版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/11 Z31038.寂寞的过客(晓依&枫舞)[快中三].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/11 Z31038.寂寞的过客(晓依&枫舞)[快中三].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/1109中三Z31062.回来吧阿妈(嘉布洛绒)[快中三].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/1109中三Z31062.回来吧阿妈(嘉布洛绒)[快中三].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/112 神奇秀美的梵净山[靠步].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/112 神奇秀美的梵净山[靠步].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/120 中三Z31542.一生好朋友(泽旺多吉)出门靠朋友.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/120 中三Z31542.一生好朋友(泽旺多吉)出门靠朋友.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/138靠步Kb相约在开花的草原(扎西拉姆).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/138靠步Kb相约在开花的草原(扎西拉姆).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/14 中三Z31639.今夜无眠(梦之旅合唱组合)[快中三].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/14 中三Z31639.今夜无眠(梦之旅合唱组合)[快中三].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/156 两步Mk44975.情话(红袖)我要对你说出心里的话.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/156 两步Mk44975.情话(红袖)我要对你说出心里的话.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/182靠步秋天的思念.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/182靠步秋天的思念.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/212靠步Kb幸福爱河(郭玲&陈咏)谁知道姑娘她羞红了脸.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/212靠步Kb幸福爱河(郭玲&陈咏)谁知道姑娘她羞红了脸.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/242靠步Kb草原之恋(泽旺多吉)你说每一片草原都多情.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/242靠步Kb草原之恋(泽旺多吉)你说每一片草原都多情.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/29中三Z3浪漫的草原(赵曦鹏)我生命的摇篮.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/29中三Z3浪漫的草原(赵曦鹏)我生命的摇篮.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/310.今生陪你一起走(惠子&冷漠)【特约制作】.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/310.今生陪你一起走(惠子&冷漠)【特约制作】.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/32 B44554.向往拉萨(乌兰托娅)青稞酒醉了天边的彩霞.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/32 B44554.向往拉萨(乌兰托娅)青稞酒醉了天边的彩霞.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/32 B44686.江南姑娘(索朗扎西)我在江南遇见你.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/32 B44686.江南姑娘(索朗扎西)我在江南遇见你.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/33 B44687.网络之恋(容儿vs阿军)只好把你放在心里.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/33 B44687.网络之恋(容儿vs阿军)只好把你放在心里.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/4.放手你的爱(望海高歌).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/4.放手你的爱(望海高歌).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/452靠步Kb乌苏里船歌(降央卓玛).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/452靠步Kb乌苏里船歌(降央卓玛).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/46靠步Kb在那东山顶上(曲旦卓玛)[草原舞曲].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/46靠步Kb在那东山顶上(曲旦卓玛)[草原舞曲].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/47--中三.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/47--中三.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/49 蝴蝶绕着花儿飞(蔡吉亭&红蔷薇)[情歌对唱].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/49 蝴蝶绕着花儿飞(蔡吉亭&红蔷薇)[情歌对唱].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/524Kb6847.亲子电话(李知遥&遥遥爸).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/524Kb6847.亲子电话(李知遥&遥遥爸).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/53--中三.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/53--中三.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/58靠步Kb叫我怎能不歌唱(泽旺多吉)幸福的歌声传四方.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/58靠步Kb叫我怎能不歌唱(泽旺多吉)幸福的歌声传四方.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/60靠步Kb草原我的初恋(米问天).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/60靠步Kb草原我的初恋(米问天).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/700Mk45116.一生最牵挂的人(赵真)[DJ版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/700Mk45116.一生最牵挂的人(赵真)[DJ版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/737Kb5370.雨中的回忆(陈思安)有风雨总是想到你.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/737Kb5370.雨中的回忆(陈思安)有风雨总是想到你.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/78靠步Kb草原我的初恋(米问天).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/78靠步Kb草原我的初恋(米问天).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/805 Kb2553.蝶恋花(优美合唱版).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/805 Kb2553.蝶恋花(优美合唱版).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/848Mk44223.你算什么兄弟(晶迪&杨志)[DJ版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/848Mk44223.你算什么兄弟(晶迪&杨志)[DJ版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/950B44945.爱情美了你醉了我(靖哥哥)你的开心就是我的快乐.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/950B44945.爱情美了你醉了我(靖哥哥)你的开心就是我的快乐.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/957B44951.舍(张津涤)不为功名利禄去争.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/957B44951.舍(张津涤)不为功名利禄去争.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/983Mk45063.被爱暖过的人(贺一航)[DJ版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/983Mk45063.被爱暖过的人(贺一航)[DJ版].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/985B44961.一个月亮一个你(张二嫂&杨妹儿).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/985B44961.一个月亮一个你(张二嫂&杨妹儿).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/B45122.最炫黄土坡(井闪闪).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/B45122.最炫黄土坡(井闪闪).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/Kb6520.一曲相思红尘恋(紫雨飘香&刘洪杰)[情歌对唱].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/Kb6520.一曲相思红尘恋(紫雨飘香&刘洪杰)[情歌对唱].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/179.TRAK 1.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/179.TRAK 1.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/52爱你一生不变(靠步).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/52爱你一生不变(靠步).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/669 欢乐的海洋.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/669 欢乐的海洋.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/4.二步.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/4.二步.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/478哥哥妹妹要安,六.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/478哥哥妹妹要安,六.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/26 [两步].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/26 [两步].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/19快四K4南风轻轻吹精典老.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/19快四K4南风轻轻吹精典老.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/085多杰邓珠 - 扎曲河之恋(中三).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/085多杰邓珠 - 扎曲河之恋(中三).mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/09,靠四 - 爱的迷雾[陈瑞].