-- Logs begin at Thu 2019-02-14 05:11:59 EST, end at Sat 2024-05-11 18:38:47 EDT. --
May 11 18:37:24 volumio ntpd[797]: receive: Unexpected origin timestamp 0xe9ea6ab3.fbd27e45 does not match aorg 0000000000.00000000 from server@ xmt 0xe9ea71a4.084f4ae5
May 11 18:37:24 volumio ntpd[797]: receive: Unexpected origin timestamp 0xe9ea6ab3.fba51708 does not match aorg 0000000000.00000000 from server@ xmt 0xe9ea71a4.093a7836
May 11 18:37:24 volumio ntpd[797]: receive: Unexpected origin timestamp 0xe9ea6ab3.fbca9177 does not match aorg 0000000000.00000000 from server@ xmt 0xe9ea71a4.0b8e88fc
May 11 18:37:24 volumio ntpd[797]: receive: Unexpected origin timestamp 0xe9ea6ab3.fbb08560 does not match aorg 0000000000.00000000 from server@ xmt 0xe9ea71a4.0b8511be
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: MRS: MultiRoom plugin initialized
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: MRS: STOPPING SNAPCLIENT
May 11 18:37:24 volumio ntpd[797]: receive: Unexpected origin timestamp 0xe9ea6ab3.fbbaefb8 does not match aorg 0000000000.00000000 from server@ xmt 0xe9ea71a4.0d403c39
May 11 18:37:24 volumio ntpd[797]: receive: Unexpected origin timestamp 0xe9ea6ab3.fbc0ac12 does not match aorg 0000000000.00000000 from server@ xmt 0xe9ea71a4.0d062a2c
May 11 18:37:24 volumio ntpd[797]: receive: Unexpected origin timestamp 0xe9ea6ab3.fbc5b29d does not match aorg 0000000000.00000000 from server@ xmt 0xe9ea71a4.10e77f71
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: MRS: Snap server stop
May 11 18:37:24 volumio sudo[6394]: volumio : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/systemctl stop volumioSnapclient
May 11 18:37:24 volumio sudo[6394]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0)
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: MRS: STOPPING volumioStreaming
May 11 18:37:24 volumio sudo[6394]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
May 11 18:37:24 volumio sudo[6397]: volumio : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/systemctl stop volumioSnapserver
May 11 18:37:24 volumio sudo[6397]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0)
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: [MyVolumio PluginManager] Loading plugin "metavolumio"...
May 11 18:37:24 volumio sudo[6397]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
May 11 18:37:24 volumio sudo[6404]: volumio : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/systemctl stop volumioStreaming
May 11 18:37:24 volumio sudo[6404]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0)
May 11 18:37:24 volumio sudo[6405]: volumio : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/rm -f /tmp/hls/*
May 11 18:37:24 volumio sudo[6405]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0)
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: [MyVolumio PluginManager] Loading plugin "manifestui"...
May 11 18:37:24 volumio sudo[6404]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
May 11 18:37:24 volumio sudo[6405]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: [MyVolumio PluginManager] Loading plugin "cd_controller"...
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: [MyVolumio PluginManager] Loading plugin "smart_inputs"...
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: [MyVolumio PluginManager] Loading plugin "hi_res_audio"...
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: [MyVolumio PluginManager] Applying required configuration parameters for plugin hi_res_audio
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: [MyVolumio PluginManager] Loading plugin "tidal"...
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: [MyVolumio PluginManager] Loading plugin "qobuz"...
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: [MyVolumio PluginManager] Loading plugin "tidalconnect"...
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: Preparing to generate the ALSA configuration file
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: Updating MyVolumio device info
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: system , getConfigParam
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: system , getConfigParam
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: system , getConfigParam
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: The plugin fusiondsp has an ALSA contribution file volumioDsp.postDsp.10.conf
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: The plugin multiroom has an ALSA contribution file volumioMultiRoomServer.postMultiRoom.1000.conf
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: The plugin peppy_screensaver has an ALSA contribution file Peppyalsa.postPeppyalsa.5.conf
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: Reading ALSA contributions from plugins.
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: Setting Geolocation for MyVolumio to us1
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: system , getConfigParam
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: system , getConfigParam
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: system , getConfigParam
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: verbose: New Socket.io Connection to from UA: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS armv7l 13597.84.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/92.0.4515.98 Safari/537.36 Total Clients: 15
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: verbose: New Socket.io Connection to from UA: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS armv7l 13597.84.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/92.0.4515.98 Safari/537.36 Total Clients: 16
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: MRS: Removed streaming files
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: MRS: volumioStreaming STOPPED
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: MRS: SNAPSERVER STOPPED
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: MRS: SNAPCLIENT STOPPED
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 6411, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 6418, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: Received Get System Info
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: system , getSystemInfo
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , getThisDevice
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: Discovery: Getting this device information
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetState
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: network , getCachedIPAddresses
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetState
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: appearance , isLatestTOSAccepted
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: my_volumio , getAutoUpdateCheckEnabled
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetVisibleSources
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: my_music , getDisabledSources
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetState
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: metavolumio , getInfinityPlayback
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: multiroom , getMultiroom
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: Error : CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: No method [getMultiroom] in plugin multiroom
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: Received Get System Info
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: system , getSystemInfo
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , getThisDevice
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: Discovery: Getting this device information
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetState
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: network , getCachedIPAddresses
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetState
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: Listing playlists
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: appearance , isLatestTOSAccepted
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: my_volumio , getAutoUpdateCheckEnabled
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetVisibleSources
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: my_music , getDisabledSources
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetState
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: metavolumio , getInfinityPlayback
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: multiroom , getMultiroom
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: Error : CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: No method [getMultiroom] in plugin multiroom
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: Received Get System Info
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: system , getSystemInfo
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , getThisDevice
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: Discovery: Getting this device information
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetState
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: network , getCachedIPAddresses
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetState
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: Listing playlists
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: appearance , isLatestTOSAccepted
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: my_volumio , getAutoUpdateCheckEnabled
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetVisibleSources
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: my_music , getDisabledSources
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetState
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: metavolumio , getInfinityPlayback
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: multiroom , getMultiroom
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: Error : CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: No method [getMultiroom] in plugin multiroom
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: Received Get System Info
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: system , getSystemInfo
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , getThisDevice
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: Discovery: Getting this device information
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetState
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: network , getCachedIPAddresses
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetState
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: Listing playlists
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: Successfully Added MyVolumio device
May 11 18:37:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 6425, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:25 volumio volumio[992]: info: Asound.conf file written
May 11 18:37:25 volumio sudo[6433]: volumio : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/mv /home/volumio/.asoundrc /etc/asound.conf
May 11 18:37:25 volumio sudo[6433]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0)
May 11 18:37:25 volumio sudo[6433]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
May 11 18:37:25 volumio volumio[992]: info: Output device has changed, restarting MPD
May 11 18:37:25 volumio sudo[6438]: volumio : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/chmod 777 /etc/mpd.conf
May 11 18:37:25 volumio sudo[6438]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0)
May 11 18:37:25 volumio sudo[6438]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
May 11 18:37:25 volumio volumio[992]: info: Output device has changed, restarting Shairport Sync
May 11 18:37:25 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: alsa_controller , getConfigParam
May 11 18:37:25 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: system , getConfigParam
May 11 18:37:25 volumio sudo[6441]: volumio : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/systemctl restart mpd.service
May 11 18:37:25 volumio sudo[6441]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0)
May 11 18:37:25 volumio systemd[1]: Stopping Music Player Daemon...
May 11 18:37:25 volumio systemd[1]: mpd.service: Succeeded.
May 11 18:37:25 volumio volumio[992]: info: Could not detect Primo: Error: Command failed: aplay -l | grep es90x8q2m-dac-dai-0
May 11 18:37:25 volumio systemd[1]: Stopped Music Player Daemon.
May 11 18:37:25 volumio volumio[992]: info: MRS: Audio Device Changed, rebuilding Multiroom Configuration
May 11 18:37:25 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: alsa_controller , getConfigParam
May 11 18:37:25 volumio volumio[992]: info: [MyVolumio PluginManager] Starting plugin audio_interface.bluetooth
May 11 18:37:25 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: system , registerCallback
May 11 18:37:25 volumio systemd[1]: Starting Music Player Daemon...
