-- Logs begin at Thu 2019-02-14 11:11:59 CET, end at Sun 2024-05-12 11:49:35 CEST. -- May 12 11:48:07 minerva volumio[4934]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: system , getPrivacySettings May 12 11:48:07 minerva volumio[4934]: verbose: New Socket.io Connection to localhost:3000 from UA: node-XMLHttpRequest Total Clients: 12 May 12 11:48:07 minerva volumio[4934]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetState May 12 11:48:07 minerva volumio[4934]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0 May 12 11:48:09 minerva volumio[4934]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: system , getSystemVersion May 12 11:48:09 minerva volumio[4934]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: system , getConfigParam May 12 11:48:09 minerva volumio[4934]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: my_volumio , getAutoUpdateCheckEnabled May 12 11:48:09 minerva volumio-remote-updater[572]: No test mode May 12 11:48:09 minerva volumio-remote-updater[572]: No alpha test mode May 12 11:48:09 minerva volumio[4934]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: my_volumio , getAutoUpdateEnabled May 12 11:48:09 minerva volumio[4934]: info: Update Ready: {"changeLogLink":"","description":"You're already on the latest version","title":"No Updates Available","updateavailable":false} May 12 11:48:09 minerva volumio[4934]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: updater_comm , setUpdateMessageCache May 12 11:48:12 minerva volumio[4934]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: alsa_controller , getConfigParam May 12 11:48:12 minerva volumio[4934]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: alsa_controller , getConfigParam May 12 11:48:12 minerva volumio[4934]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: i2s_dacs , getConfigParam May 12 11:48:12 minerva volumio[4934]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: i2s_dacs , getConfigParam May 12 11:48:12 minerva volumio[4934]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: appearance , getConfigParam May 12 11:48:12 minerva volumio[4934]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: mpd , getMyCollectionStatsObject May 12 11:48:12 minerva volumio[4934]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetBrowseSources May 12 11:48:12 minerva volumio[4934]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: system , getSystemVersion May 12 11:48:13 minerva volumio[4934]: error: MyVolumio Plugin failed to authenticate in a timely fashion May 12 11:48:13 minerva volumio[4934]: info: Completed starting MyVolumio Plugin May 12 11:48:13 minerva volumio[4934]: info: BOOT COMPLETED May 12 11:48:13 minerva volumio[4934]: [Metrics] CommandRouter: 45s 757.74ms May 12 11:48:13 minerva volumio[4934]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumiosetStartupVolume May 12 11:48:13 minerva volumio[4934]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: alsa_controller , getConfigParam May 12 11:48:13 minerva volumio[4934]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: system , getConfigParam May 12 11:48:13 minerva volumio[4934]: info: CoreCommandRouter::Close All Modals sent May 12 11:48:13 minerva volumio[4934]: info: CoreCommandRouter::Close All Modals sent May 12 11:48:13 minerva kernel: pcm512x 1-004d: No SCLK, using BCLK: -2 May 12 11:48:14 minerva volumio[4934]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: alsa_controller , checkAudioDeviceAvailable May 12 11:48:14 minerva volumio[4934]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: i2s_dacs , getI2sStatus May 12 11:48:14 