-- Logs begin at Thu 2019-02-14 04:11:59 CST, end at Fri 2024-05-10 10:48:23 CDT. -- May 10 10:48:13 volumio ntpd[662]: receive: Unexpected origin timestamp 0xe91a5b7a.6fdb382b does not match aorg 0000000000.00000000 from server@ xmt 0xe9e8c03d.9b188c7c May 10 10:48:13 volumio systemd[1]: Starting Daily apt download activities... May 10 10:48:13 volumio volumio[848]: info: Discovery: A device disappeared from network May 10 10:48:13 volumio volumio[848]: info: Discovery: Browse raised the following error TypeError: Cannot read property 'toLowerCase' of undefined May 10 10:48:13 volumio volumio[848]: info: Discovery: Browse raised the following error Error: getaddrinfo -3007 May 10 10:48:14 volumio systemd[1]: apt-daily.service: Succeeded. May 10 10:48:14 volumio systemd[1]: Started Daily apt download activities. May 10 10:48:14 volumio systemd[1]: Starting Daily apt upgrade and clean activities... May 10 10:48:15 volumio volumio[848]: info: Initializing connection to go-librespot Websocket May 10 10:48:15 volumio volumio[848]: info: Error connecting to go-librespot Websocket: Error: connect ECONNREFUSED May 10 10:48:15 volumio systemd[1]: apt-daily-upgrade.service: Succeeded. May 10 10:48:15 volumio systemd[1]: Started Daily apt upgrade and clean activities. May 10 10:48:15 volumio systemd[1]: go-librespot-daemon.service: Service RestartSec=3s expired, scheduling restart. May 10 10:48:15 volumio systemd[1]: go-librespot-daemon.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 15. May 10 10:48:15 volumio systemd[1]: Stopped go-librespot Daemon. May 10 10:48:15 volumio systemd[1]: Started go-librespot Daemon. May 10 10:48:15 volumio go-librespot[1302]: Librespot-go daemon starting... May 10 10:48:15 volumio go-librespot[1302]: time="2024-05-10T10:48:15-05:00" level=info msg="generated new device id: bd62a1bad51fa91c2a81cc057cc140dfc4ca137d" May 10 10:48:16 volumio go-librespot[1302]: time="2024-05-10T10:48:16-05:00" level=debug msg="fetched new accesspoints: [ap-guc3.spotify.com:4070 ap-guc3.spotify.com:443 ap-guc3.spotify.com:80 ap-gae2.spotify.com:4070 ap-gew1.spotify.com:443 ap-gew4.spotify.com:80]" May 10 10:48:16 volumio go-librespot[1302]: time="2024-05-10T10:48:16-05:00" level=debug msg="fetched new dealers: [guc3-dealer.spotify.com:443 gae2-dealer.spotify.com:443 gew1-dealer.spotify.com:443 gew4-dealer.spotify.com:443]" May 10 10:48:16 volumio go-librespot[1302]: time="2024-05-10T10:48:16-05:00" level=debug msg="fetched new spclients: [guc3-spclient.spotify.com:443 gae2-spclient.spotify.com:443 gew1-spclient.spotify.com:443 gew4-spclient.spotify.com:443]" May 10 10:48:16 volumio go-librespot[1302]: time="2024-05-10T10:48:16-05:00" level=debug msg="zeroconf server listening on port 35329" May 10 10:48:18 volumio go-librespot[1302]: time="2024-05-10T10:48:18-05:00" level=debug msg="obtained new client token: AACpN028VViZ1Pmx4STCfrDJsIDGyFCtY18bSdDT37UMuNRS5Mx5mLxVnRd5A8O/OOdrNeWwgg/bOMguUI1iALzKeFybVeNDFd13Ov5BbzFNL+P2xZyQQVy8hxTLY97sa433YxmbL+JIMu+WCShxOaqsG4y4VFnIm32WRNfv2dJhj8VWQBeimurM4r0hKJ/1dqmU34BWXye1QC/V67F/LY5wsv/DKFm5xMIe/RnCUzK1ewOPo55BShTSzw==" May 10 10:48:18 volumio volumio[848]: info: Initializing connection to go-librespot Websocket May 10 10:48:18 volumio go-librespot[1302]: time="2024-05-10T10:48:18-05:00" level=debug msg="new websocket client" May 10 10:48:18 volumio volumio[848]: info: Connection to go-librespot Websocket established May 10 10:48:18 volumio go-librespot[1302]: time="2024-05-10T10:48:18-05:00" level=debug msg="completed keyexchange" May 10 10:48:18 volumio go-librespot[1302]: time="2024-05-10T10:48:18-05:00" level=debug msg="completed challenge" May 10 10:48:18 volumio go-librespot[1302]: time="2024-05-10T10:48:18-05:00" level=debug