May 11 18:37:25 volumio volumio[992]: info: [MyVolumio PluginManager] Starting plugin audio_interface.multiroom
May 11 18:37:25 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , pushMultiRoomStatus
May 11 18:37:25 volumio volumio[992]: info: MRS: Pushing multiroomSync output for this device
May 11 18:37:25 volumio volumio[992]: info: MRS: Pushing multiroomSync output
May 11 18:37:25 volumio volumio[992]: info: Adding audio output:
May 11 18:37:25 volumio sudo[6450]: volumio : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/hciconfig hci0 name Volumio
May 11 18:37:25 volumio sudo[6450]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0)
May 11 18:37:25 volumio volumio[992]: info: Adding audio output:
May 11 18:37:25 volumio sudo[6450]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
May 11 18:37:25 volumio volumio[992]: info: MRS: Audio Device Changed, rebuilding Multiroom Configuration
May 11 18:37:25 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: alsa_controller , getConfigParam
May 11 18:37:25 volumio volumio[992]: info: [MyVolumio PluginManager] Starting plugin miscellanea.metavolumio
May 11 18:37:25 volumio volumio[992]: info: Adding METAVOLUMIO REST API Endpoints
May 11 18:37:25 volumio volumio[992]: info: Adding metavolumio REST Endpoint for plugin: miscellanea/metavolumio
May 11 18:37:25 volumio volumio[992]: info: Adding getSimilarArtists REST Endpoint for plugin: miscellanea/metavolumio
May 11 18:37:25 volumio volumio[992]: info: Adding getSimilarAlbums REST Endpoint for plugin: miscellanea/metavolumio
May 11 18:37:25 volumio volumio[992]: info: Adding getSimilarTracks REST Endpoint for plugin: miscellanea/metavolumio
May 11 18:37:25 volumio volumio[992]: info: [MyVolumio PluginManager] Starting plugin miscellanea.manifestui
May 11 18:37:25 volumio volumio[992]: info: Adding Manifest REST API Endpoints
May 11 18:37:25 volumio volumio[992]: info: Adding manifestui REST Endpoint for plugin: miscellanea/manifestui
May 11 18:37:25 volumio volumio[992]: info: [MyVolumio PluginManager] Starting plugin music_service.cd_controller
May 11 18:37:25 volumio volumio[992]: info: Preparing CD Folders
May 11 18:37:25 volumio volumio[992]: info: Adding CD REST API Endpoints
May 11 18:37:25 volumio volumio[992]: info: Adding cdPostRip REST Endpoint for plugin: music_service/cd_controller
May 11 18:37:25 volumio volumio[992]: info: Starting UDEV Watcher for CD
May 11 18:37:25 volumio volumio[992]: info: Detecting CD presence with UDEV
May 11 18:37:25 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: networkfs , getUdevDevices
May 11 18:37:25 volumio volumio[992]: info: [MyVolumio PluginManager] Starting plugin music_service.smart_inputs
May 11 18:37:25 volumio volumio[992]: info: Adding inputs REST Endpoints
May 11 18:37:25 volumio volumio[992]: info: Adding scanAudioInputs REST Endpoint for plugin: music_service/smart_inputs
May 11 18:37:25 volumio volumio[992]: info: Scanning Audio Inputs
May 11 18:37:25 volumio volumio[992]: info: Checking against Known Cards name
May 11 18:37:25 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioAddToBrowseSources[object Object]
May 11 18:37:25 volumio volumio[992]: info: [1715467045634] CoreMusicLibrary::Adding element Dummy
May 11 18:37:25 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: my_music , getDisabledSources
May 11 18:37:25 volumio volumio[992]: Cannot find translation for source Calm Radio
May 11 18:37:25 volumio volumio[992]: Cannot find translation for source Dummy
May 11 18:37:25 volumio volumio[992]: info: Checking against Known Cards name
May 11 18:37:25 volumio volumio[992]: info: Adding Server instance for streaming
May 11 18:37:25 volumio volumio[992]: info: [MyVolumio PluginManager] Starting plugin music_service.hi_res_audio
May 11 18:37:25 volumio volumio[992]: error: Hi Res Audio Failed Login: Missing Login Data
May 11 18:37:25 volumio volumio[992]: info: Adding HIGHRESAUDIO REST API Endpoints
May 11 18:37:25 volumio volumio[992]: info: Adding getStreamUrlhi_res_audio REST Endpoint for plugin: music_service/hi_res_audio
May 11 18:37:25 volumio volumio[992]: info: [MyVolumio PluginManager] Starting plugin music_service.tidal
May 11 18:37:25 volumio volumio[992]: info: Refreshing TIDAL token
May 11 18:37:25 volumio volumio[992]: info: [MyVolumio PluginManager] Starting plugin music_service.qobuz
May 11 18:37:25 volumio volumio[992]: info: [MyVolumio PluginManager] Starting plugin music_service.tidalconnect
May 11 18:37:25 volumio sudo[6459]: volumio : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/systemctl stop vtcs.service
May 11 18:37:25 volumio sudo[6459]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0)
May 11 18:37:25 volumio volumio[992]: info: Stopping AccessToken refresher cron for QOBUZ
May 11 18:37:25 volumio volumio[992]: info: AccessToken refresher cron started for QOBUZ
May 11 18:37:25 volumio volumio[992]: info: Adding QOBUZ REST API Endpoints
May 11 18:37:25 volumio volumio[992]: info: Adding getStreamUrlqobuz REST Endpoint for plugin: music_service/qobuz
May 11 18:37:25 volumio sudo[6459]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
May 11 18:37:25 volumio volumio[992]: info: Updating MyVolumio device info
May 11 18:37:25 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: system , getConfigParam
May 11 18:37:25 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: system , getConfigParam
May 11 18:37:25 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: system , getConfigParam
May 11 18:37:25 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 6462, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:25 volumio volumio[992]: info: Successfully Updated MyVolumio device
May 11 18:37:25 volumio volumio[992]: info: Successfully Added MyVolumio device
May 11 18:37:25 volumio volumio[992]: error: Failed to parse min max audio card capabilities, sending default vales: TypeError: Cannot read property 'split' of undefined
May 11 18:37:25 volumio volumio[992]: info: Bluetooth name changed to Volumio
May 11 18:37:25 volumio volumio[992]: error: Failed to parse min max audio card capabilities, sending default vales: TypeError: Cannot read property 'split' of undefined
May 11 18:37:25 volumio volumio[992]: info: MPD Permissions set
May 11 18:37:25 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: alsa_controller , getConfigParam
May 11 18:37:25 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: alsa_controller , getConfigParam
May 11 18:37:26 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: updater_comm , getUpdateMessageCache
May 11 18:37:26 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: updater_comm , getUpdateMessageCache
May 11 18:37:26 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: updater_comm , getUpdateMessageCache
May 11 18:37:26 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 6469, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:26 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: alsa_controller , getConfigParam
May 11 18:37:26 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: alsa_controller , getConfigParam
May 11 18:37:26 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: alsa_controller , getConfigParam
May 11 18:37:26 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: alsa_controller , getConfigParam
May 11 18:37:26 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: alsa_controller , getConfigParam
May 11 18:37:26 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: alsa_controller , getConfigParam
May 11 18:37:26 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: alsa_controller , getConfigParam
May 11 18:37:26 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: alsa_controller , getConfigParam
May 11 18:37:26 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: system , getConfigParam
May 11 18:37:26 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: alsa_controller , getConfigParam
May 11 18:37:26 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 6480, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:26 volumio volumio[992]: info: Starting Shairport Sync
May 11 18:37:26 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::getUIConfigOnPlugin
May 11 18:37:26 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::getUIConfigOnPlugin
May 11 18:37:26 volumio sudo[6488]: volumio : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/systemctl restart shairport-sync
May 11 18:37:26 volumio sudo[6488]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0)
May 11 18:37:26 volumio systemd[1]: Stopping Shairport Sync - AirPlay Audio Receiver...
May 11 18:37:26 volumio systemd[1]: shairport-sync.service: Succeeded.
May 11 18:37:26 volumio systemd[1]: Stopped Shairport Sync - AirPlay Audio Receiver.
May 11 18:37:26 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 6491, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:26 volumio systemd[1]: Started Shairport Sync - AirPlay Audio Receiver.
May 11 18:37:26 volumio sudo[6488]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
May 11 18:37:26 volumio mpd[6446]: May 11 18:37 : decoder: Decoder plugin 'wildmidi' is unavailable: configuration file does not exist: /etc/timidity/timidity.cfg
May 11 18:37:26 volumio systemd[1]: Started Music Player Daemon.
May 11 18:37:26 volumio sudo[6441]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
May 11 18:37:26 volumio volumio[992]: info: Successfully Updated MyVolumio device
May 11 18:37:26 volumio volumio[992]: info: Access Token successfully retrieved
May 11 18:37:26 volumio volumio[992]: info: Shairport-Sync Started
May 11 18:37:26 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 6503, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:26 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::getUIConfigOnPlugin
May 11 18:37:26 volumio volumio[992]: error: updateQueue error: null
May 11 18:37:26 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::getUIConfigOnPlugin
May 11 18:37:26 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 6510, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:27 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::getUIConfigOnPlugin
May 11 18:37:27 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 6521, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:27 volumio volumio[992]: info: Successfully retrieved User Session From TIDAL
May 11 18:37:27 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::getUIConfigOnPlugin
May 11 18:37:27 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 6528, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:27 volumio sudo[6536]: volumio : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/systemctl restart sshtunnel.service
May 11 18:37:27 volumio sudo[6536]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0)
May 11 18:37:27 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 6538, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:27 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::getUIConfigOnPlugin
May 11 18:37:27 volumio systemd[1]: Started MyVolumio SSH Tunnel.