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/09,靠四 - 爱的迷雾[陈瑞].mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/029 .两步.苗乡侗寨请你来.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/029 .两步.苗乡侗寨请你来.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/18 草原歌曲 - 中三 - 阿妈的呼唤.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/18 草原歌曲 - 中三 - 阿妈的呼唤.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/01 爱在亚丁 高原歌曲 快四.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/01 爱在亚丁 高原歌曲 快四.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/复制 复制(2) 阿孟 - 水兵舞-下辈子早点联系我-钰柃-阿孟制作.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/复制 复制(2) 阿孟 - 水兵舞-下辈子早点联系我-钰柃-阿孟制作.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Adding Item to queue: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/048-姐不拽 - 陪你牵手闯天涯.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Using cached record of: music-library/USB/KINGSTON/048-姐不拽 - 陪你牵手闯天涯.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushQueue Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: CorePlayQueue::saveQueue Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::updateTrackBlock Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrackBlock Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPlay Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::play index 31 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::setConsumeUpdateService undefined Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::stop Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::setConsumeUpdateService undefined Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::play index undefined Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::setConsumeUpdateService undefined Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 31 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::startPlaybackTimer Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 31 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::clearAddPlayTracks USB/KINGSTON/172.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand stop Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: ---------------------------- MPD announces state update: player Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: sendMpdCommand stop took 120 milliseconds Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: ControllerMpd::getState Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand status Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: sendMpdCommand stop took 12 milliseconds Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand clear Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: ---------------------------- MPD announces system playlist update Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Ignoring MPD Status Update Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: sendMpdCommand status took 3 milliseconds Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: sendMpdCommand clear took 3 milliseconds Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseState Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand playlistinfo Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand add "USB/KINGSTON/172.mp3" Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: error: updateQueue error: null Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: ---------------------------- MPD announces system playlist update Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Ignoring MPD Status Update Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: ------------------------------ 6ms Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: sendMpdCommand playlistinfo took 5 milliseconds Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: sendMpdCommand add "USB/KINGSTON/172.mp3" took 5 milliseconds Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseTrackInfo Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand play Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: error: ControllerMpd::pushError: TypeError: Cannot read property 'split' of undefined Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: ------------------------------ 16ms Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: ---------------------------- MPD announces state update: player Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: ------------------------------ 16ms Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: sendMpdCommand play took 14 milliseconds Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: ControllerMpd::getState Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand status Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: ---------------------------- MPD announces state update: player Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: ControllerMpd::getState Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand status Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: sendMpdCommand status took 4 milliseconds Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseState Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand playlistinfo Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: sendMpdCommand status took 6 milliseconds Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: sendMpdCommand playlistinfo took 5 milliseconds Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseState Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand playlistinfo Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseTrackInfo Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: ControllerMpd::pushState Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 31 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: verbose: STATE SERVICE {"status":"play","position":0,"seek":0,"duration":476,"samplerate":"44.1 kHz","bitdepth":"24 bit","channels":2,"random":false,"updatedb":false,"repeat":false,"bitrate":null,"isStreaming":false,"title":"172.mp3","artist":null,"album":null,"uri":"USB/KINGSTON/172.mp3","trackType":"mp3"} Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: verbose: CURRENT POSITION 31 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::syncState stateService play Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::syncState currentStatus stop Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: ------------------------------ 15ms Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: sendMpdCommand playlistinfo took 4 milliseconds Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseTrackInfo Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: ControllerMpd::pushState Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 31 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: verbose: STATE SERVICE {"status":"play","position":0,"seek":0,"duration":476,"samplerate":"44.1 kHz","bitdepth":"24 bit","channels":2,"random":false,"updatedb":false,"repeat":false,"bitrate":null,"isStreaming":false,"title":"172.mp3","artist":null,"album":null,"uri":"USB/KINGSTON/172.mp3","trackType":"mp3"} Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: verbose: CURRENT POSITION 31 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::syncState stateService play Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::syncState currentStatus play Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: Received an update from plugin. extracting info from payload Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 31 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 31 Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState Jul 06 00:22:22 tan volumio[878]: info: ------------------------------ 43ms Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioNext Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::next Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::stop Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::setConsumeUpdateService undefined Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::stPlaybackTimer Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::updateTrackBlock Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrackBlock Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 31 Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::serviceStop Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 31 Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreCommandRouter::serviceStop Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: info: ControllerMpd::stop Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand stop Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: info: Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: ---------------------------- MPD announces state update: player Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: info: sendMpdCommand stop took 11 milliseconds Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: info: ControllerMpd::getState Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand status Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::play index undefined Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::setConsumeUpdateService undefined Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 32 Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::startPlaybackTimer Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 32 Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::clearAddPlayTracks USB/KINGSTON/191靠步-别在梦里相见-郭欢【景制作】_06分17秒.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand stop Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::updateTrackBlock Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrackBlock Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: info: sendMpdCommand status took 4 milliseconds Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: info: sendMpdCommand stop took 2 milliseconds Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseState Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand playlistinfo Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand clear Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: info: Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: ---------------------------- MPD announces system playlist update Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: info: Ignoring MPD Status Update Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: info: sendMpdCommand playlistinfo took 2 milliseconds Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: info: sendMpdCommand clear took 2 milliseconds Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseTrackInfo Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand add "USB/KINGSTON/191靠步-别在梦里相见-郭欢【景制作】_06分17秒.mp3" Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: info: ControllerMpd::pushState Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 32 Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 32 Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: verbose: STATE SERVICE {"status":"stop","position":0,"seek":null,"duration":null,"samplerate":null,"bitdepth":null,"channels":null,"random":false,"updatedb":false,"repeat":false,"bitrate":null,"isStreaming":false,"title":"172.mp3","artist":null,"album":null,"uri":"USB/KINGSTON/172.mp3","trackType":"mp3"} Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: verbose: CURRENT POSITION 32 Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::syncState stateService stop Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::syncState currentStatus stop Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 32 Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: info: No code Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 32 Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: info: ------------------------------ 38ms Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: error: updateQueue error: null Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: info: Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: ---------------------------- MPD announces system playlist update Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: info: Ignoring MPD Status Update Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: info: ------------------------------ 33ms Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: info: sendMpdCommand add "USB/KINGSTON/191靠步-别在梦里相见-郭欢【景制作】_06分17秒.mp3" took 31 milliseconds Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand play Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: info: Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: ---------------------------- MPD announces state update: player Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: info: ------------------------------ 9ms Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: info: sendMpdCommand play took 8 milliseconds Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: info: ControllerMpd::getState Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand status Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: info: Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: ---------------------------- MPD announces