minerva volumio[4934]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: system , versionChangeDetect May 12 11:48:59 minerva volumio[4934]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: my_volumio , getMyVolumioStatus May 12 11:48:59 minerva volumio[4934]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: my_volumio , getMyVolumioToken May 12 11:49:02 minerva volumio[4934]: info: CoreCommandRouter::getUIConfigOnPlugin May 12 11:49:02 minerva volumio[4934]: info: [ROTARYENCODER2] getUIConfig: starting: May 12 11:49:02 minerva volumio[4934]: info: [ROTARYENCODER2] getUIConfig: i18nStrings{"ROTARYENCODER2":{"CONFIG":"Rotary Encoder II Plugin Konfiguration","SAVE":"Speichern","ENCODER0":"Drehgeber 1","D_ENCODER0":"Einstellungen für den ersten Drehgeber.","ENCODER1":"Drehgeber 2","D_ENCODER1":"Einstellungen für den zweiten Drehgeber.","ENCODER2":"Drehgeber 3","D_ENCODER2":"Einstellungen für den dritten Drehgeber.","ROTARYTYPE":"Perioden pro Schritt","D_ROTARYTYPE":"Perioden pro Schritt (Voll: A und B ganze Periode, Halb: A und B halbe Periode, Viertel: A oder B halbe Periode","FULL":"Volle Perioden Typ","HALF":"Halbe Perioden Typ","QUARTER":"Viertel Perioden Typ","PINA":"Anschluss A GPIO","D_PINA":"GPIO Ein-/Ausgang der mit dem ersten Anschluss des Drehgebers verbunden ist.","PINB":"Anschluss B GPIO","D_PINB":"GPIO Ein-/Ausgang der mit dem zweiten Anschluss des Drehgebers verbunden ist.","DIALACTION":"Drehfunktion","D_DIALACTION":"Funktion, die durch Drehen des Drehgebers ausgelöst wird. Die Funktion 'Websocket Nachricht senden' kann z.B. verwendet werden, um Websock Kommandos an andere Plugins zu senden. (Siehe https://volumio.github.io/docs/API/WebSocket_APIs.html Abschnitt 'CallMethod on Plugin' für weitere Informationen.)","DOTS":"...","VOLUME":"Lautstärke","SKIP":"Titel vor/zurück","SEEK":"Suche im Titel","SCROLL":"Scrollen","EMIT":"Websocket Nachricht senden","TOGGLEFUSION":"Fusion DSP an/aus","SOCKCMDCCW":"Kommando GUZS","SOCKDATACCW":"Daten GUZS","SOCKCMDCW":"Kommando UZS","SOCKDATACW":"Daten UZS","SOCKCMD":"Kommando","SOCKDATA":"Daten","D_SOCKCMD":"Kommandos, die via Websocket gesendet werden sollen.","D_SOCKDATA":"Daten, die zusammen mit dem Websocket Kommando gesendet werden.","PINPUSH":"Taster GPIO","D_PINPUSH":"GPIO Ein-/Ausgang der mit dem Taster des Drehgebers verbunden ist. 0 oder leer zum deaktivieren.","PUSHACTION":"Funktion Tastendruck","D_PUSHACTION":"Funktion, die durch das Drücken des Tasters ausgelöst wird.","LONGPUSHACTION":"Funktion langer Tastendruck","D_LONGPUSHACTION":"Funktion, die durch das lange Drücken des Tasters ausgelöst wird.","DOUBLEPUSHACTION":"Funktion doppelter Tastendruck","D_DOUBLEPUSHACTION":"Funktion, die durch das zweifache Drücken des Tasters ausgelöst wird","PINPUSHDEBOUNCE":"Entprell-Zeit (ms)","D_PINPUSHDEBOUNCE":"Entprell-Zeit für den Taster. Falls der Taster Hardware-entprellt ist, 0 setzen.","PUSHSTATE":"Taster-Logikpegel low-aktiv","D_PUSHSTATE":"Aktivieren, wenn der Logikpegel am GPIO bei gedrücktem Taster 'low' ist.","PINPUSHDELAY":"Verzögerung Tastendruck lang (ms)","D_PINPUSHDEDELAY":"Zeit in ms, die man den Taster gedrückt halten muss, um die Aktion für den langen Tastendruck auszulösen","PINDOUBLEPUSHDELAY":"Maximale Zeit zwischen doppelten Tastendrücken (ms)","D_PINDOUBLEPUSHDEDELAY":"Zeit in ms, innerhalb der zwei Tastendrücke passieren müssen","SET_DEBUG":"Fehlerdiagnose Einstellungen","D_SET_DEBUG":"Einstellungen zur Unterstützung der Fehlersuche.","PLAY":"Wiedergabe starten","PAUSE":"Pause","PLAYPAUSE":"Pause an/aus","STOP":"Stop","REPEAT":"Wiederholen","RANDOM":"Zufällige