May 11 18:37:27 volumio sudo[6536]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
May 11 18:37:27 volumio autossh[6546]: port set to 0, monitoring disabled
May 11 18:37:27 volumio autossh[6546]: starting ssh (count 1)
May 11 18:37:27 volumio autossh[6546]: ssh child pid is 6549
May 11 18:37:27 volumio volumio[992]: info: Successfully retrieved User Subscription From TIDAL
May 11 18:37:27 volumio volumio[992]: info: Adding TIDAL to Browse Sources
May 11 18:37:27 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioAddToBrowseSources[object Object]
May 11 18:37:27 volumio volumio[992]: info: [1715467047570] CoreMusicLibrary::Adding element TIDAL
May 11 18:37:27 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: my_music , getDisabledSources
May 11 18:37:27 volumio volumio[992]: Cannot find translation for source Calm Radio
May 11 18:37:27 volumio volumio[992]: Cannot find translation for source Dummy
May 11 18:37:27 volumio volumio[992]: Cannot find translation for source TIDAL
May 11 18:37:27 volumio volumio[992]: info: Stopping AccessToken refresher cron
May 11 18:37:27 volumio volumio[992]: info: AccessToken refresher cron started
May 11 18:37:27 volumio volumio[992]: info: Adding TIDAL REST API Endpoints
May 11 18:37:27 volumio volumio[992]: info: Adding getStreamUrltidal REST Endpoint for plugin: music_service/tidal
May 11 18:37:27 volumio volumio[992]: info: Remote SSH Started
May 11 18:37:27 volumio volumiossh-tunnel[6539]: Warning: Permanently added '[us1.myvolumio.org]:2222,[]:2222' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
May 11 18:37:27 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 6550, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:27 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::getUIConfigOnPlugin
May 11 18:37:27 volumio volumio[992]: verbose: New Socket.io Connection to localhost:3000 from UA: node-XMLHttpRequest Total Clients: 16
May 11 18:37:27 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::getUIConfigOnPlugin
May 11 18:37:28 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 6557, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:28 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::getUIConfigOnPlugin
May 11 18:37:28 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 6564, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:28 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::getUIConfigOnPlugin
May 11 18:37:28 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 6571, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:28 volumio sudo[6579]: volumio : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/systemctl start volumiobt.service
May 11 18:37:28 volumio sudo[6579]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0)
May 11 18:37:28 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetState
May 11 18:37:28 volumio volumio[992]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0
May 11 18:37:28 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::getUIConfigOnPlugin
May 11 18:37:28 volumio systemd[1]: Started Volumio Bluetooth Module.
May 11 18:37:28 volumio sudo[6579]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
May 11 18:37:28 volumio sudo[6582]: volumio : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/chmod -R 777 /var/lib/bluetooth/*
May 11 18:37:28 volumio sudo[6582]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0)
May 11 18:37:28 volumio volumiobt[6581]: /bin/chmod: cannot access '/var/lib/bluetooth/*': No such file or directory
May 11 18:37:28 volumio sudo[6582]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
May 11 18:37:28 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 6583, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:28 volumio volumio[992]: info: Volumio BT Module successfully started
May 11 18:37:28 volumio volumio[992]: info: TidalConnect service stoped!
May 11 18:37:28 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 6596, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:29 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 6607, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:29 volumio volumio[992]: info: Adding tc_getconfig REST Endpoint for plugin: music_service/tidalconnect
May 11 18:37:29 volumio volumio[992]: info: Adding tc_connect REST Endpoint for plugin: music_service/tidalconnect
May 11 18:37:29 volumio sudo[6615]: volumio : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/systemctl start vtcs.service
May 11 18:37:29 volumio sudo[6615]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0)
May 11 18:37:29 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 6617, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:29 volumio systemd[1]: Started Volumio Tidal Connect Service.
May 11 18:37:29 volumio sudo[6615]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
May 11 18:37:29 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 6627, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:29 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 6634, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:29 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 6641, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:29 volumio volumio[992]: info: Executing endpoint tc_getconfig
May 11 18:37:29 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: tidalconnect , onGetConfig
May 11 18:37:29 volumio vtcs[6618]: STARTING TidalConnect services, version:
May 11 18:37:29 volumio vtcs[6618]: STARTED TidalConnect services.
May 11 18:37:29 volumio volumio[992]: info: Executing endpoint tc_connect
May 11 18:37:29 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: tidalconnect , onConnect
May 11 18:37:29 volumio volumio[992]: info: Connecting to TidalConnect
May 11 18:37:29 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 6656, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:29 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState
May 11 18:37:29 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
May 11 18:37:29 volumio volumio[992]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0
May 11 18:37:29 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
May 11 18:37:29 volumio volumio[992]: info: MRS: Pushing multiroomSync output update for this device
May 11 18:37:29 volumio volumio[992]: info: MRS: Pushing multiroomSync output
May 11 18:37:29 volumio volumio[992]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0
May 11 18:37:29 volumio sudo[6661]: volumio : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/killall pulseaudio
May 11 18:37:29 volumio sudo[6661]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0)
May 11 18:37:29 volumio volumio[992]: info: Received update from a service different from the one supposed to be playing music. Skipping notification.Current tidal Received tidalconnect
May 11 18:37:29 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState
May 11 18:37:29 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
May 11 18:37:29 volumio volumio[992]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0
May 11 18:37:29 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
May 11 18:37:29 volumio volumio[992]: info: MRS: Pushing multiroomSync output update for this device
May 11 18:37:29 volumio volumio[992]: info: MRS: Pushing multiroomSync output
May 11 18:37:29 volumio volumio[992]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0
May 11 18:37:29 volumio volumio[992]: info: Received update from a service different from the one supposed to be playing music. Skipping notification.Current tidal Received tidalconnect
May 11 18:37:29 volumio volumiobt[6581]: pulseaudio: no process found
May 11 18:37:29 volumio sudo[6661]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
May 11 18:37:29 volumio dbus-daemon[672]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='org.freedesktop.RealtimeKit1' unit='rtkit-daemon.service' requested by ':1.44' (uid=1000 pid=6675 comm="/usr/bin/pulseaudio --high-priority=true ")
May 11 18:37:29 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 6677, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:29 volumio systemd[1]: Starting RealtimeKit Scheduling Policy Service...
May 11 18:37:29 volumio dbus-daemon[672]: [system] Successfully activated service 'org.freedesktop.RealtimeKit1'
May 11 18:37:29 volumio systemd[1]: Started RealtimeKit Scheduling Policy Service.
May 11 18:37:29 volumio rtkit-daemon[6676]: Successfully called chroot.
May 11 18:37:29 volumio rtkit-daemon[6676]: Successfully dropped privileges.
May 11 18:37:29 volumio rtkit-daemon[6676]: Successfully limited resources.
May 11 18:37:29 volumio rtkit-daemon[6676]: Running.
May 11 18:37:29 volumio rtkit-daemon[6676]: Canary thread running.
May 11 18:37:29 volumio rtkit-daemon[6676]: Watchdog thread running.
May 11 18:37:29 volumio dbus-daemon[672]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1' unit='polkit.service' requested by ':1.45' (uid=0 pid=6676 comm="/usr/lib/rtkit/rtkit-daemon ")
May 11 18:37:29 volumio volumio[992]: ------------------------------------ BT MESSAGE: BT STATUS: running
May 11 18:37:29 volumio systemd[1]: Starting Authorization Manager...
May 11 18:37:29 volumio volumio[992]: ------------------------------------ BT MESSAGE: BT STATUS: running
May 11 18:37:29 volumio polkitd[6686]: started daemon version 0.105 using authority implementation `local' version `0.105'
May 11 18:37:29 volumio dbus-daemon[672]: [system] Successfully activated service 'org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1'
May 11 18:37:29 volumio systemd[1]: Started Authorization Manager.
May 11 18:37:29 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 6690, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:30 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 6697, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:30 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 6704, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:30 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 6711, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:30 volumio pulseaudio[6675]: Unable to contact D-Bus: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NotSupported: Unable to autolaunch a dbus-daemon without a $DISPLAY for X11
May 11 18:37:30 volumio pulseaudio[6675]: Unable to contact D-Bus: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NotSupported: Unable to autolaunch a dbus-daemon without a $DISPLAY for X11
May 11 18:37:30 volumio bluetoothd[774]: Endpoint registered: sender=:1.65 path=/MediaEndpoint/A2DPSource
May 11 18:37:30 volumio bluetoothd[774]: Endpoint registered: sender=:1.65 path=/MediaEndpoint/A2DPSink
May 11 18:37:30 volumio volumiobt[6581]: Applying permissions
May 11 18:37:30 volumio volumiobt[6581]: Setting BT discoverable and pairable
May 11 18:37:30 volumio pulseaudio[6675]: Failed to register as a handsfree audio agent with ofono: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.ofono was not provided by any .service files
May 11 18:37:30 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 6719, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:30 volumio kernel: Bluetooth: RFCOMM TTY layer initialized
May 11 18:37:30 volumio kernel: Bluetooth: RFCOMM socket layer initialized
May 11 18:37:30 volumio kernel: Bluetooth: RFCOMM ver 1.11
May 11 18:37:30 volumio volumiobt[6581]: [CHG] Controller DC:A6:32:5C:4C:94 Class: 0x000c041c
May 11 18:37:30 volumio volumiobt[6581]: [117B blob data]
May 11 18:37:30 volumio volumiobt[6581]: [117B blob data]
May 11 18:37:30 volumio volumiobt[6581]: [117B blob data]
May 11 18:37:30 volumio volumiobt[6581]: [117B blob data]
May 11 18:37:30 volumio volumiobt[6581]: [117B blob data]
May 11 18:37:30 volumio volumiobt[6581]: [117B blob data]
May 11 18:37:30 volumio volumiobt[6581]: [117B blob data]
May 11 18:37:30 volumio volumiobt[6581]: [117B blob data]
May 11 18:37:30 volumio volumiobt[6581]: [117B blob data]
May 11 18:37:30 volumio volumiobt[6581]: [117B blob data]
May 11 18:37:30 volumio volumiobt[6581]: [117B blob data]
May 11 18:37:30 volumio volumiobt[6581]: [117B blob data]
May 11 18:37:30 volumio volumiobt[6581]: [117B blob data]
May 11 18:37:30 volumio volumiobt[6581]: [117B blob data]
May 11 18:37:30 volumio volumiobt[6581]: [117B blob data]
May 11 18:37:30 volumio volumiobt[6581]: [117B blob data]
May 11 18:37:30 volumio volumiobt[6581]: [117B blob data]
May 11 18:37:30 volumio volumiobt[6581]: [117B blob data]
May 11 18:37:30 volumio volumiobt[6581]: [55B blob data]
May 11 18:37:30 volumio volumiobt[6581]: [117B blob data]
May 11 18:37:30 volumio volumiobt[6581]: [117B blob data]
May 11 18:37:30 volumio volumiobt[6581]: [117B blob data]
May 11 18:37:30 volumio volumiobt[6581]: [117B blob data]
May 11 18:37:30 volumio volumiobt[6581]: [117B blob data]
May 11 18:37:30 volumio volumiobt[6581]: [117B blob data]
May 11 18:37:30 volumio volumiobt[6581]: [117B blob data]
May 11 18:37:30 volumio volumiobt[6581]: [117B blob data]
May 11 18:37:30 volumio volumiobt[6581]: [117B blob data]
May 11 18:37:30 volumio volumiobt[6581]: [bluetooth]# -e power on
May 11 18:37:30 volumio volumiobt[6581]: Invalid command in menu main: -e
May 11 18:37:30 volumio volumiobt[6581]:
May 11 18:37:30 volumio volumiobt[6581]: Use "help" for a list of available commands in a menu.
