-- Logs begin at Wed 2024-07-03 20:52:15 UTC, end at Fri 2024-07-05 23:37:19 UTC. -- Jul 05 23:36:03 network wpa_supplicant[1020]: wlan0: Failed to initiate sched scan Jul 05 23:36:09 network wpa_supplicant[1020]: wlan0: Failed to initiate sched scan Jul 05 23:36:13 network volumio[1271]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetState Jul 05 23:36:13 network volumio[1271]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 2 Jul 05 23:36:13 network volumio[1271]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: wizard , getShowWizard Jul 05 23:36:13 network volumio[1271]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: system , getShowWizard Jul 05 23:36:14 network volumio[1271]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetState Jul 05 23:36:14 network volumio[1271]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 2 Jul 05 23:36:14 network volumio[1271]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: multiroom , getMultiroom Jul 05 23:36:14 network volumio[1271]: info: Listing playlists Jul 05 23:36:14 network volumio[1271]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetVisibleSources Jul 05 23:36:14 network volumio[1271]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: my_music , getDisabledSources Jul 05 23:36:14 network volumio[1271]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetQueue Jul 05 23:36:14 network volumio[1271]: info: CoreStateMachine::getQueue Jul 05 23:36:14 network volumio[1271]: info: CorePlayQueue::getQueue Jul 05 23:36:15 network wpa_supplicant[1020]: wlan0: Failed to initiate sched scan Jul 05 23:36:20 network wpa_supplicant[1020]: wlan0: Failed to initiate sched scan Jul 05 23:36:26 network wpa_supplicant[1020]: wlan0: Failed to initiate sched scan Jul 05 23:36:26 network volumio[1271]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: system , getSystemInfo Jul 05 23:36:26 network volumio[1271]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , getThisDevice Jul 05 23:36:26 network volumio[1271]: info: Discovery: Getting this device information Jul 05 23:36:26 network volumio[1271]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetState Jul 05 23:36:26 network volumio[1271]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 2 Jul 05 23:36:26 network volumio[1271]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: network , getCachedPAddresses Jul 05 23:36:26 network volumio[1271]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: system , getConf Jul 05 23:36:26 network volumio[1271]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: system , getConf Jul 05 23:36:31 network wpa_supplicant[1020]: wlan0: Failed to initiate sched scan Jul 05 23:36:37 network wpa_supplicant[1020]: wlan0: Failed to initiate sched scan Jul 05 23:36:42 network wpa_supplicant[1020]: wlan0: Failed to initiate sched scan Jul 05 23:36:48 network wpa_supplicant[1020]: wlan0: Failed to initiate sched scan Jul 05 23:36:53 network wpa_supplicant[1020]: wlan0: Failed to initiate sched scan Jul 05 23:36:59 network wpa_supplicant[1020]: wlan0: Failed to initiate sched scan Jul 05 23:37:04 network wpa_supplicant[1020]: wlan0: Failed to initiate sched scan Jul 05 23:37:09 network volumio[1271]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: mpd , handleBrowseUri Jul 05 23:37:09 network volumio[1271]: info: CURURI: playlists/데모 Jul 05 23:37:09 network volumio[1271]: An internal error occurred while serving an albumart. Details: Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, stat '/data/albumart/web/Julie%20London/The%20Very%20Best%20of%20Julie%20London%20(Disc%201)/7ef8bc58-df05-4bd2-88c6-cf94f5b3a9ac.png' Jul 05 23:37:09 network volumio[1271]: An internal error occurred while serving an albumart. Details: Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, stat '/data/albumart/web/Julie%20London/The%20Very%20Best%20of%20Julie%20London%20(Disc%202)/4d779afd-f4ac-4b17-bf02-905507f33569.png' Jul 05 23:37:10 network wpa_supplicant[1020]: wlan0: Failed to initiate sched scan Jul 05 23:37:15 network wpa_supplicant[1020]: wlan0: Failed to initiate sched scan Jul 05 23:37:18 network volumio[1271]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioReplaceandPlayItems Jul 05 23:37:18 network volumio[1271]: info: CoreStateMachine::ClearQueue Jul 05 23:37:18 network volumio[1271]: info: CoreStateMachine::stop Jul 05 23:37:18 network volumio[1271]: info: CoreStateMachine::setConsumeUpdateService undefined Jul 05 23:37:18 network volumio[1271]: verbose: UNSET VOLATILE Jul 05 23:37:18 network volumio[1271]: info: CoreStateMachine::stPlaybackTimer Jul 05 23:37:18 