Wiedergabe","CLEARQUEUE":"Wiedergabeliste löschen","MUTE":"Stumm","UNMUTE":"Stumm aufheben","TOGGLEMUTE":"Stumm an/aus","SHUTDOWN":"System herunterfahren","REBOOT":"System neu starten","RESTARTAPP":"Applikation neu starten","DUMPLOG":"Log Datei abspeichern","LOGGING":"Log","D_LOGGING":"Aktiviert das Schreiben von Log-Nachrichten. Fehlermeldungen werden immer geschrieben.","TOAST_START_SUCCESS":"Plugin erfolgreich gestartet.","TOAST_STOP_SUCCESS":"Plugin erfolgreich angehalten.","TOAST_START_FAIL":"Start des Plugins fehlgeschlagen.","TOAST_STOP_FAIL":"Anhalten des Plugins fehlgeschlagen.","TOAST_GPIO_BLOCKED":"GPIO Pin nicht frei","TOAST_MSG_OVERLAY_BLOCKING":"Blockiert durch weiteres Overlay.","TOAST_SAVE_SUCCESS":"Speichern erfolgreich","TOAST_MSG_SAVE":"Einstellungen für Drehgeber ","TOAST_DEBUG_SAVE":"Einstellungen für Fehlersuche","TOAST_SAVE_FAIL":"Speichern gescheitert","TOAST_WRONG_PARAMETER":"Fehler in Einstellungen","TOAST_NEEDS_INTEGER":"GPIO Pins müssen Ganzzahlen sein.","TOAST_PINS_DIFFERENT":"GPIO Pins für Anschlüsse A/B/Taster müssen verschieden sein.","TOAST_PINS_BLOCKED":"Pins werden in einem der anderen Drehgeber verwendet","TOAST_NO_TYPE":"Bitte 'Periode pro Schritt' angeben!","TOAST_KILL_HANDLE_FAIL":"Konnte Rotary Resourcen nicht freigeben. Richtige GPIOs gewählt? Bitte korrigieren und System neu starten!","TOAST_ERR_FROM_STREAM":"Fehler über den Stream vom Rotary, bitte Hardware und GPIO Settings prüfen.","TOAST_ERR_ACT_ROTARY_FAILED":"Konfigurieren des Drehgebers fehlgeschlagen."}} May 12 11:49:02 minerva volumio[4934]: info: [ROTARYENCODER2] getUIConfig: i18nStringsDefaults{"ROTARYENCODER2":{"CONFIG":"Rotary Encoder II Plugin Configuration","SAVE":"Save","ENCODER0":"Rotary Encoder 1","D_ENCODER0":"Settings for the first rotary encoder.","ENCODER1":"Rotary Encoder 2","D_ENCODER1":"Settings for the second rotary encoder.","ENCODER2":"Rotary Encoder 3","D_ENCODER2":"Settings for the third rotary encoder.","ROTARYTYPE":"Periods per tick","D_ROTARYTYPE":"Periods per tick (Full: A and B full period, half: A and B half period, quarter: A or B half period","FULL":"Full-period mode","HALF":"Half-period mode","QUARTER":"Quarter-period mode","PINA":"Pin A GPIO","D_PINA":"GPIO pin that is connected to the first pin of the rotary.","PINB":"Pin B GPIO","D_PINB":"GPIO pin that is connected to the second pin of the rotary.","DIALACTION":"Dial Action","D_DIALACTION":"Action to be triggered by turning the rotary encocer. Option 'Emit Websocket Message' can be used to control other plugins using the Volumio Websock calls between Plugins. (see https://volumio.github.io/docs/API/WebSocket_APIs.html section 'CallMethod on Plugin' for details)","DOTS":"...","VOLUME":"Volume","SKIP":"Prev/Next title","SEEK":"Seek in title","SCROLL":"Scroll","EMIT":"Emit Websocket Message","TOGGLEFUSION":"Toggle Fusion DSP Enable/Disable","SOCKCMDCCW":"Command CCW","SOCKDATACCW":"Data CCW","SOCKCMDCW":"Command CW","SOCKDATACW":"Data CW","SOCKCMD":"Command","SOCKDATA":"Data","D_SOCKCMD":"Command to send via Websocket","D_SOCKDATA":"Data to include with the Websocket Command","PINPUSH":"Pushbutton GPIO","D_PINPUSH":"GPIO pin that is connected to the pushbutton pin of the rotary. 