May 11 18:37:30 volumio volumiobt[6581]: Use "menu " if you want to enter any submenu.
May 11 18:37:30 volumio volumiobt[6581]: Use "back" if you want to return to menu main.
May 11 18:37:30 volumio volumiobt[6581]: [bluetooth]# agent on
May 11 18:37:30 volumio volumiobt[6581]: Agent is already registered
May 11 18:37:30 volumio volumiobt[6581]: [bluetooth]# discoverable on
May 11 18:37:30 volumio volumiobt[6581]: [bluetooth]# pairable on
May 11 18:37:30 volumio volumiobt[6581]: [bluetooth]# agent NoInputNoOutput
May 11 18:37:30 volumio volumiobt[6581]: Agent is already registered
May 11 18:37:30 volumio volumiobt[6581]: [bluetooth]# default-agent
May 11 18:37:30 volumio volumiobt[6581]: [bluetooth]# quit
May 11 18:37:30 volumio volumiobt[6581]: [59B blob data]
May 11 18:37:30 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 6732, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:30 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 6739, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:30 volumio volumio[992]: info: MRS: Getting audio outputs on start
May 11 18:37:30 volumio volumio[992]: info: MRS: Requesting all other devices output
May 11 18:37:30 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 6746, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:30 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 6753, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:30 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 6760, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:30 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 6767, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:30 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 6774, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:30 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 6781, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:30 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 6788, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:30 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 6795, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:31 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 6802, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:31 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 6809, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:31 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 6816, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:31 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 6823, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:31 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 6830, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:31 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 6837, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:31 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 6844, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:31 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 6851, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:31 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 6858, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:31 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 6865, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:31 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 6872, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:31 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 6879, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:31 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 6886, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:31 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 6893, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:31 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 6900, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:31 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 6907, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:32 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 6914, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:32 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 6921, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:32 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 6928, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:32 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 6935, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:32 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 6942, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:32 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 6949, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:32 volumio volumio[992]: info: TidalConnect service started!
May 11 18:37:32 volumio volumio[992]: info: BOOT COMPLETED
May 11 18:37:32 volumio volumio[992]: [Metrics] CommandRouter: 63s 824.65ms
May 11 18:37:32 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumiosetStartupVolume
May 11 18:37:32 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: alsa_controller , getConfigParam
May 11 18:37:32 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: system , getConfigParam
May 11 18:37:32 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::Close All Modals sent
May 11 18:37:32 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::Close All Modals sent
May 11 18:37:32 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 6959, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:32 volumio volumio[992]: info: FusionDsp - ---- read samplerate, raw: 44100,S32_LE,2,32
May 11 18:37:32 volumio volumio[992]: info: FusionDsp - ---- read samplerate from file: 44100
May 11 18:37:32 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp stopping service pid 6959...
May 11 18:37:32 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp service terminated, instance 1
May 11 18:37:32 volumio volumio[992]: info: FusionDsp - If filter freq >samplerate/2 then disable it
May 11 18:37:32 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp service started and running in background, instance 1
May 11 18:37:32 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 6964, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:32 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 6971, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:32 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 6978, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:32 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 6985, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:32 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 6992, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:32 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 6999, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:32 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7006, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:32 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7013, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:32 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7020, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:32 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: system , getPrivacySettings
May 11 18:37:33 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7027, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:33 volumio volumio[992]: verbose: New Socket.io Connection to localhost:3000 from UA: node-XMLHttpRequest Total Clients: 17
May 11 18:37:33 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetState
May 11 18:37:33 volumio volumio[992]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0
May 11 18:37:33 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7034, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:33 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7041, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:33 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7048, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:33 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7055, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:33 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7062, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:33 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: alsa_controller , checkAudioDeviceAvailable
May 11 18:37:33 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: i2s_dacs , getI2sStatus
May 11 18:37:33 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: system , versionChangeDetect
May 11 18:37:33 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7069, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:33 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7076, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:33 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7083, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:33 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7090, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:33 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7097, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:33 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7104, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:33 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7111, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:33 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7118, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:33 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7125, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:33 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7132, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:33 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7139, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:34 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7146, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:34 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7153, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:34 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7160, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:34 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7167, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:34 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7174, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:34 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7181, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:34 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7188, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:34 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7195, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:34 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7202, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:34 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7209, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:34 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7216, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:34 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7223, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:34 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7230, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:34 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7237, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:34 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7244, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:34 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7251, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:34 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7258, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:35 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7265, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:35 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7272, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:35 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7279, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:35 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7286, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:35 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7293, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:35 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7300, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:35 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7307, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:35 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7314, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:35 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7321, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:35 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7328, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:35 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7335, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:35 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7342, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:35 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7349, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:35 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7356, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:35 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7363, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:35 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7370, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:35 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7377, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:36 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7384, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:36 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7391, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:36 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7398, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:36 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7405, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:36 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7412, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:36 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7419, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:36 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7426, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:36 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7433, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:36 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7440, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:36 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7447, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:36 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7454, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:36 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7461, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:36 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7468, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:36 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7475, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:36 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7482, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:36 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7489, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:36 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7496, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:36 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7503, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:37 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7510, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:37 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7517, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:37 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7524, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:37 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7531, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:37 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7538, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:37 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7545, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:37 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7552, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:37 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7559, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:37 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7566, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:37 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7573, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:37 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7580, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:37 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7587, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:37 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7594, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:37 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7601, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:37 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7608, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:37 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7615, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:37 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7622, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:37 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: alsa_controller , getConfigParam
May 11 18:37:37 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: alsa_controller , getConfigParam
May 11 18:37:37 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: i2s_dacs , getConfigParam
May 11 18:37:37 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: i2s_dacs , getConfigParam
May 11 18:37:37 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: appearance , getConfigParam
May 11 18:37:37 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: mpd , getMyCollectionStatsObject
May 11 18:37:37 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetBrowseSources
May 11 18:37:37 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: system , getSystemVersion
May 11 18:37:38 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7629, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:38 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7636, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:38 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7643, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:38 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7650, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:38 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7657, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:38 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7664, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:38 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7671, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:38 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7678, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:38 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7685, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:38 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7692, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:38 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7699, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:38 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7706, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:38 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7713, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:38 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7720, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:38 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7727, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:38 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7734, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:38 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7741, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:38 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7748, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:39 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7755, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:39 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7762, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:39 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7769, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:39 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7776, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:39 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7783, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:39 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7790, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:39 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7797, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:39 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7804, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:39 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7811, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:39 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7818, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:39 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7825, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:39 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7832, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:39 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7839, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:39 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7846, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:39 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7853, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:39 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7860, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:39 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7867, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:40 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7874, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:40 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7881, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:40 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7888, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:40 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7895, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:40 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7902, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:40 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7909, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:40 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7916, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:40 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7923, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:40 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7930, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:40 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7937, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:40 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7944, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:40 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7951, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:40 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7958, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:40 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7965, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:40 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7972, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:40 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7979, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:40 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7986, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:40 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 7993, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:41 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8002, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:41 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8009, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:41 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8016, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:41 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8023, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:41 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8030, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:41 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8037, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:41 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8044, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:41 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8051, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:41 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8058, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:41 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8065, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:41 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8072, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:41 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8079, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:41 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8086, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:41 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8093, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:41 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8100, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:42 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8107, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:42 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8114, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:42 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8121, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:42 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8128, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:42 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8135, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:42 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8142, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:42 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8149, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:42 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8156, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:42 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8163, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:42 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8170, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:42 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8177, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:42 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8184, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:42 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8191, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:42 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8198, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:42 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8205, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:42 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8212, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:42 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8219, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:42 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8226, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:43 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8233, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:43 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8240, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:43 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8247, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:43 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8254, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:43 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8261, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:43 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8268, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:43 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8275, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:43 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8282, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:43 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8289, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:43 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8296, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:43 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8303, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:43 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8310, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:43 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8317, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:43 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8324, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:43 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8331, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:43 volumio thd[661]: Executing trigger action: /usr/local/bin/volumio volume minus
May 11 18:37:43 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8338, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:43 volumio thd[661]: % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
May 11 18:37:43 volumio thd[661]: Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
May 11 18:37:43 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8349, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:43 volumio volumio[992]: info:
May 11 18:37:43 volumio volumio[992]: ---------------------------- Client requests Volume -
May 11 18:37:43 volumio volumio[992]: info: VolumeController::SetAlsaVolume-
May 11 18:37:44 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
May 11 18:37:44 volumio volumio[992]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0
May 11 18:37:44 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
May 11 18:37:44 volumio volumio[992]: info: MRS: Pushing multiroomSync output update for this device
May 11 18:37:44 volumio volumio[992]: info: MRS: Pushing multiroomSync output
May 11 18:37:44 volumio thd[661]: [158B blob data]
May 11 18:37:44 volumio volumio[992]: error: Cannot set ALSA Volume: Error: Alsa Mixer Error: Invalid card number.