state update: player Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: info: ControllerMpd::getState Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand status Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: info: sendMpdCommand status took 3 milliseconds Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseState Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand playlistinfo Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: info: sendMpdCommand status took 3 milliseconds Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: info: sendMpdCommand playlistinfo took 2 milliseconds Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseState Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand playlistinfo Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseTrackInfo Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: info: ControllerMpd::pushState Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 32 Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: verbose: STATE SERVICE {"status":"play","position":0,"seek":0,"duration":377,"samplerate":"44.1 kHz","bitdepth":"24 bit","channels":2,"random":false,"updatedb":false,"repeat":false,"bitrate":null,"isStreaming":false,"title":"191靠步-别在梦里相见-郭欢【景制作】_06分17秒.mp3","artist":null,"album":null,"uri":"USB/KINGSTON/191靠步-别在梦里相见-郭欢【景制作】_06分17秒.mp3","trackType":"mp3"} Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: verbose: CURRENT POSITION 32 Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::syncState stateService play Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::syncState currentStatus stop Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: info: ------------------------------ 15ms Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: info: sendMpdCommand playlistinfo took 7 milliseconds Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseTrackInfo Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: info: ControllerMpd::pushState Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 32 Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: verbose: STATE SERVICE {"status":"play","position":0,"seek":0,"duration":377,"samplerate":"44.1 kHz","bitdepth":"24 bit","channels":2,"random":false,"updatedb":false,"repeat":false,"bitrate":null,"isStreaming":false,"title":"191靠步-别在梦里相见-郭欢【景制作】_06分17秒.mp3","artist":null,"album":null,"uri":"USB/KINGSTON/191靠步-别在梦里相见-郭欢【景制作】_06分17秒.mp3","trackType":"mp3"} Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: verbose: CURRENT POSITION 32 Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::syncState stateService play Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::syncState currentStatus play Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: info: Received an update from plugin. extracting info from payload Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 32 Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 32 Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState Jul 06 00:22:31 tan volumio[878]: info: ------------------------------ 46ms Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioNext Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::next Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::stop Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::setConsumeUpdateService undefined Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::stPlaybackTimer Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::updateTrackBlock Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrackBlock Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 32 Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::serviceStop Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 32 Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreCommandRouter::serviceStop Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: info: ControllerMpd::stop Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand stop Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: info: Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: ---------------------------- MPD announces state update: player Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: info: sendMpdCommand stop took 8 milliseconds Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: info: ControllerMpd::getState Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand status Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::play index undefined Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::setConsumeUpdateService undefined Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 33 Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::startPlaybackTimer Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 33 Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::clearAddPlayTracks USB/KINGSTON/194音轨 靠步.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand stop Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::updateTrackBlock Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrackBlock Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: info: sendMpdCommand status took 4 milliseconds Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: info: sendMpdCommand stop took 2 milliseconds Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseState Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand playlistinfo Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand clear Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: info: Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: ---------------------------- MPD announces system playlist update Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: info: Ignoring MPD Status Update Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: info: sendMpdCommand playlistinfo took 3 milliseconds Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: info: sendMpdCommand clear took 3 milliseconds Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseTrackInfo Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand add "USB/KINGSTON/194音轨 靠步.mp3" Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: info: ControllerMpd::pushState Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 33 Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 33 Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: verbose: STATE SERVICE {"status":"stop","position":0,"seek":null,"duration":null,"samplerate":null,"bitdepth":null,"channels":null,"random":false,"updatedb":false,"repeat":false,"bitrate":null,"isStreaming":false,"title":"191靠步-别在梦里相见-郭欢【景制作】_06分17秒.mp3","artist":null,"album":null,"uri":"USB/KINGSTON/191靠步-别在梦里相见-郭欢【景制作】_06分17秒.mp3","trackType":"mp3"} Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: verbose: CURRENT POSITION 33 Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::syncState stateService stop Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::syncState currentStatus stop Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 33 Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: info: No code Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 33 Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: info: ------------------------------ 49ms Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: error: updateQueue error: null Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: info: Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: ---------------------------- MPD announces system playlist update Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: info: Ignoring MPD Status Update Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: info: ------------------------------ 44ms Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: info: sendMpdCommand add "USB/KINGSTON/194音轨 靠步.mp3" took 41 milliseconds Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand play Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: info: Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: ---------------------------- MPD announces state update: player Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: info: ------------------------------ 11ms Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: info: sendMpdCommand play took 7 milliseconds Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: info: ControllerMpd::getState Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand status Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: info: Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: ---------------------------- MPD announces state update: player Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: info: ControllerMpd::getState Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand status Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: info: sendMpdCommand status took 3 milliseconds Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseState Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand playlistinfo Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: info: sendMpdCommand status took 3 milliseconds Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: info: sendMpdCommand playlistinfo took 2 milliseconds Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseState Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand playlistinfo Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseTrackInfo Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: info: ControllerMpd::pushState Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 33 Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: verbose: STATE SERVICE {"status":"play","position":0,"seek":0,"duration":465,"samplerate":"44.1 kHz","bitdepth":"24 bit","channels":2,"random":false,"updatedb":false,"repeat":false,"bitrate":null,"isStreaming":false,"title":"194音轨 靠步.mp3","artist":null,"album":null,"uri":"USB/KINGSTON/194音轨 靠步.mp3","trackType":"mp3"} Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: verbose: CURRENT POSITION 33 Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::syncState stateService play Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::syncState currentStatus stop Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: info: ------------------------------ 16ms Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: info: sendMpdCommand playlistinfo took 6 milliseconds Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseTrackInfo Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: info: ControllerMpd::pushState Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 33 Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: verbose: STATE SERVICE {"status":"play","position":0,"seek":0,"duration":465,"samplerate":"44.1 kHz","bitdepth":"24 bit","channels":2,"random":false,"updatedb":false,"repeat":false,"bitrate":null,"isStreaming":false,"title":"194音轨 靠步.mp3","artist":null,"album":null,"uri":"USB/KINGSTON/194音轨 靠步.mp3","trackType":"mp3"} Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: verbose: CURRENT POSITION 33 Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::syncState stateService play Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::syncState currentStatus play Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: info: Received an update from plugin. extracting info from payload Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 33 Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 33 Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState Jul 06 00:22:33 tan volumio[878]: info: ------------------------------ 44ms Jul 06 00:22:34 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPrevious Jul 06 00:22:34 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::previous Jul 06 00:22:34 tan volumio[878]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 33 Jul 06 00:22:34 tan volumio[878]: info: ControllerMpd::seek Jul 06 00:22:34 tan volumio[878]: error: null Jul 06 00:22:34 tan volumio[878]: info: Jul 06 00:22:34 tan volumio[878]: ---------------------------- MPD announces state update: player Jul 06 00:22:34 tan volumio[878]: info: ControllerMpd::getState Jul 06 00:22:34 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand status Jul 06 00:22:34 tan volumio[878]: info: sendMpdCommand status took 1 milliseconds Jul 06 00:22:34 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseState Jul 06 00:22:34 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand playlistinfo Jul 06 00:22:34 tan volumio[878]: info: sendMpdCommand playlistinfo took 1 milliseconds Jul 06 00:22:34 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseTrackInfo Jul 06 00:22:34 tan volumio[878]: info: ControllerMpd::pushState Jul 06 00:22:34 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState Jul 06 00:22:34 tan volumio[878]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 33 Jul 06 00:22:34 tan volumio[878]: verbose: STATE SERVICE {"status":"play","position":0,"seek":0,"duration":465,"samplerate":"44.1 kHz","bitdepth":"24 bit","channels":2,"random":false,"updatedb":false,"repeat":false,"bitrate":"128 Kbps","isStreaming":false,"title":"194音轨 靠步.mp3","artist":null,"album":null,"uri":"USB/KINGSTON/194音轨 靠步.mp3","trackType":"mp3"} Jul 