0 or empty to disable.","PINPUSHDEBOUNCE":"Debounce-time (ms)","D_PINPUSHDEBOUNCE":"Debounce time for the button. If the button has hardware-debouncing, set to 0.","PUSHSTATE":"Button logic-level active low","D_PUSHSTATE":"Activate this, if pressing the button pulls the logic level on the GPIO low.","PINPUSHDELAY":"Delay for a long button press (ms)","D_PINPUSHDEDELAY":"Minimum duration of a button press, that will trigger the long push action in ms","PINDOUBLEPUSHDELAY":"Maximum interval for double press (ms)","D_PINDOUBLEPUSHDEDELAY":"Time interval in ms, within which a double press has to be detected.","PUSHACTION":"Short Press Action","D_PUSHACTION":"Action that gets triggered, when pushbutton is pressed briefly.","LONGPUSHACTION":"Long Press Action","D_LONGPUSHACTION":"Action that gets triggered, when pushbutton is pressed longer.","DOUBLEPUSHACTION":"Double Press Action","D_DOUBLEPUSHACTION":"Action that gets triggered, when pushbutton is pressed twice quickly.","SET_DEBUG":"Debug Settings","D_SET_DEBUG":"Settings for functional debugging.","PLAY":"Play","PAUSE":"Pause","PLAYPAUSE":"Play/Pause toggle","STOP":"Stop","REPEAT":"Repeat","RANDOM":"Random","CLEARQUEUE":"Clear Queue","MUTE":"Mute","UNMUTE":"Unmute","TOGGLEMUTE":"Toggle Mute","SHUTDOWN":"System Shutdown","REBOOT":"System Reboot","RESTARTAPP":"Restart Application","DUMPLOG":"Dump logfile","LOGGING":"Logging","D_LOGGING":"Switch the output of log messages on or off. Error messages are always logged.","TOAST_START_SUCCESS":"Plugin successfully started.","TOAST_STOP_SUCCESS":"Plugin successfully stopped.","TOAST_START_FAIL":"Plugin failed to start.","TOAST_STOP_FAIL":"Plugin failed to stop.","TOAST_GPIO_BLOCKED":"GPIO Pin unavailable","TOAST_MSG_OVERLAY_BLOCKING":"Blocked by another overlay.","TOAST_SAVE_SUCCESS":"Successfully saved","TOAST_MSG_SAVE":"Settings for Encoder ","TOAST_DEBUG_SAVE":"Debug Settings","TOAST_SAVE_FAIL":"Save failed","TOAST_WRONG_PARAMETER":"Error in parameters","TOAST_NEEDS_INTEGER":"GPIO Pins must be Integers.","TOAST_PINS_DIFFERENT":"GPIO Pins for A/B/Button must be different.","TOAST_PINS_BLOCKED":"Pins already used in another Encoder.","TOAST_NO_TYPE":"Please select 'Periods per tick'!","TOAST_KILL_HANDLE_FAIL":"Could not deactivate Rotary Resources. Correct GPIOs selected? Please correct and restart system!","TOAST_ERR_FROM_STREAM":"Error from Stream of Rotary, please check Hardware and GPIO Settings.","TOAST_ERR_ACT_ROTARY_FAILED":"Configuration of rotary encoder failed."}} May 12 11:49:02 minerva volumio[4934]: info: [ROTARYENCODER2] getUIConfig: language code: de dir: /data/plugins/system_hardware/rotaryencoder2 May 12 11:49:02 minerva volumio[4934]: info: [ROTARYENCODER2] getI18nString("VOLUME"):Lautstärke May 12 11:49:02 minerva volumio[4934]: info: [ROTARYENCODER2] getI18nString("PLAYPAUSE"):Pause an/aus May 12 11:49:02 minerva volumio[4934]: info: [ROTARYENCODER2] getI18nString("SHUTDOWN"):System herunterfahren May 12 11:49:02 minerva volumio[4934]: info: [ROTARYENCODER2] getI18nString("DOTS"):... May 12 11:49:02 minerva volumio[4934]: info: [ROTARYENCODER2] getI18nString("SKIP"):Titel vor/zurück May 12 11:49:02 minerva volumio[4934]: info: [ROTARYENCODER2] getI18nString("TOGGLEMUTE"):Stumm an/aus May 12 11:49:02 minerva volumio[4934]: info: [ROTARYENCODER2] getI18nString("EMIT"):Websocket Nachricht senden May 12 11:49:02 minerva volumio[4934]: info: [ROTARYENCODER2] getI18nString("PLAYPAUSE"):Pause an/aus May 12 11:49:02 minerva volumio[4934]: info: [ROTARYENCODER2] getI18nString("DOTS"):... May 12 11:49:02 minerva volumio[4934]: info: [ROTARYENCODER2] getI18nString("DOTS"):... May 12 11:49:02 minerva volumio[4934]: info: [ROTARYENCODER2] getI18nString("DOTS"):... May 12 11:49:02 minerva volumio[4934]: info: [ROTARYENCODER2] getI18nString("DOTS"):... May 12 11:49:12 minerva volumio[4934]: info: CALLMETHOD: system_hardware rotaryencoder2 updateEncoder [object Object] May 12 11:49:12 minerva volumio[4934]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: rotaryencoder2 , updateEncoder May 12 11:49:12 minerva volumio[4934]: info: [ROTARYENCODER2] updateEncoder: Rotary2 with:{"enabled1":true,"rotaryType1":{"value":2,"label":"1/2"},"pinA1":15,"pinB1":23,"dialAction1":{"value":2,"label":"Titel vor/zurück"},"socketCmdCCW1":"","socketDataCCW1":"","socketCmdCW1":"","socketDataCW1":"","pinPush1":13,"pinPushDebounce1":10,"pushState1":true,"pushAction1":{"value":10,"label":"Stumm an/aus"},"socketCmdPush1":"","socketDataPush1":"","longPushAction1":{"value":13,"label":"Websocket Nachricht senden"},"socketCmdLongPush1":"listPlaylist","socketDataLongPush1":"","delayLongPush1":"1500","doublePushAction1":{"value":3,"label":"Pause an/aus"},"socketCmdDoublePush1":"","socketDataDoublePush1":"","delayDoublePush1":"700"} May 12 11:49:12 minerva volumio[4934]: info: [ROTARYENCODER2] sanityCheckSettings: Rotary2 for:{"enabled1":true,"rotaryType1":{"value":2,"label":"1/2"},"pinA1":15,"pinB1":23,"dialAction1":{"value":2,"label":"Titel vor/zurück"},"socketCmdCCW1":"","socketDataCCW1":"","socketCmdCW1":"","socketDataCW1":"","pinPush1":13,"pinPushDebounce1":10,"pushState1":true,"pushAction1":{"value":10,"label":"Stumm an/aus"},"socketCmdPush1":"","socketDataPush1":"","longPushAction1":{"value":13,"label":"Websocket Nachricht senden"},"socketCmdLongPush1":"listPlaylist","socketDataLongPush1":"","delayLongPush1":"1500","doublePushAction1":{"value":3,"label":"Pause an/aus"},"socketCmdDoublePush1":"","socketDataDoublePush1":"","delayDoublePush1":"700"} May 12 11:49:12 minerva volumio[4934]: info: [ROTARYENCODER2] sanityCheckSettings: allPins:16,12,6,15,23,13 May 12 11:49:12 minerva volumio[4934]: info: [ROTARYENCODER2] deactivateRotaries: 1,2,3 May 12 11:49:12 minerva volumio[4934]: info: [ROTARYENCODER2] deactivateRotaries: 2,3 May 12 11:49:12 minerva volumio[4934]: info: [ROTARYENCODER2] deactivateRotaries: 3 May 12 11:49:12 minerva volumio[4934]: info: [ROTARYENCODER2] deactivateRotaries: May 12 11:49:12 minerva volumio[4934]: info: [ROTARYENCODER2] deactivateRotaries: end of recursion. May 12 11:49:12 minerva volumio[4934]: info: [ROTARYENCODER2] detachListener: null May 12 11:49:12 minerva volumio[4934]: info: [ROTARYENCODER2] detachListener: no handler process to kill May 12 11:49:12 minerva volumio[4934]: info: [ROTARYENCODER2] checkOverlayExists: Checking for existing overlays for Rotary: 2 May 12 11:49:12 minerva sudo[5325]: volumio : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/dtoverlay -l May 12 11:49:12 minerva sudo[5325]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0) May 12 11:49:12 minerva sudo[5325]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root May 12 11:49:12 minerva volumio[4934]: info: [ROTARYENCODER2] checkOverlayExists: check pinA=15pinB=23 in Overlays (in load order): May 12 11:49:12 minerva volumio[4934]: 0: rotary-encoder pin_a=16 pin_b=12 relative_axis=true steps-per-period=2 May 12 11:49:12 minerva volumio[4934]: 1: rotary-encoder pin_a=15 pin_b=23 relative_axis=true steps-per-period=2 May 12 11:49:12 minerva volumio[4934]: info: [ROTARYENCODER2] checkOverlayExists: rotary 2uses overlay 1 May 12 11:49:12 minerva volumio[4934]: info: [ROTARYENCODER2] removeOverlay: 1 May 12 11:49:12 minerva sudo[5328]: volumio : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/dtoverlay -r 1 May 12 11:49:12 minerva sudo[5328]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0) May 12 11:49:12 minerva sudo[5328]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root May 12 11:49:12 minerva volumio[4934]: info: [ROTARYENCODER2] removeOverlay: 1 returned: May 12 11:49:12 minerva sudo[5339]: volumio : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/dtoverlay -l May 12 11:49:12 minerva sudo[5339]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0) May 12 11:49:12 minerva sudo[5339]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root May 12 11:49:12 minerva volumio[4934]: info: [ROTARYENCODER2] removeOverlay: "overlay -l" returned: Overlays (in load order): May 12 11:49:12 minerva volumio[4934]: 0: rotary-encoder pin_a=16 pin_b=12 relative_axis=true steps-per-period=2 May 12 11:49:12 minerva volumio[4934]: info: [ROTARYENCODER2] deactivateRotaries: deactivated rotary2 May 12 11:49:12 minerva volumio[4934]: info: [ROTARYENCODER2] detachListener: null May 12 11:49:12 minerva volumio[4934]: info: [ROTARYENCODER2] detachListener: no handler process to kill May 12 11:49:12 minerva volumio[4934]: info: [ROTARYENCODER2] checkOverlayExists: Checking for existing overlays for Rotary: 1 May 12 11:49:12 minerva sudo[5342]: volumio : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/dtoverlay -l May 12 11:49:12 minerva sudo[5342]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0) May 12 11:49:12 minerva sudo[5342]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root May 12 11:49:12 minerva volumio[4934]: info: [ROTARYENCODER2] checkOverlayExists: check pinA=16pinB=12 in Overlays (in load order): May 12 11:49:12 minerva volumio[4934]: 0: rotary-encoder pin_a=16 pin_b=12 relative_axis=true steps-per-period=2 May 12 11:49:12 minerva volumio[4934]: info: [ROTARYENCODER2] checkOverlayExists: rotary 1uses overlay 0 May 12 11:49:12 minerva volumio[4934]: info: [ROTARYENCODER2] removeOverlay: 0 May 12 11:49:12 minerva sudo[5345]: volumio : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/dtoverlay -r 0 May 12 11:49:12 minerva sudo[5345]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0) May 12 11:49:12 minerva sudo[5345]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root May 12 11:49:12 minerva volumio[4934]: info: [ROTARYENCODER2] removeOverlay: 0 returned: May 12 11:49:12 minerva sudo[5354]: volumio : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/dtoverlay -l May 12 11:49:12 minerva sudo[5354]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0) May 12 11:49:12 minerva sudo[5354]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root May 12 11:49:12 minerva volumio[4934]: info: [ROTARYENCODER2] removeOverlay: "overlay -l" returned: No overlays loaded May 12 11:49:12 minerva volumio[4934]: info: [ROTARYENCODER2] deactivateRotaries: deactivated rotary1 May 12 11:49:12 minerva volumio[4934]: info: [ROTARYENCODER2] deactivateButtons: 1,2,3 May 12 11:49:12 minerva volumio[4934]: info: [ROTARYENCODER2] deactivateButtons: 2,3 May 12 11:49:12 minerva volumio[4934]: info: [ROTARYENCODER2] deactivateButtons: 3 May 12 11:49:12 minerva volumio[4934]: info: [ROTARYENCODER2] deactivateButtons: May 12 11:49:12 minerva volumio[4934]: info: [ROTARYENCODER2] deactivateButtons: end of recursion. May 12 11:49:12 minerva volumio[4934]: info: [ROTARYENCODER2] deactivateButtons: button 3 is not configured. May 12 11:49:12 minerva volumio[4934]: info: [ROTARYENCODER2] deactivateButtons: deactivated button 2.([object Object]) May 12 11:49:12 minerva volumio[4934]: info: [ROTARYENCODER2] deactivateButtons: deactivated button 1.