May 11 18:37:44 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8357, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:44 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8364, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:44 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8371, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:44 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8378, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:44 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8385, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:44 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8392, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:44 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8399, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:44 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8406, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:44 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8413, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:44 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8420, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:44 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8427, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:44 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8434, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:44 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8441, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:44 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8448, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:44 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8455, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:44 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8462, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:45 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8469, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:45 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8476, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:45 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8483, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:45 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8490, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:45 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8497, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:45 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8504, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:45 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8511, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:45 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8518, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:45 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8525, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:45 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8532, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:45 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8539, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:45 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8546, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:45 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8553, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:45 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8560, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:45 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8567, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:45 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8574, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:45 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8581, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:46 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8588, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:46 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8595, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:46 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8602, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:46 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8609, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:46 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8616, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:46 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8623, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:46 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8630, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:46 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8637, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:46 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8644, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:46 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8651, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:46 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8658, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:46 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8665, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:46 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8672, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:46 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8679, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:46 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8686, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:46 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8693, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:46 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8700, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:47 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8707, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:47 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8714, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:47 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8721, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:47 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8728, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:47 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8735, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:47 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8742, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:47 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8749, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:47 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8756, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:47 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8763, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:47 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8770, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:47 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8777, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:47 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8784, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:47 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8791, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:47 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8798, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:47 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8805, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:47 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8812, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:47 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8819, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:48 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8826, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:48 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8833, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:48 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8840, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:48 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8847, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:48 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8854, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:48 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8861, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:48 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8868, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:48 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8875, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:48 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8882, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:48 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8889, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:48 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8896, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:48 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8903, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:48 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8910, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:48 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8917, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:48 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8924, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:48 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8931, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:48 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8938, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:49 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8945, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:49 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8952, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:49 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8959, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:49 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8966, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:49 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8973, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:49 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8980, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:49 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8987, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:49 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 8994, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:49 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9001, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:49 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9008, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:49 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9015, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:49 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9022, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:49 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9029, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:49 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9036, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:49 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9043, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:49 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9050, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:49 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9057, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:50 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9064, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:50 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9071, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:50 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9078, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:50 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9085, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:50 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9092, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:50 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9099, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:50 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9106, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:50 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9113, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:50 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9120, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:50 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9127, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:50 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9134, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:50 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9141, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:50 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9148, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:50 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9155, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:50 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9162, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:50 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9169, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:50 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9176, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:51 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9183, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:51 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9190, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:51 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9197, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:51 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9204, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:51 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9211, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:51 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9218, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:51 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9225, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:51 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9232, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:51 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9239, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:51 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9246, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:51 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9253, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:51 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9260, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:51 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9267, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:51 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9274, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:51 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9281, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:51 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9288, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:51 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9295, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:52 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9302, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:52 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9309, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:52 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9316, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:52 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9323, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:52 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9330, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:52 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9337, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:52 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9344, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:52 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9351, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:52 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9358, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:52 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9365, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:52 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9372, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:52 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9379, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:52 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9386, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:52 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9393, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:52 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9400, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:52 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9407, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:52 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9414, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:53 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9421, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:53 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9428, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:53 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9435, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:53 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9442, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:53 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9449, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:53 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9456, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:53 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9463, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:53 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9470, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:53 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9477, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:53 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9484, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:53 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9491, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:53 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9498, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:53 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9505, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:53 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9512, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:53 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9519, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:53 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9526, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:53 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9533, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:54 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9540, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:54 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9547, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:54 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9554, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:54 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9561, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:54 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9568, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:54 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9575, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:54 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9582, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:54 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9589, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:54 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9596, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:54 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9603, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:54 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9610, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:54 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9617, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:54 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9624, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:54 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9631, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:54 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9638, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:54 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9645, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:54 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9652, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:55 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9659, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:55 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9666, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:55 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9673, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:55 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9680, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:55 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9687, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:55 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9694, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:55 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9701, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:55 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9708, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:55 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9715, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:55 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9722, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:55 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9729, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:55 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9736, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:55 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9743, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:55 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9750, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:55 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9757, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:55 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9764, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:56 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9771, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:56 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9778, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:56 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9785, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:56 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9792, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:56 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9799, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:56 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9806, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:56 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9813, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:56 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9820, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:56 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9827, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:56 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9834, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:56 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9841, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:56 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9848, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:56 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9855, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:56 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9862, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:56 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9869, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:56 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9876, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:56 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9883, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:57 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9890, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:57 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9897, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:57 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9904, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:57 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9911, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:57 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9918, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:57 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9925, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:57 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9932, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:57 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9939, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:57 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9946, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:57 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9953, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:57 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9960, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:57 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9967, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:57 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9974, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:57 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9981, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:57 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9988, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:57 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 9995, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:57 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10002, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:58 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10010, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:58 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10017, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:58 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10024, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:58 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10031, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:58 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10038, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:58 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10045, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:58 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10052, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:58 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10059, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:58 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10066, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:58 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10073, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:58 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10080, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:58 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10087, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:58 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10094, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:58 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10101, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:58 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10108, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:58 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10115, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:59 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10122, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:59 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10129, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:59 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10136, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:59 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10143, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:59 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10150, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:59 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10157, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:59 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10164, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:59 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10171, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:59 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10178, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:59 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10185, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:59 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10192, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:59 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10199, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:59 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10206, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:59 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10213, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:59 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10220, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:59 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10227, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:37:59 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10234, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:00 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10241, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:00 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10248, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:00 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10255, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:00 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10263, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:00 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10270, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:00 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10277, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:00 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10284, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:00 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10291, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:00 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10299, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:00 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10306, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:00 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10313, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:00 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10320, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:00 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10327, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:00 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10334, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:00 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10341, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:00 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10348, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:00 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10355, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:01 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10362, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:01 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10369, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:01 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10376, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:01 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10383, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:01 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10390, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:01 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10397, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:01 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10404, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:01 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10411, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:01 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10418, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:01 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10425, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:01 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10432, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:01 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10439, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:01 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10446, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:01 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10453, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:01 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10460, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:01 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10467, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:01 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10474, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:02 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10481, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:02 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10488, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:02 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10495, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:02 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10502, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:02 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10509, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:02 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10516, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:02 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10523, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:02 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10530, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:02 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10537, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:02 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10544, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:02 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10551, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:02 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10558, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:02 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10565, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:02 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10572, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:02 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10579, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:02 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10586, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:02 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10593, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:03 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10600, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:03 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10607, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:03 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10614, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:03 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10621, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:03 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10628, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:03 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10635, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:03 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10642, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:03 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10649, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:03 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10656, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:03 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10663, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:03 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10670, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:03 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10677, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:03 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10684, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:03 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10691, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:03 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10698, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:03 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10705, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:03 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10712, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:04 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10719, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:04 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10726, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:04 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10733, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:04 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10740, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:04 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10747, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:04 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10754, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:04 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10761, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:04 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10768, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:04 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10775, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:04 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10782, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:04 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10789, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:04 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10796, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:04 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10803, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:04 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10810, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:04 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10817, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:04 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10824, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:04 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10831, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:05 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10838, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:05 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10845, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:05 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10852, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:05 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10859, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:05 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10866, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:05 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10873, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:05 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10880, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:05 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10887, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:05 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10894, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:05 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10901, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:05 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10908, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:05 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10915, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:05 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10922, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:05 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10929, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:05 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10936, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:05 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10943, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:06 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10950, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:06 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10957, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:06 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10964, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:06 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10971, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:06 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10978, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:06 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10985, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:06 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10992, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:06 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 10999, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:06 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11006, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:06 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11013, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:06 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11020, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:06 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11027, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:06 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11034, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:06 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11041, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:06 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11048, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:07 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11055, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:07 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11062, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:07 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11069, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:07 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11076, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:07 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11083, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:07 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11090, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:07 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11097, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:07 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11105, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:07 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11112, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:07 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11119, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:07 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11126, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:07 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11133, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:07 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11140, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:07 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11147, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:07 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11154, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:08 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11161, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:08 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11168, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:08 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11175, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:08 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11182, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:08 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11189, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:08 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11196, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:08 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11203, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:08 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11210, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:08 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11217, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:08 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11231, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:08 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11256, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:08 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11279, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:09 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11286, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:09 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11293, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:09 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: my_volumio , setMyVolumioToken
May 11 18:38:09 volumio volumio[992]: info: MyVolumio login type: Token
May 11 18:38:09 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11300, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:09 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11307, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:09 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11314, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:09 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11321, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:09 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11328, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:09 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11335, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:09 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11342, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:09 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11349, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:09 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11356, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:09 volumio kernel: usb 1-1.2: USB disconnect, device number 4
May 11 18:38:09 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11364, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:10 volumio thd[661]: {"time":1715467063982,"response":"volume Success"}Error reading device '/dev/input/event6'
May 11 18:38:10 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11372, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:10 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11379, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:10 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11386, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:10 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11393, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:10 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11400, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:10 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11407, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:10 volumio kernel: usb 1-1.2: new full-speed USB device number 5 using xhci_hcd
May 11 18:38:10 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11414, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:10 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11421, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:10 volumio kernel: usb 1-1.2: New USB device found, idVendor=0712, idProduct=000a, bcdDevice= 2.00
May 11 18:38:10 volumio kernel: usb 1-1.2: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3
May 11 18:38:10 volumio kernel: usb 1-1.2: Product: WaveShare
May 11 18:38:10 volumio kernel: usb 1-1.2: Manufacturer: WaveShare
May 11 18:38:10 volumio kernel: usb 1-1.2: SerialNumber: 000000000089
May 11 18:38:10 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11428, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:10 volumio kernel: input: WaveShare WaveShare as /devices/platform/scb/fd500000.pcie/pci0000:00/0000:00:00.0/0000:01:00.0/usb1/1-1/1-1.2/1-1.2:1.0/0003:0712:000A.0006/input/input11
May 11 18:38:10 volumio kernel: hid-multitouch 0003:0712:000A.0006: input,hiddev98,hidraw4: USB HID v1.11 Device [WaveShare WaveShare] on usb-0000:01:00.0-1.2/input0
May 11 18:38:10 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11437, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:10 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11444, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:10 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11451, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:10 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11458, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:10 volumio systemd-udevd[11371]: Process '/usr/sbin/th-cmd --socket /var/run/thd.socket --passfd --udev' failed with exit code 1.