msg="authenticated as josejmc-mx" May 10 10:48:18 volumio go-librespot[1302]: time="2024-05-10T10:48:18-05:00" level=debug msg="authenticated as josejmc-mx" May 10 10:48:19 volumio go-librespot[1302]: time="2024-05-10T10:48:19-05:00" level=debug msg="dealer connection opened" May 10 10:48:19 volumio go-librespot[1302]: time="2024-05-10T10:48:19-05:00" level=info msg="accepted zeroconf user josejmc-mx from Nokia" May 10 10:48:19 volumio go-librespot[1302]: time="2024-05-10T10:48:19-05:00" level=debug msg="skipping packet PacketTypeSecretBlock, len: 336" May 10 10:48:19 volumio go-librespot[1302]: time="2024-05-10T10:48:19-05:00" level=debug msg="skipping packet PacketTypeLicenseVersion, len: 2" May 10 10:48:19 volumio go-librespot[1302]: time="2024-05-10T10:48:19-05:00" level=debug msg="skipping packet PacketTypeUnknown1f, len: 17" May 10 10:48:19 volumio go-librespot[1302]: time="2024-05-10T10:48:19-05:00" level=debug msg="skipping packet PacketTypeLegacyWelcome, len: 0" May 10 10:48:19 volumio go-librespot[1302]: time="2024-05-10T10:48:19-05:00" level=debug msg="skipping packet PacketTypeMercuryEvent, len: 513" May 10 10:48:19 volumio go-librespot[1302]: time="2024-05-10T10:48:19-05:00" level=debug msg="received connection id: OTQ4MDRjMWYtNGQ1YS00YTlkLWE4M2YtZDIwZjIxNWIyY2NlK2RlYWxlcit0Y3A6Ly9ndWMzLWRlYWxlci1hLXhsenguZ3VjMy5zcG90aWZ5Lm5ldDo1NzAwK0I3QTA1MjcyMUU5ODQ0OTJGQ0YxM0JBODgxNzFDRjQ1QjhCQ0RFNUJDM0I1NjI1RERENDZEQjk4RjVERkIzMkE=" May 10 10:48:19 volumio go-librespot[1302]: time="2024-05-10T10:48:19-05:00" level=debug msg="put connect state because NEW_DEVICE" May 10 10:48:19 volumio volumio[848]: info: [MyVolumio PluginManager] Adding plugin bluetooth to plan premium May 10 10:48:19 volumio volumio[848]: info: [MyVolumio PluginManager] Adding plugin multiroom to plan premium May 10 10:48:19 volumio volumio[848]: info: [MyVolumio PluginManager] Adding plugin metavolumio to plan premium May 10 10:48:19 volumio volumio[848]: info: [MyVolumio PluginManager] Adding plugin manifestui to plan premium May 10 10:48:19 volumio volumio[848]: info: [MyVolumio PluginManager] Adding plugin cd_controller to plan premium May 10 10:48:19 volumio volumio[848]: info: [MyVolumio PluginManager] Adding plugin smart_inputs to plan premium May 10 10:48:19 volumio volumio[848]: info: [MyVolumio PluginManager] Adding plugin hi_res_audio to plan premium May 10 10:48:19 volumio volumio[848]: info: [MyVolumio PluginManager] Adding plugin tidal to plan premium May 10 10:48:19 volumio volumio[848]: info: [MyVolumio PluginManager] Adding plugin qobuz to plan premium May 10 10:48:19 volumio volumio[848]: info: [MyVolumio PluginManager] Adding plugin tidalconnect to plan premium May 10 10:48:19 volumio volumio[848]: info: [MyVolumio PluginManager] Adding plugin bluetooth to plan superstar May 10 10:48:19 volumio volumio[848]: info: [MyVolumio PluginManager] Adding plugin multiroom to plan superstar May 10 10:48:19 volumio volumio[848]: info: [MyVolumio PluginManager] Adding plugin metavolumio to plan superstar May 10 10:48:19 volumio volumio[848]: info: [MyVolumio PluginManager] Adding plugin manifestui to plan superstar May 10 10:48:19 volumio volumio[848]: info: [MyVolumio PluginManager] Adding plugin cd_controller to plan superstar May 10 10:48:19 volumio volumio[848]: info: [MyVolumio PluginManager] Adding plugin smart_inputs to plan superstar May 10 10:48:19 volumio volumio[848]: info: [MyVolumio PluginManager] Adding plugin hi_res_audio to plan superstar May 10 10:48:19 volumio volumio[848]: info: [MyVolumio PluginManager] Adding plugin tidal to plan superstar May 10 10:48:19 volumio volumio[848]: info: [MyVolumio PluginManager] Adding plugin qobuz to plan superstar