([object Object]) May 12 11:49:12 minerva volumio[4934]: info: [ROTARYENCODER2] updateEncoder: Changing Encoder 2 Settings to new values May 12 11:49:12 minerva volumio[4934]: info: [ROTARYENCODER2] activateRotaries: 1,2,3 May 12 11:49:12 minerva volumio[4934]: info: [ROTARYENCODER2] activateRotaries: 1,2 May 12 11:49:12 minerva volumio[4934]: info: [ROTARYENCODER2] activateRotaries: 1 May 12 11:49:12 minerva volumio[4934]: info: [ROTARYENCODER2] activateRotaries: May 12 11:49:12 minerva volumio[4934]: info: [ROTARYENCODER2] activateRotaries: end of recursion. May 12 11:49:12 minerva volumio[4934]: info: [ROTARYENCODER2] addOverlay: 16 12 2 May 12 11:49:12 minerva sudo[5357]: volumio : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/dtoverlay rotary-encoder pin_a=16 pin_b=12 relative_axis=true steps-per-period=2 May 12 11:49:12 minerva sudo[5357]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0) May 12 11:49:12 minerva kernel: rotary-encoder rotary@10: gray May 12 11:49:12 minerva kernel: input: rotary@10 as /devices/platform/rotary@10/input/input13 May 12 11:49:12 minerva sudo[5357]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root May 12 11:49:13 minerva volumio[4934]: info: /dev/input: May 12 11:49:13 minerva volumio[4934]: by-path May 12 11:49:13 minerva volumio[4934]: event0 May 12 11:49:13 minerva volumio[4934]: event1 May 12 11:49:13 minerva volumio[4934]: mice May 12 11:49:13 minerva volumio[4934]: mouse0 May 12 11:49:13 minerva volumio[4934]: /dev/input/by-path: May 12 11:49:13 minerva volumio[4934]: platform-3f204000.spi-event May 12 11:49:13 minerva systemd-udevd[5333]: Process '/usr/sbin/th-cmd --socket /var/run/thd.socket --passfd --udev' failed with exit code 1. May 12 11:49:14 minerva volumio[4934]: info: [ROTARYENCODER2] attachListener: /dev/input/by-path/platform-rotary@10-event May 12 11:49:14 minerva volumio[4934]: info: [ROTARYENCODER2] addEventHandle for rotary: 1 May 12 11:49:14 minerva volumio[4934]: info: [ROTARYENCODER2] addOverlay: 15 23 2 May 12 11:49:14 minerva sudo[5373]: volumio : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/dtoverlay rotary-encoder pin_a=15 pin_b=23 relative_axis=true steps-per-period=2 May 12 11:49:14 minerva sudo[5373]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0) May 12 11:49:14 minerva kernel: rotary-encoder rotary@f: gray May 12 11:49:14 minerva kernel: input: rotary@f as /devices/platform/rotary@f/input/input14 May 12 11:49:14 minerva sudo[5373]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root May 12 11:49:14 minerva volumio[4934]: info: /dev/input: May 12 11:49:14 minerva volumio[4934]: by-path May 12 11:49:14 minerva volumio[4934]: event0 May 12 11:49:14 minerva volumio[4934]: event1 May 12 11:49:14 minerva volumio[4934]: event2 May 12 11:49:14 minerva volumio[4934]: mice May 12 11:49:14 minerva volumio[4934]: mouse0 May 12 11:49:14 minerva volumio[4934]: /dev/input/by-path: May 12 11:49:14 minerva volumio[4934]: platform-3f204000.spi-event May 12 11:49:14 minerva volumio[4934]: platform-rotary@10-event May 12 11:49:14 minerva systemd-udevd[5333]: Process '/usr/sbin/th-cmd --socket /var/run/thd.socket --passfd --udev' failed with exit code 1. May 12 11:49:15 minerva volumio[4934]: info: [ROTARYENCODER2] attachListener: /dev/input/by-path/platform-rotary@f-event May 12 11:49:15 minerva volumio[4934]: info: [ROTARYENCODER2] addEventHandle for rotary: 2 May 12 11:49:15 minerva volumio[4934]: info: [ROTARYENCODER2] activateButtons: 1,2,3 May 12 11:49:15 minerva volumio[4934]: info: [ROTARYENCODER2] activateButtons: 1,2 May 12 11:49:15 minerva volumio[4934]: info: [ROTARYENCODER2] activateButtons: 1 May 12 11:49:15 minerva volumio[4934]: info: [ROTARYENCODER2] activateButtons: May 12 11:49:15 minerva volumio[4934]: info: [ROTARYENCODER2] activateButtons: end of recursion. May 12 11:49:15 minerva volumio[4934]: info: [ROTARYENCODER2] activateButtons: Now assign push button: 