May 11 18:38:10 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11465, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:10 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11472, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:10 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11481, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:10 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11488, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:11 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11495, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:11 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11502, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:11 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11510, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:11 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11517, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:11 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11524, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:11 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11531, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:11 volumio systemd-udevd[11363]: Process '/usr/sbin/th-cmd --socket /var/run/thd.socket --passfd --udev' failed with exit code 1.
May 11 18:38:11 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11538, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:11 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: my_volumio , getMyVolumioStatus
May 11 18:38:11 volumio volumio[992]: info: Received Get System Info
May 11 18:38:11 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: system , getSystemInfo
May 11 18:38:11 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , getThisDevice
May 11 18:38:11 volumio volumio[992]: info: Discovery: Getting this device information
May 11 18:38:11 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetState
May 11 18:38:11 volumio volumio[992]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0
May 11 18:38:11 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: network , getCachedIPAddresses
May 11 18:38:11 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11545, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:11 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: my_volumio , getMyVolumioStatus
May 11 18:38:11 volumio volumio[992]: info: Received Get System Info
May 11 18:38:11 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: system , getSystemInfo
May 11 18:38:11 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , getThisDevice
May 11 18:38:11 volumio volumio[992]: info: Discovery: Getting this device information
May 11 18:38:11 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetState
May 11 18:38:11 volumio volumio[992]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0
May 11 18:38:11 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: network , getCachedIPAddresses
May 11 18:38:11 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11552, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:11 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11559, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:11 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11566, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:11 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11573, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:11 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11580, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:11 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11587, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:11 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11594, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:12 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11601, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:12 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11608, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:12 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11615, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:12 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11622, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:12 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11629, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:12 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11636, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:12 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11643, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:12 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11650, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:12 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11657, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:12 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11664, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:12 volumio volumio[992]: verbose: New Socket.io Connection to from UA: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS armv7l 13597.84.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/92.0.4515.98 Safari/537.36 Total Clients: 14
May 11 18:38:12 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11671, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:12 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11678, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:12 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11685, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:12 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11692, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:12 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11699, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:12 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11706, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:13 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11713, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:13 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11720, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:13 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11727, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:13 volumio volumio[992]: info: Received Get System Info
May 11 18:38:13 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: system , getSystemInfo
May 11 18:38:13 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , getThisDevice
May 11 18:38:13 volumio volumio[992]: info: Discovery: Getting this device information
May 11 18:38:13 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetState
May 11 18:38:13 volumio volumio[992]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0
May 11 18:38:13 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: network , getCachedIPAddresses
May 11 18:38:13 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetState
May 11 18:38:13 volumio volumio[992]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0
May 11 18:38:13 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: appearance , isLatestTOSAccepted
May 11 18:38:13 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: my_volumio , getAutoUpdateCheckEnabled
May 11 18:38:13 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11734, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:13 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetVisibleSources
May 11 18:38:13 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: my_music , getDisabledSources
May 11 18:38:13 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetState
May 11 18:38:13 volumio volumio[992]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0
May 11 18:38:13 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: metavolumio , getInfinityPlayback
May 11 18:38:13 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: updater_comm , getUpdateMessageCache
May 11 18:38:13 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: multiroom , getMultiroom
May 11 18:38:13 volumio volumio[992]: info: Error : CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: No method [getMultiroom] in plugin multiroom
May 11 18:38:13 volumio volumio[992]: info: Received Get System Info
May 11 18:38:13 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: system , getSystemInfo
May 11 18:38:13 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , getThisDevice
May 11 18:38:13 volumio volumio[992]: info: Discovery: Getting this device information
May 11 18:38:13 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetState
May 11 18:38:13 volumio volumio[992]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0
May 11 18:38:13 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: network , getCachedIPAddresses
May 11 18:38:13 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetState
May 11 18:38:13 volumio volumio[992]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0
May 11 18:38:13 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11741, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:13 volumio volumio[992]: info: Listing playlists
May 11 18:38:13 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11748, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:13 volumio volumio[992]: info: Received Get System Info
May 11 18:38:13 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: system , getSystemInfo
May 11 18:38:13 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , getThisDevice
May 11 18:38:13 volumio volumio[992]: info: Discovery: Getting this device information
May 11 18:38:13 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetState
May 11 18:38:13 volumio volumio[992]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0
May 11 18:38:13 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: network , getCachedIPAddresses
May 11 18:38:13 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11755, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:13 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetState
May 11 18:38:13 volumio volumio[992]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0
May 11 18:38:13 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::getUIConfigOnPlugin
May 11 18:38:13 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::getUIConfigOnPlugin
May 11 18:38:13 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11762, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:13 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::getUIConfigOnPlugin
May 11 18:38:13 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11769, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:13 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::getUIConfigOnPlugin
May 11 18:38:14 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::getUIConfigOnPlugin
May 11 18:38:14 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11776, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:14 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::getUIConfigOnPlugin
May 11 18:38:14 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11783, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:14 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::getUIConfigOnPlugin
May 11 18:38:14 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11790, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:14 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::getUIConfigOnPlugin
May 11 18:38:14 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11797, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:14 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::getUIConfigOnPlugin
May 11 18:38:14 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11804, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:14 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11811, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:15 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11818, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:15 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11825, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:15 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11832, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:15 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11839, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:15 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11846, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:15 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11853, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:15 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11860, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:15 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11867, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:16 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11874, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:16 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11881, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:16 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11888, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:16 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11895, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:16 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11902, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:16 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11909, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:16 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11916, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:16 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11923, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:16 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11930, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:16 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11937, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:16 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11944, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:16 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11951, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:16 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11958, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:16 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11965, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:16 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11972, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:16 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11979, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:17 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11986, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:17 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 11993, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:17 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12000, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:17 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: my_volumio , getMyVolumioStatus
May 11 18:38:17 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: my_volumio , getMyVolumioToken
May 11 18:38:17 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::getUIConfigOnPlugin
May 11 18:38:17 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12007, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:17 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::getUIConfigOnPlugin
May 11 18:38:17 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::getUIConfigOnPlugin
May 11 18:38:17 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12014, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:17 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12021, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:17 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12028, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:17 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12035, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:17 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12042, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:17 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12049, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:17 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12056, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:18 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12063, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:18 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12070, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:18 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12077, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:18 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12084, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:18 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12091, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:18 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12098, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:18 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12105, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:18 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12112, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:18 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12119, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:18 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12126, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:18 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12133, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:18 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12140, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:18 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12147, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:18 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12154, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:19 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12161, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:19 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12168, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:19 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12175, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:19 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12182, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:19 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12189, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:19 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12196, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:19 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12203, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:19 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12210, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:19 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12217, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:19 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12224, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:19 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12231, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:19 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12238, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:19 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12245, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:19 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12252, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:20 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12259, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:20 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12266, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:20 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12273, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:20 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12280, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:20 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12287, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:20 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12294, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:20 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12301, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:20 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12309, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:20 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12316, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:20 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12323, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:20 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12330, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:20 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12337, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:20 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12344, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:20 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12351, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:20 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12358, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:21 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12365, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:21 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12372, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:21 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12379, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:21 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12386, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:21 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12393, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:21 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12400, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:21 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12407, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:21 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12414, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:21 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12421, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:21 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12428, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:21 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12435, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:22 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12442, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:22 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12449, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:22 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12456, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:22 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12463, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:22 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12470, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:22 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12477, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:22 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12484, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:22 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12491, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:22 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12498, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:22 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12505, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:22 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12512, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:22 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12519, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:22 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12526, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:22 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12533, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:23 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12540, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:23 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12547, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:23 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12554, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:23 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12561, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:23 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12568, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:23 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12575, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:23 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12582, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:23 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12589, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:23 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12596, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:23 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12603, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:23 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12610, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:23 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12617, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:23 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12624, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:23 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12631, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:23 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12638, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12645, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12652, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12659, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12666, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12673, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12680, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12687, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12694, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12701, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12708, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12715, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12722, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12729, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12736, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12743, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12750, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12757, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:24 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12764, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:25 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12771, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:25 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12778, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:25 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12785, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:25 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12792, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:25 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12799, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:25 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12806, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:25 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12813, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:25 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12820, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:25 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12827, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:25 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12834, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:25 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12841, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:25 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12848, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:25 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12855, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:25 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12862, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:25 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12869, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:25 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12876, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:25 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12883, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:25 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12890, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:26 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12897, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:26 volumio volumio[992]: info: Enabling plugin plexamp
May 11 18:38:26 volumio volumio[992]: info: Loading plugin "plexamp"...