06 00:22:34 tan volumio[878]: verbose: CURRENT POSITION 33 Jul 06 00:22:34 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::syncState stateService play Jul 06 00:22:34 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::syncState currentStatus play Jul 06 00:22:34 tan volumio[878]: info: Received an update from plugin. extracting info from payload Jul 06 00:22:34 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState Jul 06 00:22:34 tan volumio[878]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 33 Jul 06 00:22:34 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState Jul 06 00:22:34 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState Jul 06 00:22:34 tan volumio[878]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 33 Jul 06 00:22:34 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState Jul 06 00:22:34 tan volumio[878]: info: ------------------------------ 25ms Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPlay Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::play index 8 Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::setConsumeUpdateService undefined Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::stop Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::setConsumeUpdateService undefined Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::stPlaybackTimer Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::updateTrackBlock Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrackBlock Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 33 Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::serviceStop Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 33 Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreCommandRouter::serviceStop Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: info: ControllerMpd::stop Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand stop Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: info: Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: ---------------------------- MPD announces state update: player Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: info: sendMpdCommand stop took 8 milliseconds Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: info: ControllerMpd::getState Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand status Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::play index undefined Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::setConsumeUpdateService undefined Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 8 Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::startPlaybackTimer Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 8 Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::clearAddPlayTracks USB/KINGSTON/03. 老头 疯狂爱爱爱 二步.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand stop Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: info: sendMpdCommand status took 6 milliseconds Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: info: sendMpdCommand stop took 6 milliseconds Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseState Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand playlistinfo Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand clear Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: info: Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: ---------------------------- MPD announces system playlist update Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: info: Ignoring MPD Status Update Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: info: sendMpdCommand playlistinfo took 2 milliseconds Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: info: sendMpdCommand clear took 2 milliseconds Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseTrackInfo Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand add "USB/KINGSTON/03. 老头 疯狂爱爱爱 二步.mp3" Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: info: ControllerMpd::pushState Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 8 Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 8 Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: verbose: STATE SERVICE {"status":"stop","position":0,"seek":null,"duration":null,"samplerate":null,"bitdepth":null,"channels":null,"random":false,"updatedb":false,"repeat":false,"bitrate":null,"isStreaming":false,"title":"194音轨 靠步.mp3","artist":null,"album":null,"uri":"USB/KINGSTON/194音轨 靠步.mp3","trackType":"mp3"} Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: verbose: CURRENT POSITION 8 Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::syncState stateService stop Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::syncState currentStatus stop Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 8 Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: info: No code Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 8 Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: info: ------------------------------ 36ms Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: error: updateQueue error: null Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: info: Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: ---------------------------- MPD announces system playlist update Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: info: Ignoring MPD Status Update Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: info: ------------------------------ 29ms Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: info: sendMpdCommand add "USB/KINGSTON/03. 老头 疯狂爱爱爱 二步.mp3" took 27 milliseconds Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand play Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: info: Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: ---------------------------- MPD announces state update: player Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: info: ------------------------------ 6ms Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: info: sendMpdCommand play took 6 milliseconds Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: info: ControllerMpd::getState Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand status Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: info: Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: ---------------------------- MPD announces state update: player Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: info: ControllerMpd::getState Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand status Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: info: sendMpdCommand status took 2 milliseconds Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseState Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand playlistinfo Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: info: sendMpdCommand status took 2 milliseconds Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: info: sendMpdCommand playlistinfo took 1 milliseconds Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseState Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand playlistinfo Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseTrackInfo Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: info: ControllerMpd::pushState Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 8 Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: verbose: STATE SERVICE {"status":"play","position":0,"seek":0,"duration":438,"samplerate":"44.1 kHz","bitdepth":"24 bit","channels":2,"random":false,"updatedb":false,"repeat":false,"bitrate":null,"isStreaming":false,"title":"03. 