1, debounce: 10 May 12 11:49:15 minerva volumio[4934]: info: [ROTARYENCODER2] Push Button 1 now resolving. May 12 11:49:15 minerva volumio[4934]: info: [ROTARYENCODER2] activateButtons: Now assign push button: 2, debounce: 10 May 12 11:49:15 minerva volumio[4934]: info: [ROTARYENCODER2] Push Button 2 now resolving. May 12 11:49:15 minerva volumio[4934]: info: [ROTARYENCODER2] getI18nString("TOAST_SAVE_SUCCESS"):Speichern erfolgreich May 12 11:49:15 minerva volumio[4934]: info: [ROTARYENCODER2] getI18nString("TOAST_MSG_SAVE"):Einstellungen für Drehgeber May 12 11:49:15 minerva volumio[4934]: info: [ROTARYENCODER2] updateEncoder: SUCCESS with Toast: Speichern erfolgreich Einstellungen für Drehgeber 2 May 12 11:49:15 minerva volumio[4934]: info: [ROTARYENCODER2] getI18nString("TOAST_SAVE_SUCCESS"):Speichern erfolgreich May 12 11:49:15 minerva volumio[4934]: info: [ROTARYENCODER2] getI18nString("TOAST_MSG_SAVE"):Einstellungen für Drehgeber May 12 11:49:22 minerva volumio[4934]: info: CALLMETHOD: system_controller system enableLiveLog true May 12 11:49:22 minerva volumio[4934]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: system , enableLiveLog May 12 11:49:22 minerva volumio[4934]: info: Launching a new LiveLog session May 12 11:49:33 minerva volumio[4934]: info: [ROTARYENCODER2] Push Button 2 pressed. May 12 11:49:33 minerva volumio[4934]: info: [ROTARYENCODER2] Push Button 2 starting timers. May 12 11:49:34 minerva volumio[4934]: info: [ROTARYENCODER2] Push Button 2 doublepush timer elapsed. (true, 1) May 12 11:49:35 minerva volumio[4934]: info: [ROTARYENCODER2] Push Button 2 longpush timer elapsed. (true, 1) May 12 11:49:35 minerva volumio[4934]: info: [ROTARYENCODER2] Push Button 2 sending long push command. May 12 11:49:35 minerva volumio[4934]: |||||||||||||||||||||||| WARNING: FATAL ERROR ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| May 12 11:49:35 minerva volumio[4934]: SyntaxError: Unexpected end of JSON input May 12 11:49:35 minerva volumio[4934]: at JSON.parse () May 12 11:49:35 minerva volumio[4934]: at rotaryencoder2.emitPushCommand (/data/plugins/system_hardware/rotaryencoder2/index.js:751:17) May 12 11:49:35 minerva volumio[4934]: at Timeout._onTimeout (/data/plugins/system_hardware/rotaryencoder2/index.js:553:18) May 12 11:49:35 minerva volumio[4934]: at listOnTimeout (internal/timers.js:554:17) May 12 11:49:35 minerva volumio[4934]: at processTimers (internal/timers.js:497:7) May 12 11:49:35 minerva volumio[4934]: ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| May 12 11:49:35 minerva sudo[5461]: volumio : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/journalctl --since=2024-05-12 11:48 May 12 11:49:35 minerva sudo[5461]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0) PRETTY_NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)" NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux" VERSION_ID="10" VERSION="10 (buster)" VERSION_CODENAME=buster ID=raspbian ID_LIKE=debian HOME_URL="http://www.raspbian.org/" SUPPORT_URL="http://www.raspbian.org/RaspbianForums" BUG_REPORT_URL="http://www.raspbian.org/RaspbianBugs" VOLUMIO_BUILD_VERSION="e7445fab547cd22e23d9bef72406cfb610bc1d7d" VOLUMIO_FE_VERSION="5d5e99f8f803b3ec5fc5e8ca13bb4023600f3eee" VOLUMIO_FE3_VERSION="a6ae210575eae1ff43f06ab71e1cd17576840623" VOLUMIO_BE_VERSION="a9e1e1dd6072ffb15c0fcb8938d9ea0d8900c0da" VOLUMIO_ARCH="arm" VOLUMIO_VARIANT="volumio" VOLUMIO_TEST="FALSE" VOLUMIO_BUILD_DATE="Wed 24 Apr 2024 02:10:14 PM CEST" VOLUMIO_VERSION="3.661" VOLUMIO_HARDWARE="pi" VOLUMIO_DEVICENAME="Raspberry Pi" VOLUMIO_HASH="5bdefd4af4423fd17aacb83a8538bf1f"