May 11 18:38:26 volumio volumio[992]: info: Applying required configuration parameters for plugin plexamp
May 11 18:38:26 volumio volumio[992]: info: PLUGIN START: plexamp
May 11 18:38:26 volumio volumio[992]: info: Loading i18n strings for locale en
May 11 18:38:26 volumio volumio[992]: info: Plugin plexamp has duplicated i18n key SAVE. It is ignored.
May 11 18:38:26 volumio volumio[992]: Updating browse sources language
May 11 18:38:26 volumio volumio[992]: Cannot find translation for source Calm Radio
May 11 18:38:26 volumio volumio[992]: Cannot find translation for source Dummy
May 11 18:38:26 volumio volumio[992]: Cannot find translation for source TIDAL
May 11 18:38:26 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: my_music , getDisabledSources
May 11 18:38:26 volumio volumio[992]: Cannot find translation for source Calm Radio
May 11 18:38:26 volumio volumio[992]: Cannot find translation for source Dummy
May 11 18:38:26 volumio volumio[992]: Cannot find translation for source TIDAL
May 11 18:38:26 volumio volumio[992]: info: No Token - please link Plex Account
May 11 18:38:26 volumio volumio[992]: info: PlexAmp::Plex failed to connect
May 11 18:38:26 volumio volumio[992]: info: Error: No Token
May 11 18:38:26 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12904, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:26 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12911, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:26 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12918, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:26 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12925, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:26 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12932, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:26 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12939, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:26 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12946, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:26 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12953, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:26 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12960, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:26 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12967, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:26 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12974, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:26 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12981, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:26 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12988, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:26 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 12995, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:26 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13002, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:26 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13009, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:26 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13016, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:27 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13023, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:27 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13030, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:27 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13037, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:27 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13044, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:27 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13051, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:27 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13058, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:27 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13065, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:27 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13072, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:27 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13079, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:27 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13086, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:27 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13093, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:27 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13100, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:27 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13107, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:27 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13114, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:27 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13121, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:27 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13128, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:27 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13135, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:27 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13142, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:28 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13149, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:28 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13156, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:28 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13163, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:28 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13170, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:28 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13177, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:28 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13184, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:28 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13191, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:28 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13198, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:28 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13205, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:28 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13212, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:28 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13219, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:28 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13226, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:28 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13233, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:28 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13240, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:28 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13247, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:28 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13254, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:29 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13261, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:29 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13268, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:29 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13275, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:29 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13282, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:29 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13289, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:29 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13296, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:29 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13303, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:29 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13310, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:29 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13317, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:29 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13324, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:29 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13331, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:29 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13338, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:29 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13345, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:29 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13352, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:29 volumio volumio[992]: info: Starting Uninstall of plugin music_service - plexamp
May 11 18:38:29 volumio volumio[992]: info: Uninstalling plugin plexamp
May 11 18:38:29 volumio volumio[992]: info: Disabling plugin plexamp
May 11 18:38:29 volumio volumio[992]: info: Checking if uninstall.sh is present
May 11 18:38:29 volumio volumio[992]: info: Executing uninstall.sh
May 11 18:38:29 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13362, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:29 volumio sudo[13361]: volumio : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/sh /data/plugins/music_service/plexamp/uninstall.sh
May 11 18:38:29 volumio sudo[13361]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0)
May 11 18:38:29 volumio sudo[13361]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
May 11 18:38:29 volumio volumio[992]: info: Uninstall script completed
May 11 18:38:30 volumio volumio[992]: info: Removing plugin plexamp from configuration
May 11 18:38:30 volumio volumio[992]: info: Successfully removed plexamp configuration files
May 11 18:38:30 volumio volumio[992]: info: Plugin folders cleanup
May 11 18:38:30 volumio volumio[992]: info: Scanning into folder /volumio/app/plugins/
May 11 18:38:30 volumio volumio[992]: info: Scanning category audio_interface
May 11 18:38:30 volumio volumio[992]: info: Scanning category miscellanea
May 11 18:38:30 volumio volumio[992]: info: Scanning category music_service
May 11 18:38:30 volumio volumio[992]: info: Scanning category plugins.json
May 11 18:38:30 volumio volumio[992]: info: Scanning category system_controller
May 11 18:38:30 volumio volumio[992]: info: Scanning category user_interface
May 11 18:38:30 volumio volumio[992]: info: Scanning into folder /data/plugins/
May 11 18:38:30 volumio volumio[992]: info: Scanning category audio_interface
May 11 18:38:30 volumio volumio[992]: info: Scanning category music_service
May 11 18:38:30 volumio volumio[992]: info: Cleaning folder for plexamp
May 11 18:38:31 volumio volumio[992]: info: Scanning category system_controller
May 11 18:38:31 volumio volumio[992]: info: Scanning category system_hardware
May 11 18:38:31 volumio volumio[992]: info: Scanning category user_interface
May 11 18:38:31 volumio volumio[992]: info: Plugin folders cleanup completed
May 11 18:38:31 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: my_volumio , getMyVolumioStatus
May 11 18:38:31 volumio volumio[992]: info: [{"prettyName":"FusionDsp","name":"fusiondsp","category":"audio_interface","version":"1.0.53","icon":"fa-sliders fa-rotate-90","isManuallyInstalled":false,"enabled":true,"active":true},{"prettyName":"Calm Radio","name":"calmradio","category":"music_service","version":"1.2.4","icon":"fa-heartbeat","isManuallyInstalled":false,"enabled":true,"active":true},{"prettyName":"Logitech Media Server","name":"lms","category":"music_service","version":"1.2.6","icon":"fa fa-music","isManuallyInstalled":false,"enabled":false,"active":false},{"prettyName":"Squeezelite player","name":"squeezelite","category":"music_service","version":"2.0.0","icon":"fa fa-music","isManuallyInstalled":false,"enabled":false,"active":false},{"prettyName":"SWARM Station","name":"swarmstation","category":"music_service","version":"1.0.2","icon":"fa-lightbulb-o","isManuallyInstalled":false,"enabled":false,"active":false},{"prettyName":"YouTube Music","name":"ytmusic","category":"music_service","version":"1.0.2","icon":"fa-youtube-play","isManuallyInstalled":false,"enabled":false,"active":false},{"prettyName":"Backup & Restore Data","name":"backup_restore","category":"system_controller","version":"0.7.4","icon":"fa-floppy-o","isManuallyInstalled":false,"enabled":true,"active":true},{"prettyName":"GPIO Buttons","name":"gpio-buttons","category":"system_hardware","version":"0.8.3","icon":"fa-microchip","isManuallyInstalled":false,"enabled":false,"active":false},{"prettyName":"GPIO Control","name":"gpio_control","category":"system_hardware","version":"1.0.5","icon":"fa-microchip","isManuallyInstalled":false,"enabled":false,"active":false},{"prettyName":"IR Remote Controller","name":"ir_controller","category":"system_hardware","version":"3.4.13","icon":"fa-magic","isManuallyInstalled":false,"enabled":false,"active":false},{"prettyName":"IR Activity LED","name":"iractivityled","category":"system_hardware","version":"1.0.0","icon":"fa-microchip","isManuallyInstalled":false,"enabled":true,"active":false},{"prettyName":"Rotary Encoder II","name":"rotaryencoder2","category":"system_hardware","version":"1.0.22","icon":"fa-circle-o-notch","isManuallyInstalled":false,"enabled":true,"active":true},{"prettyName":"System information","name":"Systeminfo","category":"user_interface","version":"3.0.5","icon":"fa-info-circle","isManuallyInstalled":false,"enabled":true,"active":true},{"prettyName":"PeppyMeter Screensaver","name":"peppy_screensaver","category":"user_interface","version":"2.1.0","icon":"fa-lightbulb-o","isManuallyInstalled":true,"enabled":true,"active":true},{"prettyName":"Touch Display","name":"touch_display","category":"user_interface","version":"3.4.0","icon":"fa-hand-pointer-o","isManuallyInstalled":false,"enabled":true,"active":true}]
May 11 18:38:31 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: my_volumio , getMyVolumioToken
May 11 18:38:31 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13374, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:31 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::getUIConfigOnPlugin
May 11 18:38:31 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13381, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:31 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::getUIConfigOnPlugin
May 11 18:38:31 volumio volumio[992]: info: CoreCommandRouter::getUIConfigOnPlugin
May 11 18:38:31 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13388, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:31 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13395, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:31 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13402, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:32 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13409, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:32 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13416, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:32 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13423, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:32 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13430, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:32 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13437, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:32 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13444, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:32 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13451, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:32 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13458, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:32 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13465, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:32 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13472, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:32 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13479, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:32 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13486, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:32 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13493, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:32 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13500, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:33 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13507, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:33 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13514, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:33 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13521, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:33 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13528, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:33 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13535, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:33 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13542, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:33 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13549, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:33 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13556, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:33 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13563, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:33 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13570, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:33 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13577, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:33 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13584, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:33 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13591, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:33 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13598, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:33 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13605, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:33 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13612, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:33 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13619, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:34 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13626, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:34 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13633, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:34 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13640, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:34 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13647, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:34 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13654, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:34 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13661, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:34 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13668, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:34 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13675, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:34 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13682, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:34 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13689, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:34 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13696, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:34 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13703, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:34 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13710, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:34 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13717, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:34 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13724, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:34 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13731, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:34 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13738, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:34 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13745, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:35 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13752, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:35 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13759, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:35 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13766, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:35 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13773, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:35 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13780, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:35 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13787, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:35 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13794, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:35 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13801, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:35 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13808, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:35 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13815, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:35 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13822, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:35 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13829, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:35 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13836, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:35 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13843, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:36 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13850, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:36 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13857, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:36 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13864, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:36 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13871, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:36 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13878, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:36 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13885, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:36 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13892, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:36 