老头 疯狂爱爱爱 二步.mp3","artist":null,"album":null,"uri":"USB/KINGSTON/03. 老头 疯狂爱爱爱 二步.mp3","trackType":"mp3"} Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: verbose: CURRENT POSITION 8 Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::syncState stateService play Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::syncState currentStatus stop Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: info: ------------------------------ 11ms Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: info: sendMpdCommand playlistinfo took 5 milliseconds Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseTrackInfo Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: info: ControllerMpd::pushState Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 8 Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: verbose: STATE SERVICE {"status":"play","position":0,"seek":0,"duration":438,"samplerate":"44.1 kHz","bitdepth":"24 bit","channels":2,"random":false,"updatedb":false,"repeat":false,"bitrate":null,"isStreaming":false,"title":"03. 老头 疯狂爱爱爱 二步.mp3","artist":null,"album":null,"uri":"USB/KINGSTON/03. 老头 疯狂爱爱爱 二步.mp3","trackType":"mp3"} Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: verbose: CURRENT POSITION 8 Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::syncState stateService play Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::syncState currentStatus play Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: info: Received an update from plugin. extracting info from payload Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 8 Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 8 Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState Jul 06 00:22:48 tan volumio[878]: info: ------------------------------ 33ms Jul 06 00:22:48 tan systemd[1]: Starting Cleanup of Temporary Directories... Jul 06 00:22:48 tan systemd[1]: systemd-tmpfiles-clean.service: Succeeded. Jul 06 00:22:48 tan systemd[1]: Started Cleanup of Temporary Directories. Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPlay Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::play index 11 Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::setConsumeUpdateService undefined Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::stop Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::setConsumeUpdateService undefined Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::stPlaybackTimer Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::updateTrackBlock Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrackBlock Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 8 Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::serviceStop Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 8 Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreCommandRouter::serviceStop Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: info: ControllerMpd::stop Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand stop Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: info: Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: ---------------------------- MPD announces state update: player Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: info: sendMpdCommand stop took 8 milliseconds Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: info: ControllerMpd::getState Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand status Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::play index undefined Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::setConsumeUpdateService undefined Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 11 Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::startPlaybackTimer Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 11 Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::clearAddPlayTracks USB/KINGSTON/05【吉特巴】最美最美的歌曲.mp3 Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand stop Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: info: sendMpdCommand status took 4 milliseconds Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: info: sendMpdCommand stop took 1 milliseconds Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseState Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand playlistinfo Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand clear Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: info: Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: ---------------------------- MPD announces system playlist update Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: info: Ignoring MPD Status Update Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: info: sendMpdCommand playlistinfo took 5 milliseconds Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: info: sendMpdCommand clear took 5 milliseconds Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseTrackInfo Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand add "USB/KINGSTON/05【吉特巴】最美最美的歌曲.mp3" Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: info: ControllerMpd::pushState Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 11 Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 11 Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: verbose: STATE SERVICE {"status":"stop","position":0,"seek":null,"duration":null,"samplerate":null,"bitdepth":null,"channels":null,"random":false,"updatedb":false,"repeat":false,"bitrate":null,"isStreaming":false,"title":"03. 老头 疯狂爱爱爱 二步.mp3","artist":null,"album":null,"uri":"USB/KINGSTON/03. 