May 10 10:48:19 volumio volumio[848]: info: [MyVolumio PluginManager] Adding plugin tidalconnect to plan superstar May 10 10:48:19 volumio volumio[848]: info: [MyVolumio PluginManager] Adding plugin bluetooth to plan virtuoso May 10 10:48:19 volumio volumio[848]: info: [MyVolumio PluginManager] Adding plugin manifestui to plan virtuoso May 10 10:48:19 volumio volumio[848]: info: [MyVolumio PluginManager] Adding plugin cd_controller to plan virtuoso May 10 10:48:19 volumio volumio[848]: info: [MyVolumio PluginManager] Adding plugin tidal to plan virtuoso May 10 10:48:19 volumio volumio[848]: info: [MyVolumio PluginManager] Adding plugin qobuz to plan virtuoso May 10 10:48:19 volumio volumio[848]: info: [MyVolumio PluginManager] Adding plugin tidalconnect to plan virtuoso May 10 10:48:19 volumio volumio[848]: info: Adding plugin bluetooth to MyMusic Plugins May 10 10:48:19 volumio volumio[848]: info: Adding plugin multiroom to MyMusic Plugins May 10 10:48:19 volumio volumio[848]: info: Adding plugin metavolumio to MyMusic Plugins May 10 10:48:19 volumio volumio[848]: info: Adding plugin cd_controller to MyMusic Plugins May 10 10:48:19 volumio volumio[848]: info: Adding plugin smart_inputs to MyMusic Plugins May 10 10:48:19 volumio volumio[848]: info: Adding plugin tidalconnect to MyMusic Plugins May 10 10:48:19 volumio volumio[848]: info: [MyVolumio PluginManager] Loading plugin "my_volumio"... May 10 10:48:19 volumio go-librespot[1302]: time="2024-05-10T10:48:19-05:00" level=debug msg="handling transfer player command from 6dba48e05a9fe5ff2839629db4e004e338484e09" May 10 10:48:19 volumio go-librespot[1302]: time="2024-05-10T10:48:19-05:00" level=debug msg="loading track spotify:track:2GzOrRCr4yyz2DqcEqTdBS (paused: true, position: 643ms)" May 10 10:48:19 volumio go-librespot[1302]: time="2024-05-10T10:48:19-05:00" level=debug msg="skipping packet PacketTypeMercuryEvent, len: 241" May 10 10:48:19 volumio go-librespot[1302]: time="2024-05-10T10:48:19-05:00" level=debug msg="skipping packet PacketTypeMercuryEvent, len: 1345" May 10 10:48:19 volumio go-librespot[1302]: time="2024-05-10T10:48:19-05:00" level=debug msg="put connect state because PLAYER_STATE_CHANGED" May 10 10:48:19 volumio go-librespot[1302]: time="2024-05-10T10:48:19-05:00" level=trace msg="emitting websocket event: will_play" May 10 10:48:19 volumio go-librespot[1302]: time="2024-05-10T10:48:19-05:00" level=debug msg="selected format OGG_VORBIS_320 for spotify:track:2GzOrRCr4yyz2DqcEqTdBS" May 10 10:48:19 volumio go-librespot[1302]: time="2024-05-10T10:48:19-05:00" level=debug msg="requested aes key for file 5e44156e28f9646a3215093347e0434abfaf4548, gid: 2GzOrRCr4yyz2DqcEqTdBS" May 10 10:48:20 volumio go-librespot[1302]: time="2024-05-10T10:48:20-05:00" level=debug msg="fetched first chunk of 16, total size is 8070560 bytes" May 10 10:48:20 volumio go-librespot[1302]: time="2024-05-10T10:48:20-05:00" level=trace msg="seek to 643ms (diff: 93ms, samples: 28356, bytes: 18797)" May 10 10:48:20 volumio go-librespot[1302]: time="2024-05-10T10:48:20-05:00" level=info msg="loaded track \"Cielito Lindo\" (uri: spotify:track:2GzOrRCr4yyz2DqcEqTdBS, paused: true, position: 643ms, duration: 221780ms)" May 10 10:48:20 volumio kernel: bcm2835-i2s 3f203000.i2s: I2S SYNC error! May 10 10:48:20 volumio go-librespot[1302]: time="2024-05-10T10:48:20-05:00" level=debug msg="fetched chunk 1/15, size: 524288" May 10 10:48:20 volumio go-librespot[1302]: time="2024-05-10T10:48:20-05:00" level=debug msg="put connect state because PLAYER_STATE_CHANGED" May 10 10:48:20 volumio go-librespot[1302]: time="2024-05-10T10:48:20-05:00" level=trace msg="emitting websocket event: metadata" May 10 10:48:20 volumio go-librespot[1302]: time="2024-05-10T10:48:20-05:00" level=trace msg="emitting websocket event: active" May 10 10:48:20 volumio go-librespot[1302]: time="2024-05-10T10:48:20-05:00" level=debug msg="sending successful reply for delaer request" May 10 10:48:20 volumio go-librespot[1302]: time="2024-05-10T10:48:20-05:00" level=debug msg="fetched chunk 3/15, size: 524288" May 10 10:48:20 volumio go-librespot[1302]: time="2024-05-10T10:48:20-05:00" level=debug msg="put connect state because PLAYER_STATE_CHANGED" May 10 10:48:20 volumio go-librespot[1302]: time="2024-05-10T10:48:20-05:00" level=trace msg="emitting websocket event: paused" May 10 10:48:20 volumio go-librespot[1302]: time="2024-05-10T10:48:20-05:00" level=debug msg="skipping dealer message" uri=social-connect/v2/broadcast_status_update May 10 10:48:20 volumio go-librespot[1302]: time="2024-05-10T10:48:20-05:00" level=debug msg="skipping dealer message" uri=social-connect/v2/session_update May 10 10:48:20 volumio go-librespot[1302]: time="2024-05-10T10:48:20-05:00" level=debug msg="fetched chunk 2/15, size: 524288" May 10 10:48:20 volumio go-librespot[1302]: time="2024-05-10T10:48:20-05:00" level=debug msg="put connect state inactive" May 10 10:48:20 volumio go-librespot[1302]: time="2024-05-10T10:48:20-05:00" level=trace msg="emitting websocket event: inactive" May 10 10:48:20 volumio volumio[848]: info: [MyVolumio PluginManager] MyVolumio plugin successfully loaded May 10 10:48:20 volumio volumio[848]: info: [MyVolumio PluginManager] Starting plugin system_controller.my_volumio May 10 10:48:20 volumio volumio[848]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: system , getConfigParam May 10 10:48:20 volumio volumio[848]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: system , getConfigParam May 10 10:48:20 volumio volumio[848]: info: Starting MyVolumio Remote Streaming Endpoints May 10 10:48:20 volumio volumio[848]: info: MyVolumio login type: Token May 10 10:48:20 volumio volumio[848]: info: [MyVolumio PluginManager] MyVolumio plugin successfully started May 10 10:48:20 volumio volumio[848]: info: [MyVolumio PluginManager] Loading plugin "streaming_services"... May 10 10:48:21 volumio go-librespot[1302]: time="2024-05-10T10:48:21-05:00" level=debug msg="handling resume player command from 6dba48e05a9fe5ff2839629db4e004e338484e09" May 10 10:48:21 volumio go-librespot[1302]: time="2024-05-10T10:48:21-05:00" level=warning msg="failed handling dealer request" error="no stream" May 10 10:48:22 volumio volumio[848]: info: Starting Streaming Service Transparent Proxy May 10 10:48:22 volumio volumio[848]: info: [MyVolumio PluginManager] Streaming Services plugin successfully loaded May 10 10:48:22 volumio volumio[848]: info: [MyVolumio PluginManager] Starting plugin music_service.streaming_services May 10 10:48:22 volumio volumio[848]: info: Streaming services startup May 10 10:48:22 volumio volumio[848]: info: Starting Streaming Daemon May 10 10:48:22 volumio sudo[1322]: volumio : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/systemctl restart volumio-streaming-daemon.service May 10 10:48:22 volumio sudo[1322]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0) May 10 10:48:22 volumio volumio[848]: info: [MyVolumio PluginManager] Streaming Services plugin successfully started May 10 10:48:22 volumio sudo[1322]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root May 10 10:48:22 volumio volumio[848]: info: Getting Spotify volume May 10 10:48:22 volumio volumio[848]: SPOTIFY: received: {"type":"will_play","data":{"uri":"spotify:track:2GzOrRCr4yyz2DqcEqTdBS","play_origin":"playlist"}} May 10 10:48:22 volumio volumio[848]: SPOTIFY: received: {"type":"metadata","data":{"uri":"spotify:track:2GzOrRCr4yyz2DqcEqTdBS","name":"Cielito