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13899, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:36 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13906, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:36 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13913, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:36 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13920, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:36 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13927, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:36 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13934, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:36 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13941, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:36 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13948, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:37 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13955, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:37 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13962, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:37 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13969, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:37 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13976, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:37 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13983, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:37 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13990, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:37 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 13997, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:37 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14004, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:37 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14011, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:37 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14018, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:37 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14025, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:37 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14032, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:37 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14039, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:37 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14046, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:38 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14053, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:38 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14060, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:38 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14067, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:38 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14074, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:38 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14081, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:38 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14088, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:38 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14095, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:38 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14102, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:38 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14109, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:38 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14116, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:38 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14123, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:38 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14130, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:38 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14137, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:38 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14144, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:38 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14151, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:38 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14158, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:39 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14165, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:39 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14172, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:39 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14179, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:39 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14186, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:39 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14193, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:39 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14200, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:39 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14207, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:39 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14214, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:39 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14221, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:39 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14228, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:39 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14235, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:39 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14242, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:39 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14249, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:39 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14256, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:39 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14263, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:40 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14270, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:40 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14277, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:40 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14284, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:40 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14291, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:40 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14298, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:40 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14305, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:40 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14313, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:40 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14320, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:40 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14327, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:40 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14334, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:40 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14341, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:40 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14348, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:40 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14355, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:40 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14362, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:41 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14369, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:41 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14376, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:41 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14383, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:41 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14390, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:41 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14397, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:41 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14404, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:41 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14411, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:41 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14418, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:41 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14425, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:41 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14432, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:41 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14439, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:41 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14446, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:41 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14453, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:41 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14460, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:41 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14467, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:41 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14474, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:41 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14481, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:42 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14488, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:42 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14495, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:42 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14502, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:42 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14509, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:42 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14516, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:42 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14523, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:42 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14530, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:42 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14537, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:42 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14544, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:42 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14551, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:42 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14558, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:42 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14565, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:42 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14572, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:42 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14579, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:42 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14586, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:43 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14593, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:43 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14600, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:43 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14607, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:43 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14614, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:43 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14621, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:43 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14628, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:43 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14635, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:43 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14642, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:43 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14649, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:43 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14656, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:43 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14663, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:43 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14670, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:43 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14677, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:43 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14684, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:44 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14691, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:44 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14698, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:44 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14705, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:44 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14712, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:44 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14719, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:44 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14726, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:44 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14733, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:44 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14740, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:44 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14747, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:44 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14754, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:44 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14761, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:44 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14768, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:44 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14775, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:44 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14782, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:44 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14789, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:44 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14796, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:44 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14803, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:44 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14810, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:44 volumio volumio[992]: info: Enabling plugin iractivityled
May 11 18:38:44 volumio volumio[992]: info: Loading plugin "iractivityled"...
May 11 18:38:44 volumio volumio[992]: info: Applying required configuration parameters for plugin iractivityled
May 11 18:38:45 volumio volumio[992]: info: [IrActivityLed] Initialized
May 11 18:38:45 volumio volumio[992]: info: PLUGIN START: iractivityled
May 11 18:38:45 volumio volumio[992]: info: [IrActivityLed] lirc socket connect: attempt 1 of 20
May 11 18:38:45 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14819, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:45 volumio volumio[992]: info: [IrActivityLed] lircd service is inactive, skipping connection attempt. Error: Command failed: /bin/systemctl is-active lircd
May 11 18:38:45 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14826, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:45 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14833, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:45 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14840, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:45 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14847, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:45 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14854, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:45 volumio volumio[992]: info: [IrActivityLed] lirc socket connect: attempt 2 of 20
May 11 18:38:45 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14863, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:45 volumio volumio[992]: info: [IrActivityLed] lircd service is inactive, skipping connection attempt. Error: Command failed: /bin/systemctl is-active lircd
May 11 18:38:45 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14870, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:45 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14877, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:45 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14884, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:45 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14891, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:45 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14898, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:45 volumio volumio[992]: info: [IrActivityLed] lirc socket connect: attempt 3 of 20
May 11 18:38:45 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14907, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:45 volumio volumio[992]: info: [IrActivityLed] lircd service is inactive, skipping connection attempt. Error: Command failed: /bin/systemctl is-active lircd
May 11 18:38:45 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14914, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:45 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14921, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:45 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14928, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:46 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14935, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:46 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14942, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:46 volumio volumio[992]: info: [IrActivityLed] lirc socket connect: attempt 4 of 20
May 11 18:38:46 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14951, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:46 volumio volumio[992]: info: [IrActivityLed] lircd service is inactive, skipping connection attempt. Error: Command failed: /bin/systemctl is-active lircd
May 11 18:38:46 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14958, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:46 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14965, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:46 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14972, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:46 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14979, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:46 volumio volumio[992]: info: [IrActivityLed] lirc socket connect: attempt 5 of 20
May 11 18:38:46 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14988, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:46 volumio volumio[992]: info: [IrActivityLed] lircd service is inactive, skipping connection attempt. Error: Command failed: /bin/systemctl is-active lircd
May 11 18:38:46 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 14995, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:46 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 15002, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:46 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 15009, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:46 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 15016, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:46 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 15023, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:46 volumio volumio[992]: info: [IrActivityLed] lirc socket connect: attempt 6 of 20
May 11 18:38:46 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 15032, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:46 volumio volumio[992]: info: [IrActivityLed] lircd service is inactive, skipping connection attempt. Error: Command failed: /bin/systemctl is-active lircd
May 11 18:38:46 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 15039, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:47 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 15046, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:47 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 15053, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:47 volumio volumio[992]: info: camilladsp spawned new process with pid 15060, instance 1, run: true
May 11 18:38:47 volumio volumio[992]: info: Starting Uninstall of plugin system_hardware - iractivityled
May 11 18:38:47 volumio volumio[992]: info: Uninstalling plugin iractivityled
May 11 18:38:47 volumio volumio[992]: info: [IrActivityLed] releasing built-in LED
May 11 18:38:47 volumio volumio[992]: |||||||||||||||||||||||| WARNING: FATAL ERROR |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
May 11 18:38:47 volumio volumio[992]: TypeError: Cannot read property 'toString' of undefined
May 11 18:38:47 volumio volumio[992]: at IrActivityLedController.releaseLed (/data/plugins/system_hardware/iractivityled/index.js:232:61)
May 11 18:38:47 volumio volumio[992]: at IrActivityLedController.onStop (/data/plugins/system_hardware/iractivityled/index.js:68:17)
May 11 18:38:47 volumio volumio[992]: at PluginManager.stopPlugin (/volumio/app/pluginmanager.js:460:30)
May 11 18:38:47 volumio volumio[992]: at PluginManager.unInstallPlugin (/volumio/app/pluginmanager.js:1449:10)
May 11 18:38:47 volumio volumio[992]: at CoreCommandRouter.unInstallPlugin (/volumio/app/index.js:1459:22)
May 11 18:38:47 volumio volumio[992]: at Socket. (/volumio/app/plugins/user_interface/websocket/index.js:1218:45)
May 11 18:38:47 volumio volumio[992]: at Socket.emit (events.js:315:20)
May 11 18:38:47 volumio volumio[992]: at /volumio/node_modules/socket.io/lib/socket.js:503:12
May 11 18:38:47 volumio volumio[992]: at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:75:11)
May 11 18:38:47 volumio volumio[992]: |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
May 11 18:38:47 volumio sudo[15076]: volumio : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/journalctl --since=2024-05-11 18:37
May 11 18:38:47 volumio sudo[15076]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0)
PRETTY_NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)"
NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux"
VERSION="10 (buster)"
VOLUMIO_BUILD_DATE="Wed 08 May 2024 12:03:52 PM CEST"