network volumio[1271]: info: CoreStateMachine::updateTrackBlock Jul 05 23:37:18 network volumio[1271]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrackBlock Jul 05 23:37:18 network volumio[1271]: info: CoreStateMachine::pushState Jul 05 23:37:18 network volumio[1271]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 2 Jul 05 23:37:18 network volumio[1271]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState Jul 05 23:37:18 network volumio[1271]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo Jul 05 23:37:18 network volumio[1271]: info: CoreStateMachine::serviceStop Jul 05 23:37:18 network volumio[1271]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 2 Jul 05 23:37:18 network volumio[1271]: info: CoreCommandRouter::serviceStop Jul 05 23:37:18 network volumio[1271]: info: ControllerMpd::stop Jul 05 23:37:18 network volumio[1271]: verbose: ControllerMpd::sendMpdCommand stop Jul 05 23:37:18 network volumio[1271]: info: CorePlayQueue::clearPlayQueue Jul 05 23:37:18 network volumio[1271]: info: CorePlayQueue::saveQueue Jul 05 23:37:18 network volumio[1271]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState Jul 05 23:37:18 network volumio[1271]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo Jul 05 23:37:18 network volumio[1271]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushQueue Jul 05 23:37:18 network volumio[1271]: info: CoreStateMachine::addQueueItems Jul 05 23:37:18 network volumio[1271]: info: CorePlayQueue::addQueueItems Jul 05 23:37:18 network volumio[1271]: info: Adding Item to queue: cue://USB/source 4/이지 리스닝/James Last & His Orchestra -/James Last & His Orchestra - James Last_ The Best Of, Lonely Shepherd.cue@0 Jul 05 23:37:18 network volumio[1271]: info: Exploding uri cue://USB/source 4/이지 리스닝/James Last & His Orchestra -/James Last & His Orchestra - James Last_ The Best Of, Lonely Shepherd.cue@0 in service mpd Jul 05 23:37:18 network volumio[1271]: |||||||||||||||||||||||| WARNING: FATAL ERROR ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Jul 05 23:37:18 network volumio[1271]: Error: file /mnt/USB/source 4/이지 리스닝/James Last & His Orchestra -/James Last & His Orchestra - James Last_ The Best Of, Lonely Shepherd.cue does not exist Jul 05 23:37:18 network volumio[1271]: at Object.parse (/volumio/node_modules/cue-parser/lib/cue.js:37:15) Jul 05 23:37:18 network volumio[1271]: at ControllerMpd.explodeUri (/volumio/app/plugins/music_service/mpd/index.js:1876:27) Jul 05 23:37:18 network volumio[1271]: at CoreCommandRouter.explodeUriFromService (/volumio/app/index.js:1283:16) Jul 05 23:37:18 network volumio[1271]: at CorePlayQueue.addQueueItems (/volumio/app/playqueue.js:144:48) Jul 05 23:37:18 network volumio[1271]: at CoreStateMachine.addQueueItems (/volumio/app/statemachine.js:238:25) Jul 05 23:37:18 network volumio[1271]: at CoreCommandRouter.replaceAndPlay (/volumio/app/index.js:476:23) Jul 05 23:37:18 network volumio[1271]: at CoreCommandRouter.playItemsList (/volumio/app/index.js:452:17) Jul 05 23:37:18 network volumio[1271]: at Socket. (/volumio/app/plugins/user_interface/websocket/index.js:106:35) Jul 05 23:37:18 network volumio[1271]: at emitTwo (events.js:126:13) Jul 05 23:37:18 network volumio[1271]: at Socket.emit (events.js:214:7) Jul 05 23:37:18 network volumio[1271]: at /volumio/node_modules/socket.io/lib/socket.js:503:12 Jul 05 23:37:18 network volumio[1271]: at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:131:7) Jul 05 23:37:18 network volumio[1271]: at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:180:9) Jul 05 23:37:18 network volumio[1271]: ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Jul 05 23:37:19 network sudo[1603]: volumio : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/journalctl --since=2024-07-05 23:36 Jul 05 23:37:19 network sudo[1603]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0) PRETTY_NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux 8 (jessie)" NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux" VERSION_ID="8" VERSION="8 (jessie)" ID=raspbian ID_LIKE=debian HOME_URL="http://www.raspbian.org/" SUPPORT_URL="http://www.raspbian.org/RaspbianForums" BUG_REPORT_URL="http://www.raspbian.org/RaspbianBugs" VOLUMIO_BUILD_VERSION="dd2a4339faaeb892c7f467e7dc8d424aefb0bd03" VOLUMIO_FE_VERSION="958dedc0edff114f244fa9acc70cf53089d9e5ae" VOLUMIO_BE_VERSION="fd3e37ffec12db034ec93f94dbc26e5495d5b91a" VOLUMIO_ARCH="arm" VOLUMIO_VARIANT="volumio" VOLUMIO_TEST="FALSE" VOLUMIO_BUILD_DATE="Wed Oct 6 12:34:49 CEST 2021" VOLUMIO_VERSION="2.917" VOLUMIO_HARDWARE="pi" VOLUMIO_HASH="98c8f08c531a6f0456f17ab17795e35f"