老头 疯狂爱爱爱 二步.mp3","trackType":"mp3"} Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: verbose: CURRENT POSITION 11 Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::syncState stateService stop Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::syncState currentStatus stop Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 11 Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: info: No code Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 11 Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: info: ------------------------------ 43ms Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: error: updateQueue error: null Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: info: Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: ---------------------------- MPD announces system playlist update Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: info: Ignoring MPD Status Update Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: info: ------------------------------ 37ms Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: info: sendMpdCommand add "USB/KINGSTON/05【吉特巴】最美最美的歌曲.mp3" took 32 milliseconds Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand play Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: info: Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: ---------------------------- MPD announces state update: player Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: info: ------------------------------ 8ms Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: info: sendMpdCommand play took 7 milliseconds Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: info: ControllerMpd::getState Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand status Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: info: Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: ---------------------------- MPD announces state update: player Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: info: ControllerMpd::getState Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand status Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: info: sendMpdCommand status took 3 milliseconds Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseState Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand playlistinfo Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: info: sendMpdCommand status took 3 milliseconds Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: info: sendMpdCommand playlistinfo took 2 milliseconds Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseState Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand playlistinfo Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseTrackInfo Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: info: ControllerMpd::pushState Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 11 Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: verbose: STATE SERVICE {"status":"play","position":0,"seek":0,"duration":442,"samplerate":"44.1 kHz","bitdepth":"24 bit","channels":2,"random":false,"updatedb":false,"repeat":false,"bitrate":null,"isStreaming":false,"title":"最美最美的歌曲(第2版)","artist":"吉特巴&猎人&晓晓","album":null,"uri":"USB/KINGSTON/05【吉特巴】最美最美的歌曲.mp3","trackType":"mp3"} Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: verbose: CURRENT POSITION 11 Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::syncState stateService play Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::syncState currentStatus stop Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: info: ------------------------------ 16ms Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: info: sendMpdCommand playlistinfo took 5 milliseconds Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: verbose: ControllerMpd::parseTrackInfo Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: info: ControllerMpd::pushState Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 11 Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: verbose: STATE SERVICE {"status":"play","position":0,"seek":0,"duration":442,"samplerate":"44.1 kHz","bitdepth":"24 bit","channels":2,"random":false,"updatedb":false,"repeat":false,"bitrate":null,"isStreaming":false,"title":"最美最美的歌曲(第2版)","artist":"吉特巴&猎人&晓晓","album":null,"uri":"USB/KINGSTON/05【吉特巴】最美最美的歌曲.mp3","trackType":"mp3"} Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: verbose: CURRENT POSITION 11 Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::syncState stateService play Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::syncState currentStatus play Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: info: Received an update from plugin. extracting info from payload Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 11 Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 11 Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState Jul 06 00:22:49 tan volumio[878]: info: ------------------------------ 43ms Jul 06 00:23:05 tan volumio[878]: |||||||||||||||||||||||| WARNING: FATAL ERROR ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Jul 06 00:23:05 tan volumio[878]: Error: connect ETIMEDOUT Jul 06 00:23:05 tan volumio[878]: at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (net.js:1146:16) { Jul 06 00:23:05 tan volumio[878]: errno: -110, Jul 06 00:23:05 tan volumio[878]: code: 'ETIMEDOUT', Jul 06 00:23:05 tan volumio[878]: syscall: 'connect', Jul 06 00:23:05 tan volumio[878]: address: '', Jul 06 00:23:05 tan volumio[878]: port: 80 Jul 06 00:23:05 tan volumio[878]: } Jul 06 00:23:05 tan volumio[878]: ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Jul 06 00:23:05 tan sudo[3345]: volumio : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/journalctl --since=2024-07-06 00:22 Jul 06 00:23:05 tan sudo[3345]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0) PRETTY_NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)" NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux" VERSION_ID="10" VERSION="10 (buster)" VERSION_CODENAME=buster ID=raspbian ID_LIKE=debian HOME_URL="http://www.raspbian.org/" SUPPORT_URL="http://www.raspbian.org/RaspbianForums" BUG_REPORT_URL="http://www.raspbian.org/RaspbianBugs" VOLUMIO_BUILD_VERSION="4b122b2365bb8c09786cd63b50d1ea6db780eb4e" VOLUMIO_FE_VERSION="e7cae168f9927391640a091813b8a9656b6909b6" VOLUMIO_FE3_VERSION="df82a8f23c90a3617c15c55572c8aaea90d8b32a" VOLUMIO_BE_VERSION="49f98390f2d84c6549f33dc85b694fbd99e4c720" VOLUMIO_ARCH="arm" VOLUMIO_VARIANT="volumio" VOLUMIO_TEST="FALSE" VOLUMIO_BUILD_DATE="Tue 04 Jun 2024 08:41:12 PM CEST" VOLUMIO_VERSION="3.703" VOLUMIO_HARDWARE="pi" VOLUMIO_DEVICENAME="Raspberry Pi" VOLUMIO_HASH="8e78a6e3f56f1bcbbd1760812129a8e9"