Lindo","artist_names":["Mariachi Vargas De Tecalitlán"],"album_name":"Lo Mejor De La Música Mexicana","album_cover_url":"https://i.scdn.co/image/ab67616d00001e02b137c49b53abd807a1681da9","position":643,"duration":221780}} May 10 10:48:22 volumio volumio[848]: SPOTIFY: received: {"type":"active","data":null} May 10 10:48:22 volumio volumio[848]: info: Aligning Spotify Volume to Volumio Volume May 10 10:48:22 volumio volumio[848]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetState May 10 10:48:22 volumio volumio[848]: info: CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0 May 10 10:48:22 volumio volumio[848]: SPOTIFY: received: {"type":"paused","data":{"uri":"spotify:track:2GzOrRCr4yyz2DqcEqTdBS","play_origin":"playlist"}} May 10 10:48:22 volumio volumio[848]: |||||||||||||||||||||||| WARNING: FATAL ERROR ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| May 10 10:48:22 volumio volumio[848]: TypeError: Cannot read property 'service' of undefined May 10 10:48:22 volumio volumio[848]: at ControllerSpotify.identifyPlaybackMode (/data/plugins/music_service/spop/index.js:322:50) May 10 10:48:22 volumio volumio[848]: at ControllerSpotify.parseEventState (/data/plugins/music_service/spop/index.js:256:18) May 10 10:48:22 volumio volumio[848]: at WebSocket.message (/data/plugins/music_service/spop/index.js:175:14) May 10 10:48:22 volumio volumio[848]: at WebSocket.emit (events.js:315:20) May 10 10:48:22 volumio volumio[848]: at Receiver.receiverOnMessage (/data/plugins/music_service/spop/node_modules/ws/lib/websocket.js:1192:20) May 10 10:48:22 volumio volumio[848]: at Receiver.emit (events.js:315:20) May 10 10:48:22 volumio volumio[848]: at Receiver.dataMessage (/data/plugins/music_service/spop/node_modules/ws/lib/receiver.js:560:14) May 10 10:48:22 volumio volumio[848]: at Receiver.getData (/data/plugins/music_service/spop/node_modules/ws/lib/receiver.js:478:17) May 10 10:48:22 volumio volumio[848]: at Receiver.startLoop (/data/plugins/music_service/spop/node_modules/ws/lib/receiver.js:167:22) May 10 10:48:22 volumio volumio[848]: at /data/plugins/music_service/spop/node_modules/ws/lib/receiver.js:180:18 May 10 10:48:22 volumio volumio[848]: at internal/process/task_queues.js:149:7 May 10 10:48:22 volumio volumio[848]: at AsyncResource.runInAsyncScope (async_hooks.js:197:9) May 10 10:48:22 volumio volumio[848]: at AsyncResource.runMicrotask (internal/process/task_queues.js:146:8) May 10 10:48:22 volumio volumio[848]: at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:93:5) May 10 10:48:22 volumio volumio[848]: ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| May 10 10:48:23 volumio sudo[1338]: volumio : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/journalctl --since=2024-05-10 10:47 May 10 10:48:23 volumio sudo[1338]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0) PRETTY_NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)" NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux" VERSION_ID="10" VERSION="10 (buster)" VERSION_CODENAME=buster ID=raspbian ID_LIKE=debian HOME_URL="http://www.raspbian.org/" SUPPORT_URL="http://www.raspbian.org/RaspbianForums" BUG_REPORT_URL="http://www.raspbian.org/RaspbianBugs" VOLUMIO_BUILD_VERSION="893d2e91c55a7857b58762e70c2f65b9d163562b" VOLUMIO_FE_VERSION="614d7b13ffdcb0cc5a6072e7d06f59d52e323e71" VOLUMIO_FE3_VERSION="570aaed971c1346d45d1172dc445b086b258c6d1" VOLUMIO_BE_VERSION="30b77d58bf3c2745acc494ddafed946392a79905" VOLUMIO_ARCH="arm" VOLUMIO_VARIANT="volumio" VOLUMIO_TEST="FALSE" VOLUMIO_BUILD_DATE="Fri 20 Oct 2023 03:38:28 PM CEST" VOLUMIO_VERSION="3.569" VOLUMIO_HARDWARE="pi" VOLUMIO_DEVICENAME="Raspberry Pi" VOLUMIO_HASH="4163d3